Dumb Political Correctness

The media has mostly ignored the issue for 55 years, but that is only because they supported MLK's agenda. The political Left is supporting it less and less. As they reject his agenda, they will gradually become less and less forgiving of his behavior.

Should make for some interesting MLK Day celebrations.
Oh the FBI said it? Not sure I believe it then. Jk.

I don't disbelieve it. I know they were closely spying on him up to the moment of his death. I even read about them being close during his murder. Close enough that there some people questions what was really going on.

There I go again with a conspiracy theory. Of course they were actively spying on him so that counts as conspiracy itself.
2016: Craig Telfer is ranked 200th
2017: Craig Telfer is ranked 390th
2018: Craig Telfer 'transitions to female'
2019: CeCe Telfer is national champion

Built-in advantage - WORLD
Wow, that’s a Cinderella story, if I ever heard one.

It would be a Cinderella story if Cinderella had pulled up her dress in the fairytale and shown Price Charming a big, swinging schlong. I don't remember the story going that way, but with the way transgenderism is getting pushed on kids, maybe we'll see that story soon.
I bought a DVD copy of "Blazing Saddles" a couple of years ago on the advise of Glenn Reynolds who said to get it now before the left burns them all.
I haven't seen Blazing Saddles in years, but my recollection is that it made fun of racism. Did I miss the "deeper" meaning?
Correct on your recollection. But the methods employed are now verboten by the Nazi left who prefers no instruction but straight to punishment instead. Otherwise it’s not in alignment with their virtue signaling and mob mentality.
Can you imagine what would happen if Blazing Saddles were released today? The Left would threaten boycotts of any movie chain showing it and it'd be pulled in no time.

Surprisingly it was on either Netflix or Amazon Prime just recently.
I was telling mom about the Blazing Saddles nonsense and I could tell that, if she was not there already, this was peak-SJW for her. She is nearing the mid-70's and is sick of the nonsense. As we discussed it, she is actually set to go try and FIND a DVD of the movie to buy...and she isn't one to usually buy movies.
I was telling mom about the Blazing Saddles nonsense and I could tell that, if she was not there already, this was peak-SJW for her. She is nearing the mid-70's and is sick of the nonsense. As we discussed it, she is actually set to go try and FIND a DVD of the movie to buy...and she isn't one to usually buy movies.

My Mom was born in 1936 and let me tell you, the PCness is making her vomit too. She thinks Liberals are the weakest minded political group in memory and says people need to suck it up and stop indulging all their hang-ups. She has no mercy on them. And she's not a religious zealot either. Just a realist. Life is tough. Deal with it. She's been groped by men before. She gets the #metoo thing but it became so much a "look at me look at me" rush of narcissistic victimhood that she began mocking them.
My Grandfather advised me when I made fun of
old people" I had 2 possible futures;
to die or to be "old".
I never again disdained anyone older or any older
persons opinions.
Trump is doing ok certainly for our economy
Or for the haters
Biden Bernie, DiFi,Schumer Durbin etc. How do you feel about their views?
More views of folks over 70, please.

I think this only means that older folks are mentally tougher than today's youth. It's a travesty what qualifies as being triggered or traumatized. There is a high-level of brain-washing going on in terms of enabling their emotions to become mush and I think the adults around here know it.
I think this only means that older folks are mentally tougher than today's youth.

It's all about perspective. What you see as "mentally tough" others see as resistant to change. I still remember the day in 1985 when my 56yr old German Grandfather said "you know her father's a wetback" while discussing my new half-Mexican middle-school girlfriend. I was stunned. Of course, her father was actually a co-worker and somewhat a friend to my grandfather, a man who co-founded the Teamsters in Nebraska. Mentally tough or resistant to change? As I slowly creep on 50 my own resistance to change is evident. Heck, it's evident on the West Mall daily.

It's a travesty what qualifies as being triggered or traumatized.

We all get triggered. The only difference is what triggers us. I read recently that this next election will be the first that the millenial generation and younger outnumbers the baby boomers and older for voting eligibility. It's now their world. Meanwhile we'll be relegated to sitting on our proverbial porches and shouting at the lawn.
This stuff gets so tiresome ....

I would argue that "hate speech" does not really exist. It doesnt because it cannot. What is acceptable to one person might not be acceptable to the next. When a person, persons or entity censors speech on these grounds, then that person, persons or entity get to be the arbiter of what is acceptable or not. This is just one reason free speech is such an important principle.

But I concede I am not sure what we are supposed to do with leftists who do not recognize principles or the need for them.

Vox got Youtube to change their mind. You just have to scream louder and shriller and add in a little threat towards them.

Now Crowder is demonetized.

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