Least favorite states


Another gem from Twitter.

A few thoughts...

1. Florida hates itself
2. Remember not to send Christmas cards to Oklahoma, New Mexico, California and Alaska
3. N Dakota and S Dakota need to get over it

Pretty sure Colorado's hate for Texans is as much or more than their hate for Californians. I've been there a lot in the last few years and every time someone ask's where I'm visiting from I almost always get the eye roll or sigh. One guy actually told me I better not move there because Texans had screwed up enough around there. I said what?
Pretty sure Colorado's hate for Texans is as much or more than their hate for Californians. I've been there a lot in the last few years and every time someone ask's where I'm visiting from I almost always get the eye roll or sigh. One guy actually told me I better not move there because Texans had screwed up enough around there. I said what?

Maybe they were actually New Yorkers or from New Jersey originally, but moved to Colorado because they couldn't take the heat in Texas. Besides, Texans, or atleast the ones I know don't move somewhere and try to changes things like nor'easteners or Californians.
Very interesting find there Dion.

Random comments about some of the results:

Many of those I would have guessed... a few, no
Alaska hates Texans that much, really?
South Carolina hates Ohio? Natural rival I would think is North Carolina...
Florida hates themselves, really?
Calif has always hated Texas
NJ hates everyone?

Well, most everyone I know dis-likes all things NJ... at least I do. I worked for 3 different companies that were HQ in NJ - me & co-workers disliked having to go there for meetings....

Another thought - I used to attend summer camps in Colorado in the 60-70's, mainly attended by kids from Texas. We picked up early on the natives loathed / hated Texans. Later I think the hate for Texans was surpassed by the Calif. people moving there.
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States I've lived in besides Texas, what I picked up on.

South Carolina - hates Yankees (and not just the baseball team)
New York - doesn't really hate anyone, but they view themselves as superior to all others
Maryland - didn't pick up on any disdain for other places. They seem to want to identify more with Pennsylvania than with Virginia though.
Hawaii - hates Californians
Florida - hates newcomer transplants from the upper Eastern Seaboard (NY, NJ, NE, etc.)

Oh yeah, this is the humor board, so here's an often-told funny from Hawaii (since it's sort of related to the topic):

Why did da Portagee stare at the can of orange juice for so long?
Because it said CONCENTRATE.
Taropatch.net - Portagee Jokes
Podagee Jokes

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