Dumb Political Correctness

Most of our basic laws against such things as murder and theft are rooted in The Ten Commandments so religion in government is not always bad.

Certainly we have laws that are established by consensus that are also mentioned in other books of religion. I have no problem with any law that protects us from harm from others, biblical in origin or not.

Let me give you an example of what is happening in my life. I divorced my wife back in 2016 after a long separation. She is what I would call a religious zealot. She has filed an appeal with the court of appeals to have me declared her husband for life on religious grounds. She tried to make a case (she represented herself) that my marriage vows were a covenant with God and is attempting to have the courts force me to honor that covenant. I am not joking about this either. I am being stalked in the courts with religion as the basis of her pleadings. This appeal was filed last April or so and it's still pending. So I have a personal stake in the whole separation of church and state debate.

It's a somewhat nuanced argument concerning religion and government. It's like porn (an unfortunate example); the old saying is, "I can't define it but I know it when I see it." Take Israel for instance; in my view there shouldn't be one shred of religious consideration in our foreign policy towards them. Nothing. I know that the horse is out of the barn on our support for Israel but I'm just giving you a technical example of what I am saying. In theory, their claims based upon being the chosen people should mean nothing in terms of our support. But I believe their biggest supporters in the US are the rapturists/evangelicals who believe in Biblical prophecy. They are looking for signs of the end time and when Israel was founded, this was seen as a major sign. The end of the disaspora and the gathering of the Jews to the Holy Land is a prerequisite for all the events prophesied in the Bible. So for this group of Christians support for Israel became a an important political position.

In my view this should mean nothing in how we run our country. But that's just my personal opinion. I'm trying to provide an example of religion in our government. I understand it's not realistic to think we would abandon Israel; not that I'm advocating that sort of thing. I just don't want my children to die because Israel is being possibly to aggressive in their West Bank settlements or over Trump's unilateral declaration of Jerusalem being their capital (totally unnecessary in my view; it has no strategic importance at the moment and merely inflamed the Arab world and to what end?).

I also think that religion has no place in the argument about gay marriage.
Good start. "Gross and inappropriate" would have been fine. You then let him off the hook with "naively thought it was an internal discussion". Seriously, is the comment appropriate in any discussion as POTUS?

You can keep saying I let him off the hook all you want, but that doesn't make it true. I never excused what he said. I'll elaborate more on this in the next post, but this is a classic case of "fill in the blank."

Here is where you lower the standard. Because some "liberal" or "leftist" has said it then that means what? It's OK for the POTUS? That any liberal is a hypocrite for saying the POTUS should have more dignity than others on their political spectrum?

When you're determined to answer your own question and insert the meaning of your choice, then there's no real point in having this discussion. Because you've decided to assign whatever meaning suits your argument and ignore everything else I say about it.

But I think it's funny that you've recast the Dem objections to this as "the POTUS should have more dignity than others on their political spectrum." I don't know anyone of note who's argued against that, and I've yet to hear any Dem simply saying "the president shouldn't use that sort of language." It never stops there. It moves on to "he's racist. We need to impeach him. Sign a clean DACA bill if you want to show you're not racist." This discussion isn't about "the president should be more presidential" and you know it's not. If that's all people were saying, my response would be "you're right. He does."

Seriously, what does it matter what some liberal thinks other than I'm sure it's painful to see your team leader be held accountable.

I'm more than happy to see the president held accountable for things that matter. Policy decisions. Public statements. Actions that impact our country in a tangible way. I'm not particularly concerned about policing every behind-closed-door discussion he has with legislators to make sure everything he says is PC. That's just not high on my priority list.

As for why it matters, it matters because it speaks to the reason this is being made into a huge issue to begin with.

Do dems really want to argue that Haiti is not a horribly run nation from which people are fleeing in droves? How about some of the African nations like Zimbabwe or Somalia? If you want to quibble with the terminology, is that because the language is too vulgar? Or do you think those countries really aren't that bad? Or are you making the argument that if those countries are referred to in that way, it must mean that the people who use the term believe that everyone who lives there is garbage? That's how it's being interpreted, and as far as I can tell, there's no indication that Trump believes it.

Basically, the issue appears to have nothing to do with the way Trump described the countries, and everything to do with the immigration policy the dems want to keep in place. So if they want to be mad about Trump wanting to cut immigration from those nations, then that's a discussion that we could actually have which would be worthwhile.
I wonder how long it will be until a democrat says that he/she overheard Trump say the n-word. The left is desperate so it's probably coming.
Hearsay, just like I said originally.
It's been reported from numerous sources that Trump called around to check the reaction to his comments before he denied them.

Here is what the Washington Post said, after giving the comments a lot more thought than the man who originally uttered them. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...-more-ridiculous-turn/?utm_term=.33e01f9dd1dd

Seem like a childish attempt to get around a truth... kind of like Bill Clinton's "What do you mean by is?"
From The Wahington Post: Three White House officials said Perdue and Cotton told the White House that they heard “shithouse” rather than “********,”

Who are these three officials? More anonymous sources from the Post that are probably ********.
Cory Booker driven to "tears of rage" because he doesn't get the answer he wanted.

I'm sorry, but the optics of the GOP hammering witnesses about why people died in Benghazi or why Hillary destroyed emails seems a little more solid than the Dems hammering witnesses over whether or not Trump said a bad word in a closed door meeting.
Cory Booker driven to "tears of rage" because he doesn't get the answer he wanted.

I'm sorry, but the optics of the GOP hammering witnesses about why people died in Benghazi or why Hillary destroyed emails seems a little more solid than the Dems hammering witnesses over whether or not Trump said a bad word in a closed door meeting.

As Hillary said, "What difference does it make?"
Cory Booker driven to "tears of rage" because he doesn't get the answer he wanted.

I'm sorry, but the optics of the GOP hammering witnesses about why people died in Benghazi or why Hillary destroyed emails seems a little more solid than the Dems hammering witnesses over whether or not Trump said a bad word in a closed door meeting.

The left is totally losing their minds over this. Even if he did say it who cares about what a president says behind closed doors? It's the freaking truth.
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Cause they just lost the unstable argument with the just released results of the presidential physical and cognitive exam. They also lost the incompetent and Russian traitor arguments. They got nothing!
Has Booker reported these death threats? How about Harris? Why is this the first time we have heard of these threats? I call BS.

And finally, what does that have to do with Trump pointing out the reality of the situation in those countries? I hope the democrats keep it up. Trump will win in a landslide if the economy remains in high gear with unemployment - especially for blacks - at record lows.
Cause they just lost the unstable argument with the just released results of the presidential physical and cognitive exam. They also lost the incompetent and Russian traitor arguments. They got nothing!
I found it odd that the Rear Admiral said Pelosi was "crazier than a shi-house rat" during his recap of Trump's physical.
The left is totally losing their minds over this. Even if he did say it who cares about what a president says behind closed doors? It's the freaking truth.
I for one am sorry I have spent as much time on this as I have. So what if Trump is a lying, immature potty mouth? He's duly elected and it's not like he did anything during his campaign to make himself appear to be a paragon of truth, dignity and maturity.
The issue is more that he said something and is now lying about it. Typical. While it's poor form, it's not that big of a deal. It's more about the cover up. He lies about every topic that he stumbles upon.

To think that Cory Booker has not had death threats is silly. There's some "patriot" out there who'd take him out if he could.
Maybe that guy that shot at the Republican softball team. Is he still alive?
Like that. I've never said that the dangerous people don't come from both sides of the isle. It's a dangerous country. Thank the heavens that they don't have access to...Tide detergent pods.
The issue is more that he said something and is now lying about it. Typical. While it's poor form, it's not that big of a deal. It's more about the cover up. He lies about every topic that he stumbles upon.

To think that Cory Booker has not had death threats is silly. There's some "patriot" out there who'd take him out if he could.
This issue is that liberals are once again blowing something out of proportion, assigning it as racist rather than just being insensitive towards parts of the world which are no doubt s-holes. But that is the liberal narrative, everyone is a racist that sees any positives or provides any support to Trump.
I for one am sorry I have spent as much time on this as I have. So what if Trump is a lying, immature potty mouth? He's duly elected and it's not like he did anything during his campaign to make himself appear to be a paragon of truth, dignity and maturity.

As soon as you get a democrat president that isn't the same or worse than Trump perhaps you can talk. Obama was not an angel either and in some ways he was better than Trump and in other ways he was way worse.
Like that. I've never said that the dangerous people don't come from both sides of the isle. It's a dangerous country. Thank the heavens that they don't have access to...Tide detergent pods.

Ha ha... I just found out about the fad of eating those pods yesterday...
The issue is more that he said something and is now lying about it. Typical. While it's poor form, it's not that big of a deal. It's more about the cover up. He lies about every topic that he stumbles upon.

To think that Cory Booker has not had death threats is silly. There's some "patriot" out there who'd take him out if he could.
Senator Cotton doubled down saying he didn’t hear it. He a liar too?

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