The Florida job (edit - sounds like Dan Mullen)

Joe Fan

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A radio guy in Houston and Gator grad says that a "very reliable source" told him Florida has reached out to representatives of --

Bob Stoops
Chip Kelly
Charlie Strong

to gauge interest in becoming the Gators next head coach.
He says these 3 are "believed to be" UF's top choices.
Doubt Stoops will "bite". Suspect Kelly and Stong are interested. Guess Strong history at UT doesn't concern the gators.....
Doubt Stoops will "bite". Suspect Kelly and Stong are interested. Guess Strong history at UT doesn't concern the gators.....

I was thinking about that too. How I am going to deal with it, if Charlie goes Gator and wins a NC there? Hopefully I am still riding high on the Astros World Serius win and wont care.
How I am going to deal with it, if Charlie goes Gator and wins a NC there?

I REALLLLLLLY don't think you need to worry about that.

Having said that, Strong's the most likely to end up there of the three, unless Stoops is pulling a reverse-Urban Meyer. Which would be hilarious...
I REALLLLLLLY don't think you need to worry about that.

Having said that, Strong's the most likely to end up there of the three, unless Stoops is pulling a reverse-Urban Meyer. Which would be hilarious...

Stoops says he loves living where he lives, the lifestyle. So, it would be a shocker.

As to Strong, I think he will recruit like a madman down there. Miami folks seem to love him. If he does that while making better assistant hires at the same time, then it can happen.
As a 30 year member of The Florida Foundation, as well as a 47 year season ticket holder in Memorial Stadium, I can say that I have zero confidence in Fuchs to make a quality decision. Heavener is head of the Tim Tebow Foundation and will rely heavily on his input, although Heavener is so busy with other ventures that UF is not top priority for him, not unlike some Rick Perry appointed BOR members.

If Stoops would listen, he is the logical choice, but I don't think Bob will listen at this point. Two years from now. maybe.

Charlie Strong isn't qualified for that job anymore than he was for the one gifted him in Travis County. If, however, Strong could find a way to take Bill Powers with him, I shall personally call Heavener and recommend him,

If Chip Kelly gets consideration, it will set off a celebration among street agents in Dade County that will make NOLA Mardi Gras look like a Baptist ice cream social.

Let's not forget Bob Stoops was Spurrier's DC on the National Championship team.
Of the 3 they might go with Kelley but it's doubtful. New AD and president from last time Strong was there and UT resume makes him a non-starter. Stoops turned it down after Spurrier and Zook. Don't see him taking it now. Most likely Mullen, Taggert, or Frost.
If they can't get Stoops, Scott Frost is the logical choice, leaving Jeff Broehm (sp) to take the Tennessee job. Those two will lower the costs for A&M and Tech. which means Ole Miss will try to find some junior high coach that will work for coupons to the all you can eat catfish place out on Batesville highway.

Wildcards are Arkansas and possibly Nebraska, if either can find a "filler".
Funny how coaches and their reps go hot and cold. Larry Fedora was a hot name another long ago, now his Tar Heels are something like 1-8. Every time I've watched that team they stink. No discipline, poorly coached group. Like watching a Chinese fire drill
Dan Mullen. End of search. Florida AD please send your coaching search budget to me. U can thank me later.
If you can find that 10-yard-minimum play diagram, you could probably show that to them in the interview and get the job offer on the spot. I'm only half kidding.
Fedora is still one helluva coach, and I'd take him in Austin. I. for one, am hope he is off A&M's radar.

Never understood the fascination with Dan Mullen. He's a poor man's Chip Kelly in character, but lack the wins. Starkville is one of the easiest places to get away with cheating because nobody cares. That won't be the case in Gainesville.
The Gators want Frost. But Florida is worried about the Heartland native’s ability to build out a staff of SEC recruiters, and the Gators are wary of him bringing his entire UCF staff with him to Gainesville. If Frost were to take the job, Florida would want to include current interim Randy Shannon and perhaps other current Gators on the defensive staff.

Florida has spoken with USF head coach Charlie Strong, a former UF defensive coordinator before his time as head coach at Louisville and Texas.​
As a member of The Florida Foundation for over thirty years, Heavener and Fuchs are totally clueless.

Even though I tried to tell Brown what changes to make, no administration should tell a coach who he can and cannot hire. I watched that fiasco with Fred.
As good of a guy as Charlie is, I hope his job here was just premature. Maybe he can grow in to another top program job.

I don't think DKR and Mack would have been successful before they were ready. I don't know, but I wish him success.
UCLA is broke. Paying off Mora won't help. The Cali-prune-ya legislature gets involved with financial matters. UCLA can't get the money to pay quality assistants nor for facility improvements. Kelly would love to be on the left coast, but he's using UCLA to get more money from Heavener & Fuch, both of whom are clueless.
I wonder if I could become a successful sports journalist just by creating a good twitter account with all my opinion on it that appends "sources:" to the beginning of each paragraph?
I wonder if I could become a successful sports journalist just by creating a good twitter account with all my opinion on it that appends "sources:" to the beginning of each paragraph?
I think anyone who cares to could pull that off Stat. And it won't take much of your time either, because not only is most of the stuff made up, no proofreading or spell check is required.