Dumb Political Correctness

The manager should just record video of the people as they walk in. If they dine and dash they get it on camera. If they don't you indirectly solved your own problem.
The last of the Portland Commie protestors refuses to yield


(dude on rt is cracking up)

Good God Man, I wish I'd never seen that.

Those guys should call the zoo and see if the person who tranquilizes large animals is available.
Good God Man, I wish I'd never seen that.

Those guys should call the zoo and see if the person who tranquilizes large animals is available.
But let’s vote for the Dems because of all the hatred out there
So apparently East Michigan University's "Women's Resource Center" will stop hosting The Vagina Monologues. Link.

Ordinarily, I'd say this was good news. An idiotic production is no longer being pushed with taxpayer money. Then I found out the reason why they're not hosting it. Yep, you guessed it. It's because not all women have vaginas. It's pretty hard to out-stupid The Vagina Monologues, but the academic Left has managed to do it.
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Someone in the NYC theater circles who has apparently had enough.

Writing for Quillette Ended My Theater Project - Quillette

I have been writing on the issues of gender, gender identity, and trans ideology since the premiere of my play How to Sell Your Gang Rape Baby* *for Parts in 2013. Gang Rape Baby (as we nicknamed it) was directed by the same person who was now suggesting that I apologize. It was performed by me and another co-founder of the collective, produced by another member of the collective, and stage managed by another. In other words, we had all worked on this play which had not been shy about my refusal to adhere to or espouse orthodox ideas about gender identity, gender roles, or the notion that men can become women. The difference between that show and the work I was doing then and the work I have been doing of late, is that no one had complained before. No one believed that my radical feminist black satire about selling babies which result from gang rape for their organs was hurtful at all—not to babies, not to women who had been gang raped, not to transgender bosses who accidentally tuck their skirts into their panty hose, use women’s bathrooms, and get breast milk sack implants. Not to anyone.

In the arts community, as well as in universities, it is assumed that a specific gender, racial, sexual, or community identity determines opinions. It is widely believed that traditionally dominant identities produce opinions and ideas that must be considered suspect (i.e. those of the deplorable white women who voted for Trump), and taken with a tablespoon of salt. This is especially true when those ideas or opinions are interacting with ideas or opinions that are considered the purview of those whose identities have been historically disenfranchised. The higher up the privilege ladder you are perceived to be, the less you should have to say about any group occupying a lower rung. For example, my perceived identity as a cis straight white woman is a clear indicator that I should neither have nor express opinions about trans queer white men.

Women like me aren’t supposed to say that men aren’t women. We’re supposed to believe that some men are women. We’re supposed to believe that these men who really are women really believe that they are women, and that we should believe it too. Women like me are not supposed to speak about female erasure, because trans erasure is more important. Women like me aren’t supposed to express the opinion that womanhood is defined by more than mere appearances or performance. We’re supposed to defer to those men that really are women and respect their perspective of what it means to be a woman more than our own.

“You’re punching down,” my director announced from across the table, our scripts and a selection of snacks between us. She said that she’d been contacted my members of our theater community who had let her know that I had hurt them. These theater people wanted to make sure that she knew about the article I’d written and what people on social media were saying. The director reviewed the thread on my Facebook timeline from July, and determined for herself that I had participated in “trans erasure,” and hurt people by equating medical gender transition to rapidly growing trends in AI and body hacking.

In point of fact I wasn’t punching anyone. I was writing in an attempt to convey a somewhat complicated idea about what human beings are and what we are becoming. This is a topic that interests me greatly, along with the vexing questions of how we ought live. These questions have been hugely influential to my research, my art work, and my writing. They are the questions that had spurred the creation of this script and the theater collective I had co-founded to make it happen.

“You are cis gender,” she informed me. “You need to educate yourself.”

“I am not cis gender,” I replied.

Women like me are supposed to understand that we are privileged to be women in women’s bodies. Did I get that right? Privileged to be females who are perceived to be females? Is that it? Wait, privileged to be women who like being women? Maybe that’s it. We’re supposed to understand that it’s different for those who don’t like being in women’s bodies. Or who don’t like being in men’s bodies. I am supposed to understand this because I am a “cis gendered” woman.

For someone like me, who is identified as (as opposed to identifying as) a cis straight white female, to have ideas or opinions relating to trans ideology that are contrary to the progressive narrative recited by rote is already enough for me to be chastised by my community. I knew this, and I often kept quiet during conversations with others in the arts community when these topics arose. But, by espousing them in public, and then doubling down on social media, I had crossed a line drawn to keep my identity separate from certain contentious subjects.

If anything, it is the knowledge that I don’t identify with those things stereotypically female (high heels, makeup, being quiet while the men are talking) that has led me to believe that what society defines as belonging to the domain of women or the domain of men are not what make women and men what they are. Instead, it is our bodies that have the job of determining male and female, and the mind that is free to do as it pleases no matter the confines of the physical form. Yes, the physical form has its limits, and we ignore those limits at our peril. In college, I knew a PCP user who once uttered this truth: if there’s two of you, you can fly; if there’s one of you, well then you can’t fly. Because ideally one of the two will remember that the body has limits, and no flight capability.

“I don’t want to debate this with you,” my director said.

And that, of course, is the problem. No one wants to debate trans ideology. No one wants to talk about it at all other than to say it’s literally as glorious as unicorns shitting rainbows. I explained that I have no problem with pronouns, or bathrooms, or how people want to live, but that I don’t accept the identifier of “cis gendered,” I don’t think kids should be transitioned, and I don’t believe men can change into women or vice versa. I believe being a femme man doesn’t make you female and that men should be more accepting of their femme brothers. I argued that gender is performative and sex is innate, and that gender is not the soul, living somewhere deep inside us waiting to be realized.

“Don’t judge people,” my director advised, and went on to remark that I’d “really hurt people, you made them hurt, especially in a week where Trump said they didn’t have the right to exist.”
It just proves that Political Correctness is a political and social tool to force conformity. It isn't really about being respectful or loving people.

Those who are fighting for this trans ideology are also fighting for many more other causes and are linked to a specific political party. They are prepared to use the force of the state to get what they want too.
She is a bit wishy washy too. She says the mind can believe things that aren't physically true about their body. But even being 99% on board isn't enough for collectivists.
If you need something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, you could be thankful this woman is not part of your family

What a nut job. Have these people always existed or is some alien spore, left under their beds at night, turing these folks into left wing zombies.

When did this whole "woke" business really take off? Pretty sure it was before Trump won. Ferguson, Missouri comes to mind.
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What a nut job. Have these people always existed or is some alien spore, left under their beds at night, during these folks into left wing zombies.

When did this whole "woke" business really take off? Pretty sure it was before Trump won. Ferguson, Missouri comes to mind.

The world has always been full of crazy women. Social media lifted their invisibility cloaks. And probably created more through example thereby allowing someone who might have been only 1/3 crazy think its perfectly fine to go a full 3/3. Never go 3/3.
If you need something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, you could be thankful this woman is not part of your family



Over the years, I've always heard that every family has an obnoxious conservative uncle who mindlessly spouts his mouth off and throws racial slurs around at the Thanksgiving dinner table. I have four uncles. They're all conservative. None of them are like this. I do have some obnoxious liberal cousins who shoot their mouths off pretty regularly. My conservative uncles usually say nothing.
Over the years, I've always heard that every family has an obnoxious conservative uncle who mindlessly spouts his mouth off and throws racial slurs around at the Thanksgiving dinner table. I have four uncles. They're all conservative. None of them are like this. I do have some obnoxious liberal cousins who shoot their mouths off pretty regularly. My conservative uncles usually say nothing.

But if talk to your cousins post T-G, they are all bitching about their uncles. It's just how it goes.
I am for religious freedom too, but how do you support it when that religion physically harms people. Atheists say that teaching children about Jesus harms them too, so I can't completely agree with the harm argument. Is the line physical harm vs emotional or mental harm? In the past I would agree, but the Left has equated one to the other.

I am still willing to punish the religious for causing physical harm to someone even if it is based on their religion. In Islam it is acceptable if righteous to perform violence against the non-believer.
Someone in the NYC theater circles who has apparently had enough.

Writing for Quillette Ended My Theater Project - Quillette

I have been writing on the issues of gender, gender identity, and trans ideology since the premiere of my play How to Sell Your Gang Rape Baby* *for Parts in 2013. Gang Rape Baby (as we nicknamed it) was directed by the same person who was now suggesting that I apologize. It was performed by me and another co-founder of the collective, produced by another member of the collective, and stage managed by another. In other words, we had all worked on this play which had not been shy about my refusal to adhere to or espouse orthodox ideas about gender identity, gender roles, or the notion that men can become women. The difference between that show and the work I was doing then and the work I have been doing of late, is that no one had complained before. No one believed that my radical feminist black satire about selling babies which result from gang rape for their organs was hurtful at all—not to babies, not to women who had been gang raped, not to transgender bosses who accidentally tuck their skirts into their panty hose, use women’s bathrooms, and get breast milk sack implants. Not to anyone.

In the arts community, as well as in universities, it is assumed that a specific gender, racial, sexual, or community identity determines opinions. It is widely believed that traditionally dominant identities produce opinions and ideas that must be considered suspect (i.e. those of the deplorable white women who voted for Trump), and taken with a tablespoon of salt. This is especially true when those ideas or opinions are interacting with ideas or opinions that are considered the purview of those whose identities have been historically disenfranchised. The higher up the privilege ladder you are perceived to be, the less you should have to say about any group occupying a lower rung. For example, my perceived identity as a cis straight white woman is a clear indicator that I should neither have nor express opinions about trans queer white men.

Women like me aren’t supposed to say that men aren’t women. We’re supposed to believe that some men are women. We’re supposed to believe that these men who really are women really believe that they are women, and that we should believe it too. Women like me are not supposed to speak about female erasure, because trans erasure is more important. Women like me aren’t supposed to express the opinion that womanhood is defined by more than mere appearances or performance. We’re supposed to defer to those men that really are women and respect their perspective of what it means to be a woman more than our own.

“You’re punching down,” my director announced from across the table, our scripts and a selection of snacks between us. She said that she’d been contacted my members of our theater community who had let her know that I had hurt them. These theater people wanted to make sure that she knew about the article I’d written and what people on social media were saying. The director reviewed the thread on my Facebook timeline from July, and determined for herself that I had participated in “trans erasure,” and hurt people by equating medical gender transition to rapidly growing trends in AI and body hacking.

In point of fact I wasn’t punching anyone. I was writing in an attempt to convey a somewhat complicated idea about what human beings are and what we are becoming. This is a topic that interests me greatly, along with the vexing questions of how we ought live. These questions have been hugely influential to my research, my art work, and my writing. They are the questions that had spurred the creation of this script and the theater collective I had co-founded to make it happen.

“You are cis gender,” she informed me. “You need to educate yourself.”

“I am not cis gender,” I replied.

Women like me are supposed to understand that we are privileged to be women in women’s bodies. Did I get that right? Privileged to be females who are perceived to be females? Is that it? Wait, privileged to be women who like being women? Maybe that’s it. We’re supposed to understand that it’s different for those who don’t like being in women’s bodies. Or who don’t like being in men’s bodies. I am supposed to understand this because I am a “cis gendered” woman.

For someone like me, who is identified as (as opposed to identifying as) a cis straight white female, to have ideas or opinions relating to trans ideology that are contrary to the progressive narrative recited by rote is already enough for me to be chastised by my community. I knew this, and I often kept quiet during conversations with others in the arts community when these topics arose. But, by espousing them in public, and then doubling down on social media, I had crossed a line drawn to keep my identity separate from certain contentious subjects.

If anything, it is the knowledge that I don’t identify with those things stereotypically female (high heels, makeup, being quiet while the men are talking) that has led me to believe that what society defines as belonging to the domain of women or the domain of men are not what make women and men what they are. Instead, it is our bodies that have the job of determining male and female, and the mind that is free to do as it pleases no matter the confines of the physical form. Yes, the physical form has its limits, and we ignore those limits at our peril. In college, I knew a PCP user who once uttered this truth: if there’s two of you, you can fly; if there’s one of you, well then you can’t fly. Because ideally one of the two will remember that the body has limits, and no flight capability.

“I don’t want to debate this with you,” my director said.

And that, of course, is the problem. No one wants to debate trans ideology. No one wants to talk about it at all other than to say it’s literally as glorious as unicorns shitting rainbows. I explained that I have no problem with pronouns, or bathrooms, or how people want to live, but that I don’t accept the identifier of “cis gendered,” I don’t think kids should be transitioned, and I don’t believe men can change into women or vice versa. I believe being a femme man doesn’t make you female and that men should be more accepting of their femme brothers. I argued that gender is performative and sex is innate, and that gender is not the soul, living somewhere deep inside us waiting to be realized.

“Don’t judge people,” my director advised, and went on to remark that I’d “really hurt people, you made them hurt, especially in a week where Trump said they didn’t have the right to exist.”
All these identities are confusing as ****. I got a headache reading it. Perhaps someone can find me a safe space and some coloring books.
“You are cis gender,” she informed me. “You need to educate yourself.”

“I am not cis gender,” I replied.

I'm officially old school. If someone talked to me that arrogantly in my home I'd ask them to leave. My cousin's wife is just like that; her Liberal arrogance is over the top. In 2008, we had a party for my Dad's 80th birthday. He was already showing signs of dementia and it was a sad/glorious affair. He was still with us but I knew the gathering would probably never see him as he was in his prime in the not too distant future. My cousin's wife was there and as soon as I arrived she came right up to me and started complaining about my Father and his political beliefs (He was a Cuban and a Poli Sci professor). Apparently it got heated the night before I arrived. She started telling me about her credentials (an aid to some Florida Legistatore) and I just looked at her and said, "I'm here to celebrate my Father's birthday; an 80 year old man. And I don't know who you are."

She was stunned. I never spoke to her again.

This same person was attacking my mother on Facebook over politics and my mother had to block her. It was the vile Liberal arrogant attacks. We all know what I'm talking about too. There is no secret anymore about the militancy of certain sects on the far Left.

As for this cis gender stuff. It seems to be that we are obsessing about the 3rd or further standard deviation on the bell curve. And we are re-defining the norm because we have decided the extreme outlier deserves to be normalized.

Well it's not to me. Not to the extent that it creates gender confusion. I'm not the one who is confused. Neither are my children.

My comments here have nothing to do with my opinions about homosexuality in general. I'm in favor of gay marriage. I am not bothered by gay people. I'm unaffected at this point. Instead, this is about the indoctrination of children to select their gender and to introduce to them to the idea that their gender is not defined until THEY decide. I consider it to be a form of child abuse. You do not introduce the question of gender for the entire population of children as if it were a flu shot. You do not introduce the question of gender where no problem exists. Introducing it to the entire population creates a mental problem for them ALL.
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Dog accused of racist hate crime for pooping on neighbor's doorstep.

The police log read "an unknown dog has fouled outside of victim address and victim perceived this to be a racial incident," the Mail on Sunday reports.
* * *
Current legislation sees police record any allegation motivated by prejudice as a hate incident. This has led to records of a bus driver giving "a racist look", and a person who "recently found a dead rat in garden and perceives this incident to be racist". Dogs are apparently also capable of hate crimes - as well as the dog poo debacle, another report claims that "suspect's dog barking at victim"....."

Dog accused of 'racist hate crime' for pooing on victim's doorstep

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