You might be an aggy if…


During season, I would get ready every morning, read four newspapers online, check my emails, check obituaries in The Chronicle, Beaumont Surprise, AAS (to make sure I'm not in them) then go to HornFans. There might be 20-30 messages from HornFans. These days, it's more like a couple
Could give 2 chits.... they are obsessed with us, no need for us to obsess over little brother.
Tough crowd...

My preacher & all my doctors are Aggies. They are all worried, although the preacher said he did notice that I was able to thrust up "the Horns" when he wished us good luck from the pulpit Sunday morning before the Miami game.
.... you live down the street from me. After the 2022 football preseason top 5 but 5-7 finish, my aggy neighbor said she couldn't wait for track and field to start since aggy is sooo good at it. I shared this:

A&M: 9 National Championships in men's and women's track and field
Texas: 12 National Championships in men's and women's track and field

12 > 9 (to help you out since you are aggy)
To texhorn's point IF they would just stop acting stupid like grabbing their cajones on TV that now they are in the SEC SEC people across the country are seeing and laughing, Stop doing stupid stuff like building a NC trophy case for Jimbo or trying to pretend the Schools in the SEC that do win somehow reflect well on aggy the jokes from Horns might slow down.
To texhorn's point IF they would just stop acting stupid like grabbing their cajones on TV that now they are in the SEC SEC people across the country are seeing and laughing, Stop doing stupid stuff like building a NC trophy case for Jimbo or trying to pretend the Schools in the SEC that do win somehow reflect well on aggy the jokes from Horns might slow down.

Counterpoint: IF they stop acting stupid like grabbing their cajones on TV, then they wouldn't be aggy.