2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I know they have often claimed a plan but strategically they need to have made public assertions to implement a (the) plan immediately upon dissolving ACA. The only way to combat the Dem position is to show, in the written document, where the GOP’s plan does not do the things claimed. I can assure you this aggressiveness by the Dems, like throwing Grandma off the cliff, is effective. There are indeed Seniors fearful of losing insurance as are there individuals with existing preconditions.
Oprah Winfrey cold calling Texas voters in conjunction with Beto's organization! WTF! Does this mean the Dems think Texas is in play?
My recollection is that NJ supported Garland's confirmation, because he viewed him as a moderate, which is what a President should appoint when the other party controls the Senate. Obama did his part by nominating a moderate. Republicans should have honored that by confirming him.

And he wasn't full of ****. Garland wasn't a Ginsburg-style radical. He was a moderate Democratic nominee in the Washington-sense. The problem is that moderate Republican and moderate Democratic nominees aren't moderate in the same ways. A moderate Democratic nominee is one who doesn't offend the Republican donor class and isn't anti-cop but is otherwise liberal. The moderation is on business and law enforcement issues. A moderate Republican nominee is someone who does not offend the Democratic social base as much. It's the difference between Stephen Breyer and Anthony Kennedy. So social conservatives always get screwed even by moderate Democratic nominees.
Maybe all the other terrible deals and policies he enacted negated the goodwill of a moderate pick.
People stood in line for 6 hours to vote in San Antonio yesterday!! They're definitely gung ho about something to do that.
Travis County reported something like 6.8% of registered voters casting ballots yesterday, with about 22K of the ~60K being mail-in ballots. Something like 36K were in person...tells me that lines will be next to non-existent most places for the next few weeks.

Most locations were showing between 900-1100 for the day.

I'll be voting this weekend but will look at the numbers through Friday to determine where I want to go (if I move somewhere on the edges of town to vote).
Wow! If I received a call from Oprah, I'd run out and do anything she said.

While it might not change your voting decision, it gets the message out there that the Big O wants you to vote and, even if she doesn't say who to vote for, since she's partnering with Beto, I think the message is clear. For whatever reason, Oprah carries a lot of weight (pun intended) with bored house wives.

If she calls me, maybe we can work out a little quid pro quo. If she'll promise me a new car, I'll promise to vote for Creepy Joe.
While it might not change your voting decision, it gets the message out there that the Big O wants you to vote and, even if she doesn't say who to vote for, since she's partnering with Beto, I think the message is clear. For whatever reason, Oprah carries a lot of weight (pun intended) with bored house wives.

If she calls me, maybe we can work out a little quid pro quo. If she'll promise me a new car, I'll promise to vote for Creepy Joe.
I'd promise that too, but then I'd vote for Trump anyway (after I got my car).
I never answer any calls from numbers I don't know, so maybe fat oprah has called and I just don't know it. She didn't leave a message, if so.
Joe busted lying again -- he had said “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.” The emails show Hunter introduced his Ukrainian business pals to his then-VP dad.


The House impeached Trump over less than this

"The Obama White House allowed Burisma’s PR firm to participate in a 2015 conference call discussing then-Vice President Joe Biden’s 2015 visit to Ukraine when he forced out a prosecutor with jurisdiction over Burisma ...."

Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.


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