Dumb Political Correctness

Chick-fil-A and IKEA are two things I'll never "get". "Just OK" chicken sandwiches and cheap ***, do it yourself, furniture. You usually wind up standing in long lines at both places.

The best thing about Chick-fil-A is that its' success drives liberals crazy.
It helps that they are individually owned. Why punish the hard working guy who helps in the community.

They aren't individually owned. Each operator goes through about a 4 month vetting and interview process to run one store. There's something like 5,000 applicants for each operator chosen. Only about 1% makes it past the initial application. If selected the chosen person pays a $5,000 fee to operate it as if it's his own business. The company owns the property and all equipment. The operator pays 15% of sales for rent then 50% of pretax profit to have the right to operate. The "owner" is then responsible for just about every aspect of running the business except the company does most of the marketing. The operator can choose to spend more locally on marketing if he chooses. If an operator is extremely successful he might be chosen to operate a second location.

I started the process about 5 years ago and got to the second round which required three essays and a financial anal probe. One essay was about my business experience, one about me in general and one was how my faith plays a role in my life and family. Upon getting into that round I did the math and figured I make more than I would running one location and with the slim chances of operating a second I didnt pursue it further.

It's a great model for anyone who can't afford to buy a franchise from a chain, but wants the opportunity to kind of work for themselves. If at any time Chick-Fil-A determines you are not running the business they way they expect they can pull the store from you and award it to someone else. Because of the lengthy process involved they almost never have to do that.
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Are white Hollywood actors and actresses having to dye themselves in order to get work?


Wow, that is not my opinion of Chick-Fil-A at all. That is the best fast food there is IMO

I also like that they use "sonic ice" in the drinks. And of course, the freaking amazing crispy waffle fries. You can order them well-done too, which will eliminate that 1 time in 10 where they are too limp.

I used to live in the Great Hills area of Austin, and there is a Chick fil a at 183 & Braker. I'm sure that virtually everybody in that area supports gay marriage, yet the drive-thru line at that place consistently backed up into the street.

I current live half a mile from there and have lived near there for a while. I have heard that it's the most profitable CFA in the country, or at least was at some point.

A few years ago they rebuilt nearly the entire thing for the ground up to give more space for the drive-thru and improve traffic flow. It took about 5 months and they paid the employees the whole time the place was closed rather than put them all out of work. Progressives ought to love CFA, it's the opposite of most of what they hate about capitalist corporations. They value their employees and pay well, and you can tell as a customer it makes a huge difference in the quality of service you get.
Yeah, Stat and then they hired more people on top of that once it was reopened. My wife worked there for a while when it was reopened. It was a mad house. And paid way over minimum wage for entry level. Progressives are stupid if they don't like Chic-fil-A. Well, they are stupid either way.
Chick-fil-A and IKEA are two things I'll never "get". "Just OK" chicken sandwiches and cheap ***, do it yourself, furniture. You usually wind up standing in long lines at both places.

The best thing about Chick-fil-A is that its' success drives liberals crazy.

Mostly agree on IKEA, and what really stinks is that Mrs. Deez loves IKEA. It's one of her favorite stores. (Of course, she doesn't have to build the stuff. I do.)

Here's why Chick fil a is great. First, while it's true that you can get better food somewhere else, you certainly won't find better at any national fast food chain. It's a real piece of chicken (no a piece of processed crap), and it is very flavorful even if you ate it plain. The spicy sandwich on whole grain is especially good. The waffle fries are also superb.

Second, Chick Fil A pays its employees pretty well. That means they can be choosy about whom they hire, and it means that the people who work there care about their jobs. Accordingly, you can be in a terrible, thug-ridden neighborhood, but if you walk into a Chick Fil A, everybody will treat you well. It's really remarkable.

It's just a winning combination - high quality food (at least for fast food) and very friendly service (by pretty much any standard).
Progressives ought to love CFA, it's the opposite of most of what they hate about capitalist corporations. They value their employees and pay well, and you can tell as a customer it makes a huge difference in the quality of service you get.

This assumes that progressives actually care about employees being paid well rather than using the issue of employee pay as a means to empower themselves. Like any other totalitarian ideology, socialism demands commitment to the state and the state's social agenda. As an outspoken Christian, Truett Cathy was going to be in an inherent and permanent conflict with that. Accordingly, he and his business will always be on their **** list, and it wouldn't matter if he only hired refugees and paid them $100,000 per year.
You Know MrD
Sometimes we conservatives look at a situation see it clearly and ask reasonable questions. This is a classic example. CFA does all the things leftists demand other biz do. Any reasonable person would applaud CFA.
What you point out < that Leftists want to use the issue of employee pay so if they acknowledge some company is doing a good job they lose the whine.
Just like race hustlers can't acknowledge the historic low black employment and rising wages.
what would they whine about?
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This assumes that progressives actually care about employees being paid well rather than using the issue of employee pay as a means to empower themselves. Like any other totalitarian ideology, socialism demands commitment to the state and the state's social agenda. As an outspoken Christian, Truett Cathy was going to be in an inherent and permanent conflict with that. Accordingly, he and his business will always be on their **** list, and it wouldn't matter if he only hired refugees and paid them $100,000 per year.
He's a double threat; a business elite and a Christian. Two forces of evil in the eyes of the state.
You don't have to make stuff up. The Dems do it on their own
Seattle Area Council Member Proposes New Plan For Homeless Problem - Bus Homeless People Out Of The City
"A Seattle-area council member is pushing a $1 million proposal that would bus homeless people out of the state as part of a “family reunification” plan."
This made me go UH?
"The city of Seattle and community organizers already offer free bus tickets as part of their broader approach to homelessness but Dunn’s proposal, unveiled Tuesday, focuses on 1,000 homeless people who said they wanted to reconnect with family during a homeless count in King County back in January."

So Seattle already does this? If they have this and it is working why change it? Would not the existing free bus ticket apply to people wanting to go to family?
If it isn't working does now calling it "family reunification" make it more likely be successful?

I got it!! More money Yea that is the answer.
I think I remember this woman from the Tide Pod eating thing
We definitely do not need to be lowering the voting age
If anything, it should be raised
Repeal 26
I guess its a thing now
To be clear, I am not suggesting these people should be jailed or killed, but I am suggesting they are too stupid to be allowed to vote



I guess its a thing now
To be clear, I am not suggesting these people should be jailed or killed, but I am suggesting they are too stupid to be allowed to vote




These people are just goofing around and probably don't mean any harm. It's just the normal selfie culture that our dense youth are caught up in. However, their flippant disrespect and ignorance is astounding. Furthermore, they might laugh it off, but it's very much frowned upon over here. I don't think it's a crime in Poland, but in Germany, it is. People have been fined for doing the Hitler salute at the podium at Zeppelin Field, the Reichstag, and other locations. Personally, I disagree with prosecuting people for this sort of thing. Frankly, I think it is kinda Nazi-like. However, people deserve to be shamed for doing it.

(The brunette chick is hot though - gotta give credit where it's due.)
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These people are just goofing around and probably don't mean any harm. ...

Nothing wrong with goofing off, but IMO some places should be off limits and deserve more respect than what is shown here. For example, Arlington Natl Cemetery. Applying your standard, you are fine with someone pooping on the tomb of the unknown soldier, as long as they were "just goofing off."
I believe the rule you've articulated is it is not the act that counts but the intent?
What about funerals? You OK with selfies over an open casket? To be consistent, you must also support the antics of "Westboro Baptist Church?" How about female nudity at Mecca during the hajj, if it was done with all good intents?
Nothing wrong with goofing off, but IMO some places should be off limits and deserve more respect than what is shown here. For example, Arlington Natl Cemetery. Applying your standard, you are fine with someone pooping on the tomb of the unknown soldier, as long as they were "just goofing off."

First, just because I wouldn't criminally charge somebody doesn't mean I'm "fine with" what they're doing. Second, I would charge someone who poops on the tomb of the unknown soldier, because he has littered and vandalized something. Taking a stupid selfie does neither. It's moronic and disrespectful, but it harms no one beyond hurt feelings. Again, it's disgusting, but it's not a justification to throw the person in the slammer.

I believe the rule you've articulated is it is not the act that counts but the intent?

No, that is not the rule. What matters most is the act and how it affects others.

What about funerals?

Different situation. You shouldn't be allowed to disrupt a funeral. Again, the idiots in the selfies aren't doing that.

You OK with selfies over an open casket?

I think it's f'ed up, but would I charge them with a crime if they aren't disrupting the funeral? No.

To be consistent, you must also support the antics of "Westboro Baptist Church?"

Again, disrupting a funeral isn't ok.

How about female nudity at Mecca during the hajj, if it was done with all good intents?

Saudi Arabia can make its own laws. If they don't want naked women in Mecca, that's their right.
First, just because I wouldn't criminally charge somebody doesn't mean I'm "fine with" what they're doing. Second, I would charge someone who poops on the tomb of the unknown soldier, because he has littered and vandalized something. Taking a stupid selfie does neither. It's moronic and disrespectful, but it harms no one beyond hurt feelings. Again, it's disgusting, but it's not a justification to throw the person in the slammer.

No, that is not the rule. What matters most is the act and how it affects others.

Different situation. You shouldn't be allowed to disrupt a funeral. Again, the idiots in the selfies aren't doing that.

I think it's f'ed up, but would I charge them with a crime if they aren't disrupting the funeral? No.

Again, disrupting a funeral isn't ok.

Saudi Arabia can make its own laws. If they don't want naked women in Mecca, that's their right.

Should they be allowed to vote?
That is true. In Deezestan, non-taxpayers wouldn't vote, but we screwed up and decided not to care about that. And it was a permanent screw-up. We can't undo it.

Your plan would be undermined by my plan that everyone who is required to file a return should have to write the Govt a check for $100 minimum, every year. I want them all to have at least a minimal stake.
Your plan would be undermined by my plan that everyone who is required to file a return should have to write the Govt a check for $100 minimum, every year. I want them all to have at least a minimal stake.

When we passed the 24th Amendment, we rendered the entire issue moot, so both plans (which seem fairly similar to me) are pretty inconsequential.

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