The Travel Ban

Never said that. It's the content of his statements, not the forum. A Republican president should talk directly to the people to circumvent the media's spin. However, he shouldn't say idiotic things when he does.

It's the content of what he says rather than the forum. Trump appropriately gets beatup for the more outlandish statements. No POTUS has wasted more time picking shallow petty fights than this one. He claims that the media wants him to stop tweeting but I don't think that's true. Trump is making their job easy simply by reporting/responding to what he tweets. The people that want him to stop are his supporters (because he shows is *** too much there) and citizens like me that are embarrassed that he represents me.
They even covered for Obama like the time he actually started a sentence with "because of my muslim beliefs" and the interviewer interrupted him and said "you mean Christian beliefs."

Just went out to go get the context. It's pretty obvious what Obama was trying to say there. Yes, he worded it poorly, but he was clearly trying to say "McCain himself has not insinuated that I follow the Muslim faith."
Just went out to go get the context. It's pretty obvious what Obama was trying to say there. Yes, he worded it poorly, but he was clearly trying to say "McCain himself has not insinuated that I follow the Muslim faith."

But, but, covfefe!
The Democrats and the media are the cause of about 20 percent of Donald Trump's problems. Saying or tweeting stupid things make up the other 80 percent.

The problem here is you said it like we all agree on what "stupid things" means in this context, but you admit now that is not true. Adding a simple "IMO" would have helped a lot.
The problem here is you said it like we all agree on what "stupid things" means in this context, but you admit now that is not true. Adding a simple "IMO" would have helped a lot.

No, I never expected that everyone would agree with me on what "stupid things" means. People who think Trump hung the moon aren't going to think anything he says is stupid. They are Trump's version of the Obamaphone lady.
You also paint anyone who does not agree with you that Trump is a classless oaf as someone who thinks every word out of his mouth is the infallible word of a savior. There's a lot of middle ground between those 2 positions that you do not acknowledge.
You also paint anyone who does not agree with you that Trump is a classless oaf as someone who thinks every word out of his mouth is the infallible word of a savior. There's a lot of middle ground between those 2 positions that you do not acknowledge.

Actually I occupy that middle ground.
Kinda hard to do that of late. I'll admit there have been plenty of "can you not be on my side?" moments this past couple of years.

If you can analyze things independent of the political climate, it's not that hard. He has screwed up in some stupid ways, but that doesn't absolve the Democrats and the media from their own absurdity.
I think I'd take a lot of it more seriously if the hysteria hadn't started so quickly and been so shrill. I mean, we had people claiming (and still do) that Trump wants to put people in concentration camps. At some point, it just all becomes a bunch of white noise. Which is a lot like how I view (or actually don't view) Trump's twitter feed. I keep thinking how amazing Twitter would have been in the hands of a great communicator president who was trying to bring this country together. Too bad we've never seen that, and may never see it.
I think I'd take a lot of it more seriously if the hysteria hadn't started so quickly and been so shrill. I mean, we had people claiming (and still do) that Trump wants to put people in concentration camps. At some point, it just all becomes a bunch of white noise. Which is a lot like how I view (or actually don't view) Trump's twitter feed. I keep thinking how amazing Twitter would have been in the hands of a great communicator president who was trying to bring this country together. Too bad we've never seen that, and may never see it.

There certainly has been some hysteria on the left. Of course, it was Trumps histrionics and language that his supporters celebrated. The "Trump derangement syndrome" is simply Trumps rhetoric coming home to roost, IMHO. He's the arsonist that's now complaining about the forest fire he started. The seed wasn't just planted in this campaign but rather the birther movement leveraged to get notoriety and fanned the flame. It worked to get him into the Whitehouse which was his goal. Trump feigning surprise at the reaction to his virtual urination on mass groups of people is disingenuous at best.
There certainly has been some hysteria on the left. Of course, it was Trumps histrionics and language that his supporters celebrated. The "Trump derangement syndrome" is simply Trumps rhetoric coming home to roost, IMHO. He's the arsonist that's now complaining about the forest fire he started. The seed wasn't just planted in this campaign but rather the birther movement leveraged to get notoriety and fanned the flame. It worked to get him into the Whitehouse which was his goal. Trump feigning surprise at the reaction to his virtual urination on mass groups of people is disingenuous at best.
The PC talk and haranguing by the left has been going on for decades. Chickens come home to roost eventually.
The PC talk and haranguing by the left has been going on for decades. Chickens come home to roost eventually.
Precisely. I clearly remember the media of the day calling Reagan the "teflon president" because nothing they threw at him would stick. They constantly called Reagan stupid and incompetent. They were using the same playbook back then.

I remember how much ridiculous crap was spewed about Dan Quayle's lack of intelligence because he had the audacity to spell "potato" with an e on the end.

I remember that from day 1 George W Bush was painted as a moron, and that meme continued unabated for 8 full years. (Yet Obama was supposedly brilliant?)

Apparently, for the leftist media and politicians in this country, having an R behind your name is clear and incontrovertible proof that you have an IQ somewhere in the 80 point range. And then the leftist media and politicians wonder why decent Americans have completely tuned them out.
If you can analyze things independent of the political climate

If only Trump would fall in line with the GOP Establishment in your eyes. Then magnify anything Trump says to the point that you aren't thinking independently of the political Climate. Can you tell your GOP Establishment to get off their a$$ and do their job.
If only Trump would fall in line with the GOP Establishment in your eyes. Then magnify anything Trump says to the point that you aren't thinking independently of the political Climate. Can you tell your GOP Establishment to get off their a$$ and do their job.

The GOP establishment has its own set of problems.
keep thinking how amazing Twitter would have been in the hands of a great communicator president who was trying to bring this country together. Too bad we've never seen that, and may never see it.

The voters wouldn't elect such a person. The electorate are not victims of the current political climate, but accomplices.
Here's the problem: individual people one on one are often capable of rational, reasoned discussion and can sometimes even understand and appreciate nuanced opinions.

People in large groups go straight to the lowest common denominator and run like buffalos in whatever direction is downhill.
SCOTUS order says "the balance tips in favor of the Government’s compelling need to provide for the Nation’s security..."
Okay, so the left will now set up entities that form relationships with refugees who desire to enter the country.

Once the relationship is established, then the refugee starts the entrance process. Sounds like there will be doable work-arounds under this ruling.

Better than nothing, but still not the appropriate outcome.
Okay, so the left will now set up entities that form relationships with refugees who desire to enter the country.

Once the relationship is established, then the refugee starts the entrance process. Sounds like there will be doable work-arounds under this ruling.

Better than nothing, but still not the appropriate outcome.

Apparently, foreign students accepted to U.S. Colleges and foreigners hired by U.S. companies can bypass the Travel Ban, so yeah, it won't be hard to get around it.
Just fyi, Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch sided with full reinstatement and dissented against the compromise to exempt foreigners with an established connection.

Now we see why Kennedy likely retiring is a great thing and a strong conservative MUST be nominated to fill his slot.

If SCOTUS can't see how foreign family members or to-be-accepted college students (military aged males) are a threat, they're still way too liberal allowing "feels over facts".

Get ready for refugee scholarship funds to explode. The left will try to usher in droves as students before SCOTUS hears the case and removes exemptions reaffirming the rights of POTUS to restrict immigration at will.

DT just received a prime example of why he must stay conservative with appointments regardless of guaranteed Dem temper tantrums.

The three dissenting justices were in favor of full reinstatement. Thomas said the compromise is unworkable and will burden executive officials trying to determine who specifically is exempt as to not be in contempt of the ruling.

Says there will be floods of litigation before the case is heard that unnecessarily burdens the legal system.

Also said they shouldn't have to investigate what relationships are legit and uncover those formed just to circumvent the travel ban (as I said above).
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Apparently, foreign students accepted to U.S. Colleges and foreigners hired by U.S. companies can bypass the Travel Ban, so yeah, it won't be hard to get around it.

:brickwall: That is the age they are more likely to commit terrorism. All refugees will claim they are wanting to go to college now.

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