I will not understand if Fisher accepts. Why? Unless the money is absolutely critical for him and his ego is insatiable. I see the risk/reward at TAM to be undesirable. In other words, for that kind of money, how would success be measured? Frankly, only in NCs.
Would he recruit any better in Collie Station than in Tallahassee? I wonder. And who needs that type of pressure? That is, unless he is getting the business from the alumni at FSU for one bad year.
It'll be interesting. As I have believed, there are only three truly elite coaches in the business right now, those being Saban (in a class by himself), Meyer and perhaps Harbaugh. (Harbaugh's star may be flickering.) And yes, Sweeney is close.
As many have suggested, you have to wonder what even the most gifted coach can accomplish at that school.
Be careful what you wish for?
Would he recruit any better in Collie Station than in Tallahassee? I wonder. And who needs that type of pressure? That is, unless he is getting the business from the alumni at FSU for one bad year.
It'll be interesting. As I have believed, there are only three truly elite coaches in the business right now, those being Saban (in a class by himself), Meyer and perhaps Harbaugh. (Harbaugh's star may be flickering.) And yes, Sweeney is close.
As many have suggested, you have to wonder what even the most gifted coach can accomplish at that school.
Be careful what you wish for?