
The transcript released had a clear quid pro quo. Mulvaney even validated that this weekend. Are we talking about the same thing?

The transcript had nothing. Bubba, how many times can you fall for fake news? You did this during Russian collusion, the Stormy Daniels case, etc.. Mulvaney's statements could have been be interpreted in different ways. Personally, I think Trump was trying to get them to take a vote.
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The transcript released had a clear quid pro quo. Mulvaney even validated that this weekend. Are we talking about the same thing?
Haha, I'll bet you have always believed every word that came out of Mulvaney's mouth as well as any other Trump Administration official.

He didn't say that, but if it can be spun that he did, suddenly he is 100% credible.
To be fair, he created the receipts with text messages and, surely, access to the whatsapp stuff.....But, her emails!!!!!!! LOL This guy disagrees with your assessments. He's got the receipts. He's also a Republican.

How many people have resigned around this?

The fact that John Bolton called it a drug deal and told them to brief the lawyers is telling. But, keep saying that it's nothing. Nothing to see here...Redirect Notice

You see, Bubba, the democrats are pulling a fast one on the American people and we can't really be sure what Bolton said, Like I said, there are witnesses who have claimed no quid pro happened. Of course, you don't care about those. The fact that the democrats will not allow transcripts to be shown to the American people tells me all that I need to know.
The transcript released had a clear quid pro quo. Mulvaney even validated that this weekend. Are we talking about the same thing?

. There wasn’t anything close to a quid pro quo in the transcript. Clear? Bubba, do you just tell yourself that over and over Hoping it will change to reality?
. There wasn’t anything close to a quid pro quo in the transcript. Clear? Bubba, do you just tell yourself that over and over Hoping it will change to reality?
If libs tell a lie often enough, they believe it to be matter how many times they are shown to be wrong. They are the horse you can lead to the trough but cannot get to drink...although Shillary clearly drinks enough for many of them if the election night stories were even remotely close to accurate.
Bill Taylor also notes how many people are aware that a highly irregular policy group is running things, that they are undermining established US policy, that they are making corrupt domestic political demands, and - crucially - that they are trying to cover their tracks.

Will Trumpsters discredit him? jk

of course they will
If libs tell a lie often enough, they believe it to be matter how many times they are shown to be wrong.

Like I told SH that if the democrats had a witness that said he saw Trump shooting JFK they'd believe it. Ok, maybe a little hyperbole but you get my drift. All we will now hear from now on is the name Bill Taylor. It doesn't matter that there are other witnesses said there wasn't a quid pro quo. His opinion is the only one that matters.
Which witnesses? Not Sondland. Volker simply said he wasn't aware.

That's not true(according to sources) but believe what you want to believe. Btw, I just heard Rep. Matt Gaetz say that Bill Taylor's testimony was not the full testimony and not the complete truth although he said he couldn't go into details. He said important things were left out from this leak.
Fake outrage again. Only morons connect the word lynching with race. It means punishment without trial. Exactly what Democrats are attempting.

So, are we to believe only black people have been lynched throughout World and US history? Ridiculous.

Actually, the way I understand it is that the House serves as the grand jury and the Senate serves as the court. So there is nothing incumbent upon the house to call certain "witnesses" or to represent both sides. The Senate will do that. Am I wrong?

I do not know if you are wrong on that. However,...

The context of the lynching comment, I think, is the last 3 years of the Democrats looking for ANY reason to undermine, hinder, and obstruct Trump's ability to do his job. Also, the lynch mob mentality of wanting to impeach at all costs.

Pressuring Ukraine to open political politically motivated investigations is Trump doing his job. :facepalm:


I wonder if anyone keeps a tally of things Dems said that they are now outraged about when a Republican, particularly Trump, says it now.
And of course the Ukranian President himself. But, like I have said, anti-Trump people will say he was pressured into saying there was no pressure.
Yeah: I think the unexplained withholding of funds coupled with Giuliani's intercession and the President's request for a favor would have a clear meaning to anyone not an imbecile.
You see, Bubba, the democrats are pulling a fast one on the American people and we can't really be sure what Bolton said, Like I said, there are witnesses who have claimed no quid pro happened. Of course, you don't care about those. The fact that the democrats will not allow transcripts to be shown to the American people tells me all that I need to know.
Once Bolton testifies we will know. Receipts. Encrypted apps. Imagine if HRC hade done that. High crimes......
I've heard cries that government should operate like a business. Well, we see that in action with a businessman clearly looking out for #1 and #1s buddies.
Your quote above was to explain why this process the Dems are following could not be termed a lynching, correct? True, you did not actually criticize the use of the word.
I just said it couldn't be construed as a one sided “trial”. It’s the prosecution’s side of the indictment process. At least to my understanding. The Senate can roll out the mythical server and other such tropes like the pizza pedophile ring run out of a pizza shop basement with no actual basement.
Why wouldn't the Dems who keep saying they want transparency not release the complete transcript?

We all know the reason.

I wonder if anyone keeps a tally of things Dems said that they are now outraged about when a Republican, particularly Trump, says it now.

Exactly. I would like to have a dollar for everything Obama did with no protest from the dems with Trump doing the exact same thing that all of sudden causes outrage. Liberals have no idea how the media manipulates them.

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