
Well, like I said, the dirtiest parts of SF are dirtier. Nothing's worse than seeing a grown-*** man taking a crap on the sidewalk, and I've never seen anything like that in Italy. I do see people (and sometimes even women) conspicuously urinating on the side of the Autobahn pretty often. However, urine in grass is nowhere near as gross as crap on a sidewalk.

I have a friend in Northern Italy in a city with a great walking/running trail besides their Alps-fed river. He complains that tourists keeping pooping on the trail. He had to stop walking his dogs there it got so bad. He says the offending-tourists were Chinese. I am not sure what you do about that, except dont go near the area. But that seems a high price to pay. How would you even explain it to your boss, "I cant come into work for the next 3 weeks because I stepped in some possible Chinese poo on the trail behind my house in this somewhat secluded area of northern Italy?"

I know some of you go to China - is this a common thing there too? People just defecate in the outdoors, like its India or something?
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Saw this on another site. This lady thinks she has covid-19 (she lives in Washington state) and is in the high risk category. She is just trying to get tested and can't. Apparently we have a severe shortage of test kits and they only want to use them on people returned from hot spots. The CDC isn't even close to having a handle on this thing.

Further down in the thread someone says testing hot spots are being set up.
Vitamin C helping?


C will boost the natural immune system. The way to do it is megadose with 2000 i.u. of a high quality product every 4 hours. That is the most your body can process (thus more than that is a waste (but not necessarily harmful)). I dont know about this virus, but I can say it helps ward off other illnesses.
You might also pick up a copy of "Yellow River" by I.P. Freely.
Anybody thinking . . . beginning to stockpile food, toiletries, water, medicine, etc. ?
expect gas prices to rise by at least $.12. Fill up today

This sort of thinking is usually what causes the problems in the first place.

I have seen multiple reports that people shouldn't wear masks. People who are infected need to where the masks to keep the germs to themselves. If you aren't infected the mask is that effective.

If you are infected wouldn't it be even more effective to not go out in the first place?

I see people leave the bathrooms without washing more often than I did in the United States. It's nasty.

People coming out of the stalls? Or are people pissing on their hands?
I could see getting quarantined

this is precisely my concern as I have a trip scheduled to depart on Thursday.
It's worse than rolling-up on the last leg of the trip at domicile and getting tagged for the "random" drug test.

"will we get out of Richmond tomorrow???"


Now ... what I've seen elsewhere (but not yet here) ... extremes of response on the issue of CoV-19 (or whatever it is) ...

You've got the media/ilk characterizing this like Greta does the climate ... "mass extinction"

Then you have the other extreme saying "all alarmism, just a virus, just wash your hands." Or (#HisSilentinBengHazi has killed more people than corona virus). One was allegedly a clinic nurse treating corona virus patients ... and besides the normal scrubs, she has a drape over her scrubs, a face shield and a mask. Ah ... "no cause for alarm?" how bout just a bit of concern??? Perhaps something which would mitigate the spread &/or duration of the illness?

sigh sigh.

Is waiting for Greta-time the only thing to move the latter group?

Just "not dying" isn't a standard for me to have elevated concern.

I want to avoid being sick, period. But this thing lies dormant/latent/whatever ... asymptomatic for up to 14 days WHILE the infected person is contagious ... e.g. spreading the virus.

That gets out of hand in a BIG hurry.

Then comes the pressure on the health care INDUSTRY ... not the insurance boondoggle ... but the actual rate being maxed-out at clinics to treat infected folks.

... here's my Eyore prediction: I get my car back (restoration project; 1961 Impala) just prior to attending the Beach Boys concert ... and the Beach Boys cancel because 3 or 4 of 'em have Corona!

or worse ... >>>>I<<<< contract Corona!

"just wash your hands"

Probably will not see the media reminding anyone of this moment anytime soon but back in 2009, Barack Obama waited to declare the H1N1 a national emergency until after millions of Americans were infected with over 1,000 Americans dead. The swine flu was a pandemic by April 2009 but Obama waited 6 months until October to declare it a public health emergency. In addition, despite the fact it was known that the virus was coming into the US from Mexico, he refused to shut the border down.

By way of comparison, President Trump acted within 3 weeks and before there were any deaths in the US.

Well, like I said, the dirtiest parts of SF are dirtier. Nothing's worse than seeing a grown-*** man taking a crap on the sidewalk, and I've never seen anything like that in Italy. I do see people (and sometimes even women) conspicuously urinating on the side of the Autobahn pretty often. However, urine in grass is nowhere near as gross as crap on a sidewalk.

Southern Italy has some real competition these days
The politicians in SF are something of a case study in what not to do if you want a functioning society.
Southern Italy has some real competition these days
The politicians in SF are something of a case study in what not to do if you want a functioning society.

No place in Europe is as stupid about crime as liberal cities in the US are - certainly after these moronic "no prosecution" declarations and bail "reforms." Those are just rank idiocy on display. If I walked into the local grocery store and stole a pack of gum, they wouldn't give me the guillotine, but I would good arrested and charged. And that would be true even in Left-leaning areas.
There was a restaurant we favorited in Little Italy (which keeps getting littler by the way) called the "Stinking Rose." Did you go in there?
Every dish was made with garlic, even the deserts. Which made it a great date spot, if you know what I mean. I know it sounds bad to some of you, but they had some delicious food there I promise.

No, I don't think I would have had the guts to eat at the "Stinking Rose".

I left thinking that SF was the most beautiful city I'd seen and the weather is fantastic. It just made me want to walk every where. But, I couldn't afford to live there even back then. My hotel charged an additional $20/day for a sticker that gave you the right to park in their tiny underground parking garage, but it didn't guarantee you a parking space! I couldn't find a parking space the first couple of days. Once I did get a parking space at the hotel, I never moved my car again until I left for the airport.
They shut down the high school near my house to clean it "out of an abundance of caution". Why? Because a teacher was at North Star Mall at the same time as the evacuee that was released prematurely and then quarantined again! That's a 250,000 square foot mall! Talk about hysteria.
They shut down the high school near my house to clean it "out of an abundance of caution". Why? Because a teacher was at North Star Mall at the same time as the evacuee that was released prematurely and then quarantined again! That's a 250,000 square foot mall! Talk about hysteria.

That probably means that got a bunch of phone calls from parents
Death rate in Korea where they have done a food job testing folks (not just the ones who are really sick) is 0.6%.
Probably will not see the media reminding anyone of this moment anytime soon but back in 2009, Barack Obama waited to declare the H1N1 a national emergency until after millions of Americans were infected with over 1,000 Americans dead. The swine flu was a pandemic by April 2009 but Obama waited 6 months until October to declare it a public health emergency. In addition, despite the fact it was known that the virus was coming into the US from Mexico, he refused to shut the border down.

By way of comparison, President Trump acted within 3 weeks and before there were any deaths in the US.

I thought this smelled like taint.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
The disease emerged in April of 2009. It wasn't declared a pandemic until June. Obama declared it a public health emergency in April, when there were 20 cases in the US. He went further and declared it a national emergency in October. This gave officials some added tools in in their toolboxes.

I rate your information Russian in nature. :)
If I walked into the local grocery store and stole a pack of gum, they wouldn't give me the guillotine, but I would good arrested and charged. And that would be true even in Left-leaning areas.

Dunno, that's a non-emergency situation which means the odds of getting a police response in Austin late at night aren't good.
I thought this smelled like taint.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?
The disease emerged in April of 2009. It wasn't declared a pandemic until June. Obama declared it a public health emergency in April, when there were 20 cases in the US. He went further and declared it a national emergency in October. This gave officials some added tools in in their toolboxes.

I rate your information Russian in nature. :)

To be honest I haven't looked at the facts in this case but I wouldn't trust Dan Evon's assessment as fact. He has a habit of getting his fact checks wrong. He was also one of the idiots going after the Babylon Bee.
To be honest I haven't looked at the facts in this case but I wouldn't trust Dan Evon's assessment as fact. He has a habit of getting his fact checks wrong.
I'd guess that the youtube videos he posted may back up his "assessments". As do the links to WHO, CDC, AP, DHHS, NBC and the NY Times. So, barring that they're "deep fake" videos and all fake links, you can probably trust him on this. I'd put up his accuracy against your President. :|
I'd guess that the youtube videos he posted may back up his "assessments". So, barring that they're "deep fake" videos, you can probably trust him on this. I'd put up his accuracy against your President. :|

This was the same idiot that went the Babylon Bee. Bubba, you still haven't figured the out MSM no matter the times they've made you look ridiculous.
This was the same idiot that went the Babylon Bee. Bubba, you still haven't figured the out MSM no matter the times they've made you look ridiculous.
So, do CDC, WHO, DHHS, etc. compose the "MSM" as well? Also the ************* VIDEOS. Is that "MSM"?
Talk about big brother/big government surveillance... (with the willing help of some 'name brand' tech companies)

New normal in virus-hit China: High-tech tracking and fever checks
"With the government calling for an all-out "People's War" against the virus, tech champions like Alibaba and Tencent have rolled out digital mobile-phone apps that use big data to track a traveller's movements going back as far as a month. Users are rated as green, yellow or red based on whether they visited any high-risk zones. Showing one's code to security personnel is now compulsory in a number of cities to exit train stations, or use public transport."

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