Dumb Political Correctness

The MSM had a collective orgasm when the little black girl accused three white boys of cutting her hair at a school where Karen Pence taught. It was a two-fer; white racism that could be tied to Republicans!

I wonder how many, if any, of these folks did correcting reports?
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Universal Orlando Resort fires 'Despicable Me' actor after 'OK' symbol

The Zingers say they did not initially notice what happened with the actor. But while going through vacation photos in mid-August, they noticed the controversial symbol.

The couple began digging deeper into their smartphone photos and videos to find more evidence of what they were seeing. Finally, they landed on a video taken at the same time of the picture that confirmed their worst fears.

THEIR WORST FEARS, people. Wow, you don't think the writer's trying to stoke this up a little, do you?

USA TODAY is not naming the Zingers' children to protect their privacy and has blurred their faces in content published with this story.

“It’s more than the ‘OK’ sign,” Richard Zinger said. “A lot of people don’t understand what that sign means.”

OK, so a lot of people "don't know what that means." So let's get them all fired for having the audacity to not be on twitter, which is the only place anyone cares about this.

Tiffiney Zinger, who recognized the symbol as hateful, said she was horrified that her daughter had her first exposure to racism at a family-friendly park.

"I've been emotionally distraught about it. I'm still pretty upset that someone felt they needed to do this to children," Tiffiney Zinger said. "It can cause emotional stress on my child and her development."

Except that the muppet (or whatever) isn't the one who exposed her kid to racism. She was. She freaked out, and felt compelled to freak her child out as well. But if a wokescold's kid is sleeping well at night and isn't constantly being triggered by things around him/her/them, then they're not doing their job.
I admit I do not get this. HOW are we "keeping people unhealthy"??
This was sent by a sadly liberal relative who wondered if the family should move after Trump was elected??
Apparently Pressley spoke in Boston;
“Keeping people unhealthy is just another form of oppression.” Amen Ayanna Pressley
I don't know about alt-right but I knew a few Mexicans and Rednecks that would punch me pretty hard if I noticed them holding their hand somewhere on their body with the OK sign.

I didn't agree to play that game either. They would sit there and watch peoples' eyes for any excuse to punch.
And now they are turning Ghandi into a racist


These people cannot be allowed to win elections at any level
It's up to you

A Texas Democratic judge was forced to apologize mocking Greg Abbott's disability --said Abbott "hates trees because one fell on him."

I hadn't even heard of this. If it was the other way around, I would have heard it dozens of times by now.
I hadn't even heard of this. If it was the other way around, I would have heard it dozens of times by now.
Yep, but you heard about this over and over and over and over in spite of a montage of clips like this showing that Trump just does this when mocking people. But, remember he was mocking a disabled reporter?

Yeah and Elizabeth Warren is trying to pass a bill limiting political speech if you happen to be fortunate enough to build an organization with enough resources to have your voice heard. Instead she wants there to be a National agency that handles the feedback from "the people". Putting the government in charge of what speech it has to hear and respond to.

Doesn't sound like America, but some other place that starts with U.S. ...
Yep, but you heard about this over and over and over and over in spite of a montage of clips like this showing that Trump just does this when mocking people. But, remember he was mocking a disabled reporter?

Yes he mocked a reporter who happens to be disabled. But Trump wasn’t mocking the disability (he never mentions the reporter is disabled to the audience). The left conflates the two and says Trump mocked a disabled reporter. Confirmation bias to the hilt!
I am not sure I could give a large enough trigger warning for this one
But, if its OK at the children's library, it should be OK everywhere

What's even sicker than having these freak shows in public libraries is parents who bring their children to them. They are massively f'ed up.
Virtual signaling. They have no alternative to improving the world. Remember these are the same people who retweeted good wishes to the African girls who were kidnapped for brides to Muslim men.
So it sounds like a Cook County Circuit Court Judge has ordered a Special Prosecutor in the Smollett matter --
"A judge ruled Friday that a special prosecutor needs to investigate Cook County State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx’s handling of the Jussie Smollett case and that the “Empire” actor should be re-examined for possible criminal charges."
Not sure if anyone in that state can be trusted to be honest, thorough, to follow the law and be above politics, but there you go
Special prosecutor to probe Jussie Smollett case

This is TMZ (and thus great links for Bubba) but sometimes they get the goods before anyone else -- they say Jussie Smollett's alleged attackers have meet with a prosecutor and charges might actually get filed

Osundairo Brothers Visit Special Prosecutor's Office in Jussie Case
Adventures in bad parenting

I kinda wonder how the Woke will decide to approach "detransitioning" (if that's what we're going to call it). Will they view it as a personal choice and err on the side of autonomy, or will they view it more like how they view gays who try to change their orientation?
Will they view it as a personal choice and err on the side of autonomy, or will they view it more like how they view gays who try to change their orientation?

I'll be shocked if they acknowledge it. If they do... well I think history shows us how people get treated when they go against the narrative.

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