Report site issues/questions here


Use this thread to report any issues or questions you’re having with the new site. If you are unable to log in, use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to send a message.

REMINDER: You cannot log into this site with your old Hornfans password. You MUST reset your password. See the instructions on the home page or at the FAQ here. If you do not receive the password reset emails check your spam or junk mail folders for the email.

After you reset your password you can go into your settings and change it to whatever you want.

I will respond to emails/requests as quickly as I can. For general questions about the site see the FAQ link above.
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I can't seem to access my old user name. I go by Crockett, but apparantly my email address is associated with an older user name.
Is unchecking the preference for email alerts the only one I have to uncheck to stop the emails for everthing? I am racking up a lot of emails with each post they make.
My old handle was HornHuskerDad. Apparently in the changeover it changed to "Horn&HuskerDad" and thinks I'm a new poster - so I lost all of my old post count (7200+). Any way to fix this?
Dionysus, the new site looks great and feels very responsive! All the olds posts and users were retained which is great too :hookem:

One question:
Is it possible to embed tweets in posts on the forum software? Would be very cool to be able to do that. And if not, is it possible to add that as a plugin somehow?

Thanks for all the effort that went into the new site! :yippee:
Is it possible to embed tweets in posts on the forum software?
SixPack, I have not seen anything yet that looks good for this forum platform (XenForo). I will keep an eye out for it in case someone develops a good add-on, but I intend to be very careful to only integrate quality code and not junk just for the sake of features. That usually comes at the expense of site performance and stability.
The forum is set to Central Time (UTC-6:00) and you can set your own zone in preferences.
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I want one of those cool pictures to the left of my posts like lots of posters have. But, being the computer idiot that I am, I have no idea how to make that happen. Is there a fairly easy way for me to get one of these??
@caryhorn, if you have a photo on your computer that you want to use you can upload that for your avatar. Do this in your preference settings. Or if there's a photo on the web somewhere that you like just let me know and I can add it for you.
I know that a lot of people in the past rarely (ie never) visited the home page, just came right to the forums.

Since just brings up a "500 Internal Server Error" for any page attempted to access, you might consider tacking on a message on the error page to those people waiting for those pages to come through or not knowing what to do to either email [email protected] or to simply go to the home page.
I really like the new site. But, is there any way to print a specific thread? Occasionally I like to have a hard copy of something I run across.
I am still getting emails for each new person that chimes on the roll call thread and each person that adds to the threads I started.
I don't see any other boxes about email notifications and I unchecked the one that did under preferences. Any ideas? Could it have anything to do with our email conversations that were on the team that helped put the new site together?
@NBHorn7 Do you have that thread set to "watch"? Check your preferences for watched items. Also, go into your preferences and remove the setting to watch and get notifications on threads that you start.

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Thanks, I guess I missed that one. I just unchecked the bottom one and thought that was all l needed to do instead of both of the boxes.
This is the only forum I use with any regularity, so I can't say it stacks up with the competition. But it is a HUGE improvement over the prior Hornfans, which was awesome in its own right. So kudos on a job well done.

Only one issue so far. I logged in, browsed for a while, then tried to post a reply but was told I wasn't logged in. Not sure how I got booted out. Probably user error :smile1:, but I'll let you know if it happens again

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