I always hear the discussion about how the Republicans were the party of Lincoln and how the Southern Democrats (Dixiecrats) voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In my view these types of arguments are misleading because I don't see today's right-wingers in those parties of long ago. Times have changed and so have labels. I deal with today and what people are saying. I agree, the Nazi's are not left-wing just as today's KKK is not either.
The truth is modern politics are completely different from the past and even 10 years ago. Trump has caused another great upheaval. Since Trump moved the unions to the GOP, what is right and left in America is very screwy. The GOP is now a combination of rich business owners (former federalists and whigs), dixiecrats and union workers. All three of these groups spent the majority of this county’s history opposing each other and even fighting the civil war against each other. The three GOP groups are all on different parts of the left-right scale, with Trump’s union base being on the left. Adding Trump and the union base has killed many classic GOP positions such as balancing the budget. The modern democrats are a new group that emerged out of the FDR era, and honestly, all the three modern GOP groups have in common is they dont like modern democrats. It will be interesting to see if such an alliance can hold in the long run. As michael moore and others have pointed out, trump’s union base is left wing and democrats really need to focus on recruiting them back if they want to beat Trump. So far I have not seen the democratic party do it. We’ll see in the next election.
Also, we really need to just call the modern nazis, kkk and their ilk “white supremacists.” They really are not true nazis because I doubt they support the various economic and civic policies of national socialism. Hell, they may not even be fascists as I dont know they even want a dictator. Many also are criminals and arent fans of the police. I also doubt they agree with the klan’s various progressive positions (not on race, but on government) from 100 years ago. They are one-trick ponies that ONLY care about racism and white supremacy. That’s it. They combine and adopt any symbol they feel is racist from old british colonial flags, to confederate flags, to nazis symbols to even the star spangled banner, even though such symbols directly conflict with one another. They support the right in america only because the right tends to be conservative on race issues. The right really does not support their agenda at all and no one in the GOP is advocating to bring back racial segregation, it is just the right’s policies are less hostile towards the white supremacist one issue agenda. Like I said, these bozos really arent anywhere on the true right/left scale, they are just bozos obsessed with racism/hate and have no other issues. The reason, I may add, that they are small in number and outcasts and not a political threat is, unlike the nazis or the klan in the 20s, they bring nothing to the table but hate. Both the nazis and the klan had a full economic and civic agenda that attracted regular people to go along with their hate. Modern white supremacists really have nothing on their agenda but hate and racism, unlike the 1920s nazis and klan they admire and try to copy. Really, in modern times, they are just hateful, bigoted fools. I will also add that there are plenty of other “one trick pony” groups considered to be on the “right” and “left” despite really only having one issue in common or semi-in common. See those that want to legalize weed and like Ron Paul. They really arent libertarians, but they like that Ron Paul is not hostile towards weed. Bill Maher made fun of this one time about how many of his fellow stoners were rallying behind someone they did not agree with on anything but weed.