
It's so funny that liberals, I thought, are usually anti-establishment. However, they are allowing themselves to believe what the establishment media tells them about Trump, thus the hate and emotion reaction.

I can understand why black people trust the federal government, but my cousin is the epitome of the emotional Liberal who has no idea what he really believes. He is quite happy with virtue signaling, political correctness, government power such as we are seeing today (he posted: "Happy Impeachment Day" on his FB page), open borders and the penumbra as law. He is so afraid of life (which he would deny as he has traveled all over the world) that he is in need of powerful forces to help him cope.
Slotkin is ex-CIA. No wonder she is voting for impeachment. That is her true party, the CIA, not Democrat, not Republican, not American. She is CIA.
So is this vote going to happen? My prediction is still that it won't. Muckraking is the point. That's all.

I think they are consumed with themselves. They are reckless because of their cynicism. They believe the American people are idiots and maybe they're right. They can say whatever they want and get away with it. Who's gonna' prove them wrong? The media? No. Republicans? No. So they operate with impunity.
I can understand why black people trust the federal government, but my cousin is the epitome of the emotional Liberal who has no idea what he really believes. He is quite happy with virtue signaling, political correctness, government power such as we are seeing today (he posted: "Happy Impeachment Day" on his FB page), open borders and the penumbra as law. He is so afraid of life (which he would deny as he has traveled all over the world) that he is in need of powerful forces to help him cope.
Post this to his FB page:

I’ll say this again.

Our corrupt do nothing Congress that lives off the American’s 6 figure salaries, plus the payouts they get for doing favors for special interest are impeaching a transparent that does everything President that gets paid $0.

Is this even America anymore? How is this acceptable?
I’ll say this again.

Our corrupt do nothing Congress that lives off the American’s 6 figure salaries, plus the payouts they get for doing favors for special interest are impeaching a transparent that does everything President that gets paid $0.

Is this even America anymore? How is this acceptable?

As they say, "A charging horse knows no rank." Government power in the form of the bureaucracy has no accountability. Neither a politician, evidenced by the tenure of most of our "leaders." Nothing they say or do matters. We the people believe in them anyway. We are sheep.
Ted Cruz --

"This is a political gesture of anger.
Their base hates [President Trump] and they're voting to impeach him because they hate him."

Ted Cruz --

"This is a political gesture of anger.
Their base hates [President Trump] and they're voting to impeach him because they hate him."

They hated George Bush too. The base wanted him hanged. Trump's personality has nothing to do with it. This is what they do; they want to take over the country. There is no sharing of power with these people. Like I said: I will vote Republican in 2020.
They hated George Bush too. The base wanted him hanged. ....

It's different now. I guess they have short memories. Maybe they are all alcoholics and just can't remember what they did or said yesterday?
Yes, I've noted this many times. The current voting power block in the House/Senate are charged with fostering hatred.

Is some type of civil war inevitable?
It feels like they would hang us all if they thought they could get away with it. And even that might not be a condition once Trump is acquitted
This is sickening to me. How arrogant for them to pretend it's a sad day. These B*STARDS have been planning this all along and nothing is going to stop them.

Nancy Pelosi leads Democrats in wearing dark colors to symbolize ‘somber’ mood of impeachment proceedings

Have you ever got to a point of no return? This is what they are facing. They put themselves in this spot. But what they weren’t counting on was the republicans sticking together like no other time before. The Republicans have a history of not having each other’s back way before Trump came around. The worst was John McCain. I could see him voting for impeachment of Trump if he were still alive and in Congress.
Is some type of civil war inevitable?

A sad question to ask. Here are a couple of real triggers.

1) What if they try to take the guns?
2) What if Trump wins again?

Is there any possible Republican candidate out there who could reign in the hatred from the Left? I say no. They want complete power. Witness reparations, open borders, the green deal and socialism. This leaves no room for traditional Republican/Conservative fiscal or social values.

I believe there are violent people on both sides willing to gain power by any means necessary. We desperately need to bevel the edges and find common ground. The moderates must not be afraid to somehow push the extremist obsessives back to outlier status without impairing their individual rights.

I believe the Christian Left to be the key to coming together as a nation. What divides us? The perception and the reality of racism. I know many Hispanics who share Conservative values but they are tribal and feel the heat of racism though in my view it is self-inflicted by to much focus on immigration issues. We can't just give the shop away. But if we take care of the Dreamers I believe we can achieve a more conciliatory tone. The problem is the extreme Left clearly wants to give away the shop to any and all illegal immigrants. Somehow the Republicans must do a better job of focusing and high-lighting the plight of AMERICAN CITIZENS and contrasting this with limited resources. We must draw the line and put a face on those who are not politically favored.

It is true (IMO) that we have shifted Left as a nation and I have no problem with that if it means individual rights of AMERICAN CITIZENS are protected across the board. We need leaders who speak the right language instead of tone-deaf old school pronouncements. We are killed when we speak insensitively. We must open the tent and welcome all who believe in freedom of worship, freedom of personal rights and an economic plan that clearly favors growth of jobs along with environmental protections and employee safeguards. I believe these types of high-level platforms are in keeping with Conservative values.

And finally we need a media that values truth and not power.

They have been brainwashed into thinking MAGA = Swastika.

My frustration is how Seattle can seem reasonable yet completely downplay the power of the extremists on the Left. They have deified AOC et al and it is quite alarming to me that defiance and competence is seen as leadership.
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He would just say all hint of corruption has been debunked and that Trump knew it when he extorted the Ukraine President to announce an investigation solely for political purposes. And he wouldn't say it as nicely as I put it.
Isn't this accurate? Trump cared ZERO about an actual investigation. He cared about an announcement of an investigation on US TV. Correct? I mean, if he cared about these things he'd be concerned with the dirt cloud that is the Saudi royals, right?
Isn't this accurate? Trump cared ZERO about an actual investigation. He cared about an announcement of an investigation on US TV. Correct? I mean, if he cared about these things he'd be concerned with the dirt cloud that is the Saudi royals, right?

Corruption by a powerful and prominent US politician is more important than trying to solve the Saudi problem. That is a geopolitical nightmare. You have any suggestions?

In the meantime, Biden got his dirt-bag, white privileged son a HUGE job. The conflict is enough to warrant an investigation and help from the country that had a hand in the hire.
Corruption by a powerful and prominent US politician is more important than trying to solve the Saudi problem. That is a geopolitical nightmare. You have any suggestions?

In the meantime, Biden got his dirt-bag, white privileged son a HUGE job. The conflict is enough to warrant an investigation and help from the country that had a hand in the hire.
A. His son is a dirt bag.
B. Shokrin (or whatever the heck his name is) was not investigating Burisma at the time that Biden was calling for his removal along with the rest of the western world. The odds of them being investigated increased by shuffling the prosecutor deck.

The commonality between the 2 is their close relationship to the CIA and starting wars in the Middle East, performing surveillance on citizens. Not much difference to be honest.
Slotkin is ex-CIA. No wonder she is voting for impeachment. That is her true party, the CIA, not Democrat, not Republican, not American. She is CIA.

Slotkin was a Pelosi pre planned soap opera.

1. tell the media your phones are blowing up. Both sides
2. go on fox news and portray yourself as a typical middle of the road Democrat representative
3. Come out at the last minute and announce you're voting for impeachment

CNN says : look, here's a member of Congress that made a thoughtful courageous decision based on the facts at hand

Could see it a mile away. Sorry
A. His son is a dirt bag.
B. Shokrin (or whatever the heck his name is) was not investigating Burisma at the time that Biden was calling for his removal along with the rest of the western world. The odds of them being investigated increased by shuffling the prosecutor deck.

Was Biden going after Saudi Arabia as you wish Trump had/would?
The commonality between the 2 is their close relationship to the CIA and starting wars in the Middle East, performing surveillance on citizens. Not much difference to be honest.

Bush is politically closer to Obama than Trump, is this your point?
And if so (I agree btw) what does that say about American politics?
One thing it means is that Europeans were right the whole time, because they been telling me this kind of stuff for decades (and I hate it when the diagnose us correctly)

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