
There was a march in Houston. When they crossed Bagby headed to the police station, Herman Short had officers with rifles standing on the 45 overpass and a barricade with guns and dogs on the bridge over Buffalo Bayou. Basically a line in the sand.

Crowd dispersed.

Of course, back then the community had great leaders of principal and honor like MacK Hannah, Johnny Randle, and ethical leaders not out to line there pockets

Heard did somewhat the same thing in the 50s when the Kansas City Mafia (which I think was an extension of the Chicago Mob) tried to move in. The sheriff there called Heard when they were flying in and he had officers meet them at Hobby Airport and escort them around town wherever they went. A different type of show of force. But it worked. The KC mafia did not get a foothold.

As to race riots in the late 50s through the time when other cities across the US were literally on fire, I still say there was none of that in Houston I think you have to go all the way back to the Camp Logan mess in 1917 to find something of note (a time when many people were still riding horses). In my lifetime, the only thing I can think of is Moody Park in the late 1970s which was, in reality, mostly extended drunkenness from Cinco de Mayo that got out of control and involved Hispanics not AAs.
Feds moving in to try and save Portland from itself

The link contains a list - which they are probably going to check twice
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Feds moving in to try and save Portland from itself

The link contains a list - which they are probably going to check twice

The Sherriff is an elected official he doesn't answer to the city so where is he? At some point the president needs to declare Marshall law and meet the rioters with real bullets. More important we need to take out George Soros the same way we took out that general from Iran.
The Sherriff is an elected official he doesn't answer to the city so where is he? At some point the president needs to declare Marshall law and meet the rioters with real bullets. More important we need to take out George Soros the same way we took out that general from Iran.

If I read that correctly, they have been protecting or attempting to protect federal property, but have been waiting for the locals to request aid for the rest of it.
I am sure the sheriff in Seattle sides with Antifa/BLM too. Commies elected him, so...

There are good sheriffs in Washington they are just out in the country.
Amazon now reaping what it sowed
If the NYT covers it, they will say that they just wanted some bread

Again it looks like 80-90% middle class white people doing the looting and rioting. I'll bet that if the Proud Boys showed up to combat the looters, the mayor would order them arrested.
I wonder if they really are moms, or just actors playing moms, like those fake doctors and nurses who just happened to be on the street in scrubs.

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