Dumb Political Correctness

Anyone who sees a picture of coal miners drinking beer with coal dust all over their faces, should not feel offense or contempt but sympathy. That was a hard life. So hard they didn't have the wherewithal to wash their faces after work. That is a beat down kind of life.

In the politically correct world white people suffered no hardship; at best that picture only reveals that these white men were allowed to work and make money. That's how it will be interpreted.
First of all... it's "Eagles" not "The Eagles." Get it right! ;) And I'd put them at having... oh let's say 2 1/2 great songwriters. (Joe Walsh had his moments, but not ready to call him "great".)

But it's a good point and made me think of something else, which is one of the reasons that Eagles broke up to begin with. Basically Glen and Don ran the band and knew exactly what made it successful - mainly that they wrote the songs, Don did most of the singing, and the guitars made everything come to life. When Don Felder wanted to insert himself into the creative/vocal and was basically told to get back in line, that was pretty well the end of it, from what I've read/heard.

Basically unless you've got a band with a clear sense of itself and what makes it great (and what makes it great isn't ME), the band isn't going to last.

Just to get back to ya' listen to this Don Felder live solo, standing next to an admiring and smiling Joe Walsh and tell me why he'd have an inferiority complex or ego to want more within the context of the band. I guess he was Don Felder, composer of the One of these Nights solo so he deserves more.

Now the NYT tells us Mary Poppins is racist


Like I said before, we can't win. Rational movie watchers know she had taken a shine to Dick Van Dyke, the chimney sweep and she being the perfect house nanny, clean and full of rules decided to meet him on his level; filthy and care-free.

It's like when Oivia Newton John shed her proper girl next door look and put on tight leather pants in the movie Grease to come on to John Travolta.

Why isn't this stuff obvious?
Just to get back to ya' listen to this Don Felder live solo, standing next to an admiring and smiling Joe Walsh and tell me why he'd have an inferiority complex or ego to want more within the context of the band. I guess he was Don Felder, composer of the One of these Nights solo so he deserves more.

That is still one of the best rock guitar solos ever.

If I quote that documentary so much it's because there were so many really memorable statements in it... but when Joe Walsh talked about the band, he said something to the effect of "the thing I enjoy most of all is just to be able to play songs that Don and Glen have written." He seems to have such a deep appreciation for their talent, and just for them in general and what being in the band has done for him. He comes across as a deeply humble person - at least now, maybe he wasn't like that in the drugs/drinking days.
That is still one of the best rock guitar solos ever.

If I quote that documentary so much it's because there were so many really memorable statements in it... but when Joe Walsh talked about the band, he said something to the effect of "the thing I enjoy most of all is just to be able to play songs that Don and Glen have written." He seems to have such a deep appreciation for their talent, and just for them in general and what being in the band has done for him. He comes across as a deeply humble person - at least now, maybe he wasn't like that in the drugs/drinking days.

I've watched that documentary several times. I just like having it on. I was a huge Eagles fan in high school. So it's kind of cool to see what was happening behind the scenes and obviously those boys were king of the world for a time and having the time of their lives. I'm jealous!

That solo is so inventive. That's what I like about it. It's not scales or anything. It fits perfectly and if you watch his fingers on the fret board you can see the technical difficulty...

Joe Walsh drug days... you mean like this:

Like I said before, we can't win. Rational movie watchers know she had taken a shine to Dick Van Dyke, the chimney sweep and she being the perfect house nanny, clean and full of rules decided to meet him on his level; filthy and care-free.

It's like when Oivia Newton John shed her proper girl next door look and put on tight leather pants in the movie Grease to come on to John Travolta.

Why isn't this stuff obvious?
The MAD Magazine version of Grease essentially said that at the end. In order to attract a guy and be well liked she had to dress up like a slut.
Joe Walsh drug days... you mean like this:

Ummm... yeah that'd be them!

Joe has a very eclectic solo style. Definitely a lot of 70s psychedelic influence, only a few songs that are particularly mainstream. He definitely seemed like he was all over the place early on, but had some really good songs.

His stories about him and John Belushi were pretty interesting.
This is truly :brickwall:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the nation’s “weird American Dream mythology” needs to change — particularly in the minds of “cisgendered” and poor white citizens.

The rising Democratic Party lawmaker from New York told the Intercept’s “Deconstructed” podcast this week that poor white people need to accept that they “benefit” from their skin color, and more so if they identify as their birth sex.

“I find the solutions for white communities to be very painful because it’s very painful for a community to understand and have to go through this — like, you can be — the idea that you can be poor and benefit from the color of your skin does not compute for a lot of people,” she said Monday. “And going through that realization is very painful or even just economically for people that were born with silver spoons. It’s very painful to admit that you had advantages.”

The lawmaker then pivoted to gender politics and the “really hard” decision for Americans to admit “some privilege … of some type.” “I’m a cisgendered woman,” she said. “I will never know the trauma of feeling like I’m not born in the right body. And that is a privilege that I have, no matter how poor my family was when I was born...

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...
This is truly :brickwall:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says the nation’s “weird American Dream mythology” needs to change — particularly in the minds of “cisgendered” and poor white citizens.

The rising Democratic Party lawmaker from New York told the Intercept’s “Deconstructed” podcast this week that poor white people need to accept that they “benefit” from their skin color, and more so if they identify as their birth sex.

“I find the solutions for white communities to be very painful because it’s very painful for a community to understand and have to go through this — like, you can be — the idea that you can be poor and benefit from the color of your skin does not compute for a lot of people,” she said Monday. “And going through that realization is very painful or even just economically for people that were born with silver spoons. It’s very painful to admit that you had advantages.”

The lawmaker then pivoted to gender politics and the “really hard” decision for Americans to admit “some privilege … of some type.” “I’m a cisgendered woman,” she said. “I will never know the trauma of feeling like I’m not born in the right body. And that is a privilege that I have, no matter how poor my family was when I was born...

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...
Everyone is born with a brain. Why don’t they use it?
Ever read a Communist's article on some subject? Utter nonsense. There are some ideas below the surface but they are obscured with multiple big words thrown together often with no relevance to the idea trying to be conveyed.

I think they do that to cover up their nonsense with even more nonsense which has a pretense to being intellectual.
Remember the good old days when you could wear blackface and say stuff and the liberals and SJW didn't say nuthin?
This is evidence of the increasing secularization of the Democratic Party. Not only do the preponderance of voices seem to reject any concept of forgiveness and redemption for one of their own, they seem to finds the whole concept, at least so far as racial political incorrectness, unfathomable.

Am I wrong, or do others here agree that Grace, forgiveness and redemption are central to Christian Faith?
This is evidence of the increasing secularization of the Democratic Party. Not only do the preponderance of voices seem to reject any concept of forgiveness and redemption for one of their own, they seem to finds the whole concept, at least so far as racial political incorrectness, unfathomable.

Am I wrong, or do others here agree that Grace, forgiveness and redemption are central to Christian Faith?

You're correct. Our society will forgive a criminal(which is OK) but will not forgive a racist/racist action. Makes no sense. I do think all people deserve a second chance.
Well ....?


Did anyone question Michael Jackson the time he was on stage at the Super Bowl repeatedly grabbing his crotch right in front of all those children?

So apparently there is a strain of man-hating women who wish to walk naked, wear P*ssy hats and be able to murder their babies. That's the future of America if you don't stand up to them.
Did anyone question Michael Jackson the time he was on stage at the Super Bowl repeatedly grabbing his crotch right in front of all those children?....

Whoever did was called racist, nazi-fascist, white nationalist, homophobe, KKK, pedophobe and so forth.

...So apparently there is a strain of man-hating women who wish to walk naked, wear P*ssy hats and be able to murder their babies. That's the future of America if you don't stand up to them.

Except we will not be around for the naked women walking the streets, we will be in re-edukation camps. Or dead
This thread has become the equivalent of People Magazine for conservatives.

Why give Raphael the platform for the attention he so desperately seeks?

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