unsolicited Beto campaign text messages


de Plorable
Anyone else getting unsolicited text messages from O'Rourke's campaign? The ones I got refused to say where they got my cell number from, which further pissed me off.
Unless you voted in a primary so they would know which party all they know would be that you voted in a general election
so they are fishing for votes
Anyone else getting unsolicited text messages from O'Rourke's campaign? The ones I got refused to say where they got my cell number from, which further pissed me off.
I got one asking me if I had decided for whom to vote for US Senate. I texted back Ted Cruz for sure. I got another text that said have a nice day.
I haven't, but a good friend of mine has. The 936 number is the O'Rourke volunteer's number, not my friend's.



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I've gotten 4 or 5 of them. His team is very aggressive and well organized. But, they've got the same problem that Trump's team has; they can't keep the candidate from shooting their mouth off.

In the last week Beto said; "what could be more American than kneeling for the National Anthem" and then he joined with other Dems to call for decriminalizing illegal border crossing.

It may be close, but I don't think enough Californians have migrated to Texas to put Beto over the top.
But, they've got the same problem that Trump's team has; they can't keep the candidate from shooting their mouth off.

In the last week Beto said; "what could be more American than kneeling for the National Anthem" and then he joined with other Dems to call for decriminalizing illegal border crossing.

He's not shooting his mouth off. He's intentionally saying that stuff for two reasons.

First, there are Texas Democrats who believe that Texas is a sleeping giant of liberalism that is just waiting to be awoken by an inspiring liberal candidate - basically someone who can assemble a Texas-oriented (meaning more Hispanic-centered) Obama coalition. That's what Beto is trying to do. And of course, keep in mind that blacks and Hispanics distrust each other in the political realm, and Beto needs strong black turnout to have a chance. By taking the side of the NFL players, he's signaling to blacks that though he "whips out the Mexican thing" a lot, he's also sympathetic to the plight of the black man.

Second, Beto is hoping the commentsc will attract cash. Texas Democrats are becoming reliant on out-of-state money. The old fundraising duo of unions and trial lawyers simply don't have the money to bankroll the party like they used to. They need money from places like California and New York, and that means hardcore social liberalism and SJW pandering. (Texas unions and trial lawyers mostly don't care about that kind of crap and consider it a political liability.)
Will be fun to watch a debate between Cruz and Beto. Cruz is a very good debater and Beto strikes me as a bit of an idiot (albeit a likeable one). Seems to be the male version of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
I saw that. He says that they will eventually debate but says Cruz is trying to bully him around. Should change his name to Beta.
I saw that. He says that they will eventually debate but says Cruz is trying to bully him around. Should change his name to Beta.

Obviously he can't say, "I don't have the balls to debate Cruz." He has to come up with excuses. He's going delay debating as long as he can, because Cruz is a beast of a debator - literally one of the best in the United States.

And why debate? Right now the political media (both in Texas and in DC) is kissing his *** every chance they get and making him look as good as possible. Why jump into a debate in which he knows he's going running get curb-stomped and let it hurt his momentum?
And why debate? Right now the political media (both in Texas and in DC) is kissing his *** every chance they get and making him look as good as possible. Why jump into a debate in which he knows he's going running get curb-stomped and let it hurt his momentum?

Doh...just saw this. Great minds think alike...or at least minds think alike or something like that.
I saw that. He says that they will eventually debate but says Cruz is trying to bully him around. Should change his name to Beta.
Nah...should claim and embrace some sense of French history in his family tree. It just looks like Dumas...but it's actually pronounced DUMBA$$ ;)
If he believes any sort of a poll is accurate after 2016 results, then he is even dumber than many believed...
He may be chickening out. If this poll is to be believed (not sure it is) O'Rourke is only down 1. If he truly has this kind of momentum, it may not be in Beto's strategic best interests to debate Cruz.
um, high school football much?
Beta's not playing high school football and probably didn't even like it in high school. He used to wear a dress back in the day. He was probably more into hair and makeup, [ Seinfeld ] not that there's anything wrong with that. [ / Seinfeld ]
Where was the debate supposed to take place? If it's in Austin, Houston, or Dallas, I guarantee there are plenty of people not going to high school football. Was he planning to hold this in Cooper or Sulphur Springs or something?
Where was the debate supposed to take place? If it's in Austin, Houston, or Dallas, I guarantee there are plenty of people not going to high school football. Was he planning to hold this in Cooper or Sulphur Springs or something?

And let's cut the crap. That's not why he backed out.
two of them were Aggie games that an Aggie chick I was dating dragged me to.

They had a really good rivalry going with some Louisiana high school a few years ago, but cancelled it after they lost one. I hear Klein may have an open spot next year, maybe they could start that and build their Houston recruiting base with a home-and-home?
They had a really good rivalry going with some Louisiana high school a few years ago, but cancelled it after they lost one. I hear Klein may have an open spot next year, maybe they could start that and build their Houston recruiting base with a home-and-home?

Never gave a crap about any rivalry or football program. I went to those games because it got her hot and bothered in a good way. No other reason. I never actually cared about the Aggies or paid attention to the games even when they played Baylor. (I didn't fake interest though. She knew what I thought.)

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