Dumb Political Correctness

A nationwide search has yielded 7 women not assaulted by Al Franken
I asked a woman about it while walking the dog, she said no, so its now up to 8

I’m going to say it at the risk of being called a racist from the board libs. How the heck does a Maxine Waters get elected when she can’t even speak proper English. It’s “IMPEACH FORTY FIVE” not “IMPEACH FOTY FIVE”.
Odd, but Dem Harvey Weinstein is apparently no longer Jewish
Now he is just old and white
How did that happen? Was surgery involved?


Another Trump-hater in the media has been 'suspended' after claims of inappropriate sexual behavior

This time it is star NYT White House reporter Glenn Thrush (formerly of Politico), with "several women" involved

... unwanted groping and kissing to wet kisses out of nowhere to hazy sexual encounters that played out under the influence of alcohol. Each woman described feeling differentlyabout these experiences: scared, violated, ashamed, weirded out. I was — and am — angry....

.... [Thrush] slid into my side of the booth, blocking me in. I was wearing a skirt, and he put his hand on my thigh. He started kissing me. I pulled myself together and got out of there, shoving him on my way out. In the morning, Thrush sent me an apologetic email....

“He kept saying he’s an advocate for women and women journalists,” a 23-year-old woman said, recounting an incident with Thrush from this past June. “That’s how he presented himself to me. He tried to make himself seem like an ally and a mentor.”

He has already said he was drunk and doesnt remember

Thrush had just written this about fellow Dem reporter Halperin
“Young people who come into a newsroom deserve to be taught our trade, given our support and enlisted in our calling — not betrayed by little men who believe they are bigger than the mission.”

Thrush gets a first row seat in the WHPR
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Thrush is just one of many powerful liberal media types caught up in this new era of women finally speaking out which began with the downfall of Hollywood titan Weinstein who also had very powerful media ties

Mark Halperin lost a coveted book deal. He worked for both ABC and NBC, as well as MSNBC and Bloomberg. Halperin was once outed by Drudge for his memo sent to all ABC News staff ordering them not to cover the Kerry campaign the same fashion that they covered the Bush Campaign --
Do not "reflexively and artificially hold both sides 'equally' accountable."
While both John Kerry and George W. Bush used "distortion" in their campaign, Kerry’s distortions were not "central to his efforts to win."

Michael Oreskes news chief for NPR (formerly of the NYT) was forced to resign.

The Atlantic's Leon Wieseltier (former editor of The New Republic) lost funding for his new magazine. Andrew Sullivan once described this one as "a connoisseur and cultivator of personal hatred"

Lockhart Steele, editorial director of Vox and former managing editor at Gawker was fired for his misconduct.
... unwanted groping and kissing to wet kisses out of nowhere to hazy sexual encounters that played out under the influence of alcohol.

.... [Thrush] slid into my side of the booth, blocking me in. I was wearing a skirt, and he put his hand on my thigh. He started kissing me.
Wow, sounds like the moves I try to put on my wife.
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I almost forgot this about newly accused sexual deviant Glenn Thrush
He was one of the reporters who used to email his stories to John Podesta for pre-approval
He was outed by Wikileaks. Side note -- its always been amusing how Dems get mad about Wikileaks saying they are the Russians, but they could care less about what was actually in the leaks, that people like Thrush gave the Clinton Campaign editorial approval over stories on the campaign. How can you rail against collusion but ignore this?

Anyway, this occurred before he was hired by the NYT
The NYT knew about it, and hired him anyway
Or, maybe they hired him because of this? The Times seems to be saying it is fine with them to be professionally corrupt, just so long as you dont sleep with younger female writers


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I’m going to say it at the risk of being called a racist from the board libs. How the heck does a Maxine Waters get elected when she can’t even speak proper English. It’s “IMPEACH FORTY FIVE” not “IMPEACH FOTY FIVE”.

Uh...y'all voted for Donald Trump so eloquence of speech doesn't seem to be a valued characteristic within a large subset of the voting population. As for Maxine, you'd need to ask her supporters within her South LA County Congressional district. I'd guess that she speaks like a lot of them.
I almost forgot this about newly accused sexual deviant Glenn Thrush
He was one of the reporters who used to email his stories to John Podesta for pre-approval
He was outed by Wikileaks. Side note -- its always been amusing how Dems get mad about Wikileaks saying they are the Russians, but they could care less about what was actually in the leaks, that people like Thrush gave the Clinton Campaign editorial approval over stories on the campaign

Anyway, this occurred before he was hired by the NYT
The NYT knew about it, and hired him anyway
Or, maybe they hired him because of this? The Times seems to be saying it is fine with them to be professionally corrupt, just so long as you dont sleep with younger female writers



I'm not a journalist but isn't it common practice to share your article with the subjects just before publishing to get their comment/response? This is how Roy Moore pre-emptively leveraged Breitbart to defend him before the Washington Post published it's story.

The question is, did Podesta have editorial rights or was he simply looking for corroboration or comment? You can't tell from that passage although they do look pretty chummy.
When an R is implicated, it's about the allegation. When a D is implicated, it's all about the source of the info - nothing to do with the content. It's been this way as long as I can remember.
An update is already needed for media row

Charlie Rose of PBS and CBS, at least 8 women, including vulgar phone calls, walking naked in front of them, and groping them. PBS is partially funded by US taxpayers
Michael Oreskes news chief for NPR (formerly of the NYT) was forced to resign. NPR is partially funded by US taxpayers
Glenn Thrush star NYT White House reporter (formerly of Politico) with "several women" involved
Leon Wieseltier of The Atlantic's (former editor of The New Republic) lost funding for his new magazine. Andrew Sullivan once described this one as "a connoisseur and cultivator of personal hatred"
Lockhart Steele, editorial director of Vox and former managing editor at Gawker was fired for his misconduct.
David Corn Mother Jones Washington Bureau Chief. Goes back for some time, made “rape jokes” and routinely gave “unwelcome shoulder rubs and engaged in uninvited touching of their legs, arms, backs, and waists.”
Mark Halperin lost a coveted book deal. He worked for both ABC and NBC, as well as MSNBC and Bloomberg. Halperin was once famously outed by Drudge for his memo sent to all ABC News staff ordering them not to cover the Kerry campaign the same fashion that they covered the Bush Campaign --
Do not "reflexively and artificially hold both sides 'equally' accountable." While both John Kerry and George W. Bush used "distortion" in their campaign, Kerry’s distortions were not "central to his efforts to win."
Add John Conyers to the list. Multiple staff members have come forward and complained. He paid $27,000 from his office budget to a former staffer who claimed she was fired for not submitting to his sexual advances.
Just last month, Maxine Waters was out there telling women how great Conyers is for women

It was an address to organizers of the "National Women’s March" in which she lashed out at “rape culture” and President Trump, she singled out the Michigan lawmaker for special attention.

“You know, there is a member of Congress who has been supportive of women for many, many, many years. He is quiet, he is confident, he is powerful, but he has impeccable integrity on all of our issues. Give John Conyers a big round of applause.”

“We are reclaiming our time. “We’re speaking to women who are single mothers, women who work two and three jobs making minimum wage or less, women who have been exploited, harassed, or taken advantage of in their personal and professional lives.

“I just want to take time to focus on something that I think we need to focus on right now. It is very fortuitous that we are gathered here this afternoon in Detroit as we continue to recognize a record number of women who are boldly coming forward to reveal disturbing and grotesque acts of sexual harassment, assault and rape, often times at the hands of men who believed they were too rich and too powerful to ever be confronted or held accountable.”

And they all went crazy with applause
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