
Trump cared ZERO about an actual investigation. He cared about an announcement of an investigation on US TV. Correct?

And of course this wasn't actually established. This was the testimony that created this narrative.

GOLDMAN: Giuliani and President Trump didn’t actually care if they did them, right?

SONDLAND: I never heard, Mr. Goldman, anyone say that the investigations had to start or be completed. The only thing I heard from Mr. Giuliani or otherwise was that they had to be announced. ... President Trump presumably, communicated through Mr. Giuliani, wanted the Ukrainians on-record publicly that they were going to do those investigations.

GOLDMAN: You never heard anyone say that they really wanted them to do the investigations.

SONDLAND: I didn’t hear either way.

Someone saying they want the investigation announced doesn't mean they don't want it to happen or don't care if it happens. It means they want it announced. And of course, Sondland acknowledges this when he says he never heard either way.

Does that mean this point is wrong? Not necessarily. However, it certainly doesn't establish it, and it conflicts with the only real piece of evidence we have, which is the call transcript.

Of course there are people who could actually testify to this rather than speculate on it while admitting they never heard either way. However, somebody would have to take the process seriously enough to walk a few blocks to the federal courthouse and show up to a hearing.

I know it's a lot of work to put together a brief, get up from your desk, put on a suit and tie, and talk to a judge. But if you're a lawyer this is part of the gig. When Eddie Van Halen does a concert it's not enough for him to just sit in his room backstage. We're paying him to bring his guitar and play.
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And of course this wasn't actually established. This was the testimony that created this narrative.

GOLDMAN: Giuliani and President Trump didn’t actually care if they did them, right?

SONDLAND: I never heard, Mr. Goldman, anyone say that the investigations had to start or be completed. The only thing I heard from Mr. Giuliani or otherwise was that they had to be announced. ... President Trump presumably, communicated through Mr. Giuliani, wanted the Ukrainians on-record publicly that they were going to do those investigations.

GOLDMAN: You never heard anyone say that they really wanted them to do the investigations.

SONDLAND: I didn’t hear either way.

Someone saying they want the investigation announced doesn't mean they don't want it to happen or don't care if it happens. It means they want it announced. And of course, Sondland acknowledges this when he says he never heard either way.

Does that mean this point is wrong? Not necessary. However, it certainly doesn't establish it, and it conflicts with the only real piece of evidence we have, which is the call transcript.

Of course there are people who could actually testify to this rather than speculate on it while admitting they never heard either way. However, somebody would have to take the process seriously enough to walk a few blocks to the federal courthouse and show up to a hearing.

I know it's a lot of work to put together a brief, get up from your desk, put on a suit and tie, and talk to a judge. But if you're a lawyer this is part of the gig. When Eddie Van Halen goes on stage it's not enough for him to just sit in his room backstage. We're paying him to bring his guitar and play.
Look at the reactions of the Dems after the impeachment vote. It was never serious to begin with, but some sort of cleansing ritual to participate in.
Doesn’t the American Voters have a right to know if Biden has corruption with Ukraine before voting for him?

AIso I have to laugh the Dems coming up with “Obstruction of Congress”. Wow that’s bad if it’s like “Obstruction of Justice” right? :lmao:
Now that the Dems pushed impeachment through along straight party lines, Pelosi says she'll wait to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate because she doesn't think the trial will be fair. What a joke! Like the House process was fair to Republicans.
Wouldn’t nearly every member of Congress be guilty of this too?

otoh ... I love me some gridlock.
I say ... “y’all got any more of that obstruction of congress???”

just more proof of the circus atmosphere of the Dems.

Now that the Dems pushed impeachment through along straight party lines, Pelosi says she'll wait to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate because she doesn't think the trial will be fair. What a joke! Like the House process was fair to Republicans.

What leverage does Nancy have? That’s like a little kid telling his parents “I will not behave if you give me Chocolate ice cream.”
Horn6721 key words are “so far”. I fear what the results may be when they start taking guns.

Schumer is stating a clear case that Trump needs to prove his innocence, and boy does he love his “less evidence” quote.
I'm neither hot nor cold on Mitch McConnell, but after hearing his speech it's apparent the adults are in charge now. Amateur hour is over. The children have been sent to time out.

I get the feeling the dem congress has done more damage to themselves than anyone saw coming. More than just losing the house and getting trump reelected. This mistake may take awhile to whitewash
Me too, but just saying that I fear violence (from the left) IF/WHEN those in power begin to show implement their omnipotence over the common citizen beginning by the taking away of their guns.
Now that the Dems pushed impeachment through along straight party lines, Pelosi says she'll wait to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate because she doesn't think the trial will be fair. What a joke! Like the House process was fair to Republicans.
Wouldn’t this be obstruction of congress?
Now that the Dems pushed impeachment through along straight party lines, Pelosi says she'll wait to send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate because she doesn't think the trial will be fair. What a joke! Like the House process was fair to Republicans.

What a hole she's dug for herself. She knows if she moves this to the senate, it'll be swatted away Dikembe Motumbo style. My guess is they're waiting for trump to make a big mistake, redo the whole process, then send to the senate. Just in time for the ultimate October surprise.

That would fail too. Quite the hole she's in.
What a hole she's dug for herself. She knows if she moves this to the senate, it'll be swatted away Dikembe Motumbo style. My guess is they're waiting for trump to make a big mistake, redo the whole process, then send to the senate. Just in time for the ultimate October surprise.

That would fail too. Quite the hole she's in.

She's not in a hole. Her constituents (Virtue signaling whites and the beneficiaries of the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex) believe everything she says. They believe she was thoughtful and fair in the impeachment process and the Senate will not be. They are that pathologically obedient to her message.
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There are impeachment rallies popping up around the country. The stupidity deepens.

Rallying for or against a verdict is really dumb. It means that you are deeply committed to getting the verdict that serves you best, rather than getting the truth no matter who it favors.
So both parties in Congress do not trust each other to follow the rule of law? If so, isn’t it time to rethink the people’s representation?

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