Post Ratings


I added a post ratings feature so you can rate a post beyond just a “like” — let me know if you think it’s good or if it just sucks.

Previous likes to a post will remain, they will be indicated by a

These ratings can be changed, new ones added, etc, so I’m open to ideas for different ratings options if you think of something good. Unfortunately I can’t find a way to let it allow you to select more than one rating per post, but you can undo your rating and change it to something else later if you want.

The choices we have now are:
  • Like
  • Dislike
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Funny
  • Winner
  • WTF?

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Last edited:
I added a post ratings feature so you can rate a post beyond just a “like” — let me know if you think it’s good or if it just sucks.

Previous likes to a post will remain, they will be indicated by a

These ratings can be changed, new ones added, etc, so I’m open to ideas for different ratings options if you think of something good. Unfortunately I can’t find a way to let it allow you to select more than one rating per post, but you can undo your rating and change it to something else later if you want.

The choices we have now are:
  • Like
  • Dislike
  • Agree
  • Disagree
  • Funny
  • Winner
  • WTF?

Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 10.11.33 PM.png
OU sucks, just for our Sooner friends who happen upon the board.

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