Some on this board may not ask for supporting evidence to liberal bashing but I was hoping for more from a former journalist. The echo chamber was a reference to the West Mall where the only thing that is now challenged is the degree to which the left is corrupt and the right is "right".
Ok. You had no intention of supporting your argument. I'll have to trust you then. I'm sure your bias is unfallable. Welcome to debate on the West Mall.
Btw-I didnt call you a right-winger or anything of the sort. Take a look at your first response to my question. I will say you were once one of the more rational individuals on this board. Now you appear to be the infamous "snowflake" that most on this board rail on the left. Snowflakes pointing at snowflakes.
I edited this several times as I kept thinking about it. It's not the be-all, end all but it opens up the points that we debate in some ways.
I think it's clear the "bias" on West Mall is to the right. I also think you are mainly downplaying the things from the Left that alarms those on the right such as the idea of open borders, the attempts by the Left to use immigration in general as a weapon against Trump, the refusal to admit that Obama deported over 3 million people without a peep from the media which has now been replaced by hysteria and hatred, the redistribution of wealth in the name of climate change, the slippery slope of the Paris Agreement (apparently so-called an agreement to avoid the requirement that it be ratified by Congress; i.e. it's not a treaty and the sitting President of the US at the time went along with this) to subordinating our national interests to the UN, the socialist revolution represented by Ocasio-Cortez, the gender issues, the violence that seems to occur far too often when things don't go the way ANTIFA or BLM desire, intimidating right-wingers/Republicans in restaurants or at their homes, the accusations of racism recently exemplified by the attacks on Charlie Brown, the lack of support for Trump standing up to China, a despotic, aggressive, communist nation that does not share the American values of environmental and worker protections etc.
Then there is the media. It's hard for me not to believe they are attacking Trump for ideological reasons as opposed to being sincere, unbiased observers and reporters of the actions of our government. Does Fox balance out MSNBC, CNN, The New York times etc? For instance, on Yahoo's home page, it is flooded daily with bloggers bashing Trump. DAILY. No matter what he does or says. There is zero balance and this is Yahoo, a very influential and modern day company. I also know several friends on Facebook who have been put into "time-out" while my Liberal friends never do no matter their comments (and they are not nice and balanced). My son is afraid to say anything political in class at Texas State unless it is Left-wing hatred of Trump. The students are emotionally aggressive and looking for a confrontation. This is an absolute fact. I suppose one could say "welcome to the world as lived by minorities for centuries prior." Yes, welcome to it. Meaning the Left is as wrong today as those who oppressed minorities were wrong before. Not to the degree of slavery or Jim Crow but to the degree that fear exists and aggression is unfettered.
So this to me is where things are coming from the right-wing point of view.
I believe you are sincere in your Liberal beliefs. But the things I mention above are not so much the what, but the how in which they are being achieved. I believe (as did Barbara Jordan) totally and completely in our Constitution. And change is available through amendments as opposed to changing the intent of laws through the courts because society itself has "changed." That is not the method. And unfortunately for some and gratifyingly for others, the electoral college is still with us. That is the method. It's the Constitution. Sorry if it doesn't work out the way some people wish.
I just don't see the Liberal elite caring about the Constitution. It is too slow for change. It is frustrating them.
That's the point of it in many ways. I am resigned to appreciating gridlock because I don't trust total power in either hands. And if Donald Trump committed a high crime or misdemeanor then so be it. Welcome Mr. Pence. But I see NOTHING yet but people like Beto came out saying, "I'd vote for impeachment right now." Well that was reckless for him to say that in my opinion and only illustrated that the electorate was sucked in by his cult of personality. He was parroting the DNC talking points in a smooth manner as he rode his skateboard.
I don't like that. His being a cool dude only annoyed me. It proved how shallow people are. It was actually pretty sad to me.