Dumb Political Correctness

Sort of like the line from The Replacements..."we don't know much about Smith other than he has been a resident of the State of Maryland for two years and he likes to crochet. That's all it says here..."

From the article:
A juvenile “delinquent” will now be called a “young person with justice system involvement,” or a “young person impacted by the juvenile justice system.”

And drug addicts or substance abusers, meanwhile, will become “a person with a history of substance use.”

“We don’t want people to be forever labeled for the worst things that they have done,” Supervisor Matt Haney told the newspaper.“We want them ultimately to become contributing citizens, and referring to them as felons is like a scarlet letter that they can never get away from.”

As if the new language is going to help them 'escape' the past? Can we even call it 'escape' anymore or are they simply a historical absconder?
I have heard several people on the radio and social media support PC because "they don't want to disrespect people." If only that had anything to do with it.
As if the new language is going to help them 'escape' the past? Can we even call it 'escape' anymore or are they simply a historical absconder?

I heard a local radio personality claim that the point of rebranding felons is to allow them to vote. If a felon can't vote, maybe a justice involved person can?

The Left, with a large assist from the media, is destroying our language by changing the meaning of words or worse claiming certain words are racist or sexist. You shouldn't use pronouns that denote sex; he, she, etc. A felon is a justice involved person. An illegal alien is a migrant or refugee, etc., etc. It's all a part of their desire to break down American culture.
Yes, women who think independently of the feminazis are held in great contempt, just as fine black men and women who dare to embrace conservative principles are marginalized as "Uncle Tom" or worse.
Looking past the obvious contrast of personal appearance of Catalina with the squad's perpetually angry look I think she wins over voters in Ill with things like this in answer to comparison to AOC
"“I’m not anti-anyone, I’m pro-America. But if there’s a contrast with AOC, it’s that I’m driven by a love for my country, not a hate for everything it stands for."
Vegans certainly have a lot to answer for here

This is today's liberalism in a nutshell.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who mayored over non-stop homelessness in San Francisco, has come up with someone new to blame for the poop in the street.

(this quote is from some HBO thing) --

“The vast majority [of San Francisco’s homeless people] also come in from — and we know this — from Texas. Just [an] interesting fact.”
It's a little funny to think we go to SF to poop in the street, then return home. In any event, it is untrue, of course. Most of the homeless there come from San Francisco. But these people have never cared about facts before and they are not going to suddenly start caring now.
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California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who mayored over non-stop homelessness in San Francisco, has come up with someone new to blame for the poop in the street.

(this quote is from some HBO thing) --

“The vast majority [of San Francisco’s homeless people] also come in from — and we know this — from Texas. Just [an] interesting fact.”
It's a little funny to think we go to SF to poop in the street, then return home. In any event, it is untrue, of course. Most of the homeless there come from San Francisco. But these people have never cared about facts before and they are not going to suddenly start caring now.

He may very well be right. If I was a bum in Texas, I'd go to San Francisco too. Why live in a non-bum friendly state with terrible weather for living outside when you can live in a city where the weather is great and where you'll be mollycoddled?

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