Dumb Political Correctness

So not that I'm defending women in provactive outfits performing (yeah, yeah, I know...), but why is it these same groups will line up to defend strippers and sex-workers as "empowered? If the cheerleaders were naked and people were throwing money at them, I guess that would be OK?

Makes no sense whatsoever.

Modern feminism is basically idiotic, so it's sometimes hard to follow their "logic." However, I think they'd differentiate on two grounds. First, though the stripper and prostitute both provide sexual pleasure (to various degrees) for dudes, they actually make a living doing it and sometimes make a pretty good living. I represented a few strippers. They weren't rich, but they made a hell of a lot more than your average high school grad. I have no idea what prostitutes make. It probably varies a lot. I've been told that in Amsterdam, if you're willing to fork out 50 Euros (about $65), you can get about 20 minutes of "action." Cheerleaders make very little - not anywhere near enough to make a living.

Second, the "sex-positive feminists" are going to be OK with prostitution, because the women are having sex, which means that they at least might get some enjoyment out of it. Do I think your average dude hooking up with a prostitute is actually concerned with her pleasure? No, but are some? Perhaps.

And of course, keep in mind that feminists generally like anything that bothers or offends religious people. Cheerleading doesn't offend most religious people. Striping does, and of course, prostitution really does.
"We must stop the chicken sandwich menace before its delicious food spreads Christianity all across the globe."
- some dude at the New Yorker​

This is Soviet anti-religion propaganda from 1930: "Religion is poison - protect children against it"
Not much difference at the New Yorker today
It's the same people, just a different date on the calendar

Modern feminism is basically idiotic, so it's sometimes hard to follow their "logic." ....

Study it long enough and you will conclude there is no logic. Nor reason, nor rational thought.
It is all emotional.
All about the feels.
If these good people are allowed to sustain power, then they will eventually change the thought process itself.
Which will quickly creep into math and science, which have already been targeted as racist and sexist.
Eventually, no one will think for themselves.
Which will give us Idiocracy, with you as President.
If it is inevitable then you, of all people, should just sit back and enjoy it

The trouble with feminists is that some (most) of them actually believe in feminism, like the way some (most) Marxists actually believed Marxism was a valid economic theory. Neither of them are valid as life creeds. The thought leaders of both movements probably are laughing their arses off when they see their acolytes actually trying to live what they are preaching. Both are only political theories to gain political power, not a way of life.
...Both are only political theories to gain political power, not a way of life.

People can do whatever they want, believe whatever they want. No one cares. But there is a future threat. The problem is, as history has repeatedly shown, these type of folks never stop there, they live to make the rest of us conform the way they think we should. These folks do not study history, they dont care. Nor do they care about the greatest founding document ever written. No matter the time period, they always think they are better and smarter than anyone who came before them. They want control. Which means they need power. This is why they must be contested and not allowed to gain political mass. Otherwise, they will someday send us to an American Gulag.

Where would this be I wonder? Alaska, Minnesota? Probably the state of Washington.
"Penn State still will offer a university-operated outdoors trip program, Powers said."

I dunno, at some point, they'll see a study that says that stuffing the kids in those giant plastic bubbles can cause skin irritation, so they'll have to cancel that, too.
This guy really likes his privacy

Lots of crazy people in this world. Starbucks founder Howard Schultz had an 8 member company provided security detail when i worked there. Shultz had openly supported both Jewish causes and Palestinian causes which naturally brought many death threats from both sides. The largest spike was when Starbucks forbid guns in the stores. That resulted in at least 2-3 arrests of gun loving peeps for threats.
I think one thing we can all agree on is that rape is never funny. My question is whether it might be OK to find it ironic?

Here, a Swedish woman who campaigns against the deportation of migrants was raped by Afghans migrants


It's not surprising at all. I've heard about several stories like these over here. Some stupid, liberal local chick with a "bad boy" fetish will find some "migrant" and go drinking and partying with him and then be surprised when he wants sex and doesn't buy into "no means no."

As much as the Left tries to make a common cause with non-assimilated Muslims and feminism, it just doesn't work. Their culture simply doesn't think that raping somebody is that big of a deal, and of course, they think nothing of slapping a woman around. You can be on the side of non-assimilated Muslims or on the side of rape victims and women but not both.

I didn't laugh at the woman who got raped. She didn't deserve that even if she exhibited titanically bad judgment and stupidity for a 40 year old, but I will admit that I laughed at what this guy tried to pull,

"Hassani suddenly penetrated her anally causing her 'excruciating pain' . . . According to the victim, Hassani ran after her and 'offered to take her to dinner', but she walked off and called an ambulance."

So you rape a woman (anally, no less!) and when she understandably takes offense and resists, you say, "sorry Baby, I put the cart before the horse. Let me take you to a nice dinner, and then we can come back and try again."

Gotta love this part too. These Swedes are just pathetic. It's really hard to sympathize with these jokers.

After time served, Hassani will be deported and banned from returning to Sweden for ten years.

Hesari, who admitted to sexual molestation, was handed a three-month suspended sentence and ordered to pay 23,990SEK (£2,013) in compensation.

So Mr. *** Man is getting deported, but he can come back in ten years? Seriously, he gets to come back??

And the boob groper and jerker-offer doesn't get deported, gets a suspended sentence, and only has to pay a relatively small fine?? Wow. Basically he's getting 2nd offense DWI treatment - for sexual assault.
I don't link to The Root very often, but this story is remarkable and exemplifies the hypocrisy of the sanctimonious, and smug, white liberal. Apparently New York City schools are trying to bring more ethnic minorities into schools on the wealthy and white Upper West Side, and these people are freaking out about it. It's just remarkable how people who pride themselves for their wokeness and being smarter and more moral than their southern counterparts turn into friggin George Wallace and are ready to get out the fire hoses and attack dogs when it's about to be done to their neighborhoods and schools.
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I don't link to The Root very often, but this story is remarkable and exemplifies the hypocrisy of the sanctimonious, and smug, white liberal. Apparently New York City schools are trying to bring more ethnic minorities into schools on the wealthy and white Upper West Side, and these people are freaking out about it. It's just remarkable how people who pride themselves for their wokeness and being smarter and more moral than their southern counterparts turn into friggin George Wallace and are ready to get out the fire hoses and attack dogs when it's about to be done to their neighborhoods and schools.
The only mystery is why people believe their ******** in the first place, sort of like believing in communism.
I don't link to The Root very often, but this story is remarkable and exemplifies the hypocrisy of the sanctimonious, and smug, white liberal. Apparently New York City schools are trying to bring more ethnic minorities into schools on the wealthy and white Upper West Side, and these people are freaking out about it. It's just remarkable how people who pride themselves for their wokeness and being smarter and more moral than their southern counterparts turn into friggin George Wallace and are ready to get out the fire hoses and attack dogs when it's about to be done to their neighborhoods and schools.
And this quote is great:

Chen notes that academic testing, which applies “rigid standards of ‘merit,’” also results in biased outcomes and helps exacerbate racial and class divisions across the city’s schools.

Think about the minority family that worked their asses off so they could move to a better neighborhood and better schools. Now the school district is about to screw them, too.
Study it long enough and you will conclude there is no logic. Nor reason, nor rational thought.
It is all emotional.
All about the feels.

This is why we never should have given women the right to vote. They are ruled by emotion. Sometimes that is a good thing, but not when it comes to politics.
Between this and the Garrett Wilson quote, its been a rough couple days for the main campus in social media terms

And of course NOW, the uni mouthpiece is wanting to claim that they are sorry the message was not clear...translated, they didn't realize the pushback that would exist when they made public the plans for the pussification of the 40 Acres.
My wife called Greg's office today and they told her to email him. Of course he didnt want to talk to a pissed off female graduate of the school about why her alma mater is now a world wide butt of a joke.

UT is going to pay someone $47,508.00 a year to run this department. Additionally there will be staff. This is where the tuition goes. This is where donations go. They go to the hiring of useless administrations. The majority of the money does NOT go to providing education of the first class. @Mr. Deez had a rant about how we should not give money to universities because they are government entities doing their jobs. He is right to some extent. However, if a university is providing quality education at an affordable rate, I can understand wanting to give back.

UT does not provide quality education at an affordable rate. Instead, UT has become a make-work program where useless administrators are hired for jobs that add no value whatsoever to society and are a drain on the students and taxpayers. I do not care what degree you have. You can enter the workforce, learn a skill and contribute to society. Too many liberal arts majors have succeeded in jobs that have nothing to do with their degrees. If someone is a useless university administrative dreg that sits around all day thinking of ways to make men less masculine at the expense of taxpayers and students while a hell of a lot of people in this country work hard for a lot less, that university administrator is a worthless p.o.s. Even worse than them are the people that perpetuate their uselessness like Bill Powers and Greg Fenves. At some point Americans needs to wake up to how f***ed higher education is being run and where their student loan, tuition and tax dollars are going.

I am really at a point where I am ready to cut UT's tax dollars and state owned oil money off until there is better management. No one's tax dollars or state owned resources (oil fields) from the lowest unskilled laborer to the highest paid CEO should be going to a "VAV Healthy Masculinities Coordinator" and the three administrative staff workers that will sit around playing solitaire on their computers.
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@Mr. Deez had a rant about how we should not give money to universities because they are government entities doing their jobs. He is right to some extent. However, if a university is providing quality education at an affordable rate, I can understand wanting to give back.

I understand wanting to give back. Universities create social pressure to do it, and of course, people who give large amounts get to see their names on buildings and in other positions of prominence. And of course, they sometimes are able to buy influence with their donations.

However, there isn't a real charitable justification for giving. It's something we pretend to be true when it clearly is not. In reality:

1. Paul Krugman isn't really a serious economist.

2. Barack Obama is the least deserving Nobel Peace Prize winner of all time.

3. Magic Johnson doesn't really have HIV/AIDS.

4. There's no charitable reason to donate money to a public university.

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