Dumb Political Correctness

That's the great thing about democracy. When someone you don't like gets elected for four years, you can just renounce your citizenship and move to Australia.

I'm surprised at the choice. Australia doesn't have tons of white guilt and isn't usually held up as the model of socialism that people of his ilk claim to like. Usually the Nordic countries fit the description much better. I wonder if the tax rates had something to do with his choice.
That's the great thing about democracy. When someone you don't like gets elected for four years, you can just renounce your citizenship and move to Australia.

I knew someone that moved over there...as long as you came with funds to show you could support yourself financially through the approval process, becoming a 'citizen' over there wasn't that challenging. I suspect he can show the living expenses...for him, his family and however many #MeToo victims he might have.
I'm surprised at the choice. Australia doesn't have tons of white guilt and isn't usually held up as the model of socialism that people of his ilk claim to like. Usually the Nordic countries fit the description much better. I wonder if the tax rates had something to do with his choice.

I wonder why he did not choose Haiti instead for his family?
It's alot closer to his work, and Colbert says its paradise on earth
Even libtards like Damon know a sh*thole nation when they see it...

Seems like Hillary thinks half the US is a shytehole full of shytehole people

Sidenote to the sidenote -- Can you imagine being the person called to help up the wet, naked Hillary off the floor after she fell in the tub in India and broke her wrist? Probably pretty heavy too. I would argue for a hazmat suit and quadruple hazard pay.
This has always been my position on how colleges could handle Title IX cases. All sports are unisex, open to everyone = big $avings on schollies. In the millions
Think of the argument the Title IX crowd would have to make in court in their legal challenge

A trans MMA fighter just beat his/her male opponent in Brazil
He/she says it would be unfair for him/her to fight female fighters
Sidenote to the sidenote -- Can you imagine being the person called to help up the wet, naked Hillary off the floor after she fell in the tub in India and broke her wrist? Probably pretty heavy too. I would argue for a hazmat suit and quadruple hazard pay.

I had a friend who was a volunteer fireman/EMS guy in South Carolina. He said on weekends half their calls were to get old people out of the tub who'd fallen. He said he was going to invent what he called the "a$$ jack", something you could slip under their butts and then just jack em up off the ground. He said if you could get 'em up a foot or two, they were usually strong enough to take if from there. Sounds like Hillary needed the a$$ jack.

By the way, who in India gives a damn why Hillary lost the American Presidential election? I certainly couldn't tell you anything about Indian politics.
I had a friend who was a volunteer fireman/EMS guy in South Carolina. He said on weekends half their calls were to get old people out of the tub who'd fallen. He said he was going to invent what he called the "a$$ jack", something you could slip under their butts and then just jack em up off the ground. He said if you could get 'em up a foot or two, they were usually strong enough to take if from there. Sounds like Hillary needed the a$$ jack.....

That would be a great late night infomercial.
Use that spokesman who does the black tape that holds the little boat together. Have him using your friend's invention to lift a naked, wet Hills off the floor as she mumbles something about a vast Indian tub conspiracy.
http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/...e-india-trump-win-james-comey-0315-story.html .. ^ in fairness, an editorial was published criticizing Hillary going to India... and I think most on all sides would agree with it.

".... So, the people who voted for Trump resent Indian-Americans' success? Funny, because surely her audience was aware that President Trump selected Indian-American Nikki Haley as ambassador to the United Nations...."

Bobby Jindal was also elected by deplorables, in the South
Has a blue state ever elected an Indian-American to statewide office?
OK I'm no feminist, but that article is just flat-out offensive and pretty misleading, as it happens. The argument is because many (or some, anyway, the article kind of passes on that part: "Though MCM is owned by five brothers, a lot of people one rung down the ladder from them are women. Some of the construction workers are even women.") of the engineers and construction workers are women, that's proof women can't build things??? Are you serious? It takes an engineer's statement that she says that as a female engineer, she can look at designs with a more artistic perspective, and claims she's saying that ALL SHE CARES ABOUT is that the bridge looks pretty.

That's a pretty pathetic article.
OK I'm no feminist, but that article is just flat-out offensive and pretty misleading, as it happens. The argument is because many (or some, anyway, the article kind of passes on that part: "Though MCM is owned by five brothers, a lot of people one rung down the ladder from them are women. Some of the construction workers are even women.") of the engineers and construction workers are women, that's proof women can't build things??? Are you serious? It takes an engineer's statement that she says that as a female engineer, she can look at designs with a more artistic perspective, and claims she's saying that ALL SHE CARES ABOUT is that the bridge looks pretty.

That's a pretty pathetic article.

Okay, I agree the article is certainly incendiary, but I will say that every engineering project I’ve been one has benefited when you have a hard headed ******* who questions everything. Not saying that this was absent here due to company culture, but worth checking back on when the failure study is published.
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every engineering project I’ve been one has benefited when you have a hard headed ******* who questions everything.

I think that's true of most projects in just about any field. My experience in corporate environments is that person is generally unliked, does not get invited to meetings, and is told by his supervisor to be more positive. Which explains a lot in retrospect.
They can and will throw you in jail in Europe for an internet joke.
Some Scottish dude didnt think much of his girlfriends dog. So he posted a Youtube of the dog raising his paw, and said the dog was a Nazi.

Believe it or not, he was arrested, tried and convicted of a hate crime. The sentencing is next month -- he could get a year in the pokey. Effectively, its like the Nazis won the war in the end.

Lefties here must be so jealous. They would throw us all in jail if they could. Suppression of free speech seems to be their solution to everything these days. Thank goodness for the wisdom of the Founders.

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“Gas the jews” was a bit much and rather tastless as far as humor goes. That said, it only merited people telling him that was taking it too far and tasteless. It did not merit government intervention or any legal system’s time. Really ridiculous for police time and taxpayer money to be wasted on a tasteless joke. Very happy we have the first amendment.
I think that's true of most projects in just about any field. My experience in corporate environments is that person is generally unliked, does not get invited to meetings, and is told by his supervisor to be more positive. Which explains a lot in retrospect.
I have never seen a commercial or public project that did not have a third party engineer or architect inspect and approve the work of the contractor as the project progressed. There is a 99.9999999% probability that this project failed due to design and/or incompetence during inspection on the part of the professional engineering design firm.
... It did not merit government intervention or any legal system’s time. ....

Does any non-commercial speech?

The Supremes have carved a limited list of exceptions (Fire!) but the answer in the US generally is no. Even for criminal conspiracy, you need "an act in furtherance" (something more than mere words).

Modern lefties constantly tell us claiming moral superiority is wrong, especially when comparing and contrasting cultures. But this difference is one of the primary features of our culture and is clearly superior.
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I read this piece published by CNN and written by someone who claims to be a "First Amendment" Attorney. He does ask the right question -- whether this type of euro-nonsense will be able to fly the pond. He also correctly points out they already have a special court Canada to jail regular folk for speech the liberals dont like.

And, even in the US, look at how Twitter, Youtube and Facebook are censoring conservatives. It happens daily. Twitter even censored the President's tweets. Do you not think they would throw us in jail if they could? Maybe for posts written here? Or even a funny meme? (think of how badly some of the posters here hate memes that skewer their preferred politicians). They already tried to get me banned once. It's not difficult to see how small minds that think like this would have me arrested if they could.

This is exactly the type of fight the ACLU used to fight. They challenged any type of infringement of our civil rights, wherever it showed itself. Not anymore. The modern ACLU is sadly infected with Marxists and other Thought Police. They have abandoned the US Constitution. A nation mourns their betrayal.

" .... Could the United States descend into such madness? Not under the First Amendment, as I interpret it. However, this kind of craziness does not collectively spread over society all at once -- it comes to us incrementally. And, we are moving in the wrong direction -- if you think less freedom is the "wrong direction."

Had Meechan been a college student in the United States, it is a virtual certainty that he would have been disciplined. College administrators, under the shroud of "intersectionality," regularly discipline students for less.

I, myself, was once accused of "hate speech" at the University of Massachusetts for putting up a poster from the punk band the Dead Kennedys -- wherein there was a swastika with a red circle and a line through it. Forget that the symbol over the swastika is the universal symbol for "anti" -- someone was offended, and that was all that was required...."

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that's proof women can't build things?

But the argument isn't "women can't build things" but "if you pick your team because of demographics and not based on competence and qualifications, you will have problems because some of your people will not be qualified and people end up dying as a result". Now that argument might still not be applicable to this bridge project, but let's argue against that argument and not a straw-stuffed scarecrow.
....And, even in the US, look at how Twitter, Youtube and Facebook are censoring conservatives. It happens daily. Twitter even censored the President's tweets. Do you not think they would throw us in jail if they could? ....

Noticed no one stepped in to deny this.

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