
Deo Gratias
What would you do, Horn Fans?

I've got front row to Air Supply (don't judge. you know nothin bout makin love out of nothing at all) concert Saturday night.

Concert or watch the game? I'mma be pissed if I miss concert for another Herman debacle.

Whats a fella to do?

PS........... man card turned in.
Who gets tickets to a concert on a Saturday during football season. The first thing I do is check the schedule. :facepalm: I would record the game the way the season has gone.
Well, I hope that the “air supply” doesn’t go out of the building (as in DKR) early tomorrow night.

BTW, are you guys guaranteeing decent weather? (Please...)
What would you do, Horn Fans?

I've got front row to Air Supply (don't judge. you know nothin bout makin love out of nothing at all) concert Saturday night.

Concert or watch the game? I'mma be pissed if I miss concert for another Herman debacle.

Whats a fella to do?

PS........... man card turned in.
1. DVR the game.
2. Sell your AS tix and buy some cheap hooch with proceeds.
3. Drink cheap hooch to the point of semi-consciousness. Uber home.
4. Watch DVR'd game. Pause to throw up because of cheap hooch, USC TDs as a result of unfair jet sweep plays, or Ellinger interceptions. You should probably keep a bucket nearby.
5. Finish the game using FFWD if necessary.
6. Drink a lot of water.
7. Go to bed.
Air Supply?

LC: Turn in man card now OR screw the tix and promises to wifey to take her... stay home, drink said hooch, watch the game and be miserable with the Horns loss like the rest of us HF sumbitches!!
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Go to the nearest electronics store and buy the smallest bluetooth earphone you can find if you dont already have one. Before leaving for the concert make sure you figure out a way to video stream the game on your phone while simultaneously telling your wife how excited your are to see the concert. You know, nostalgia....bringing back your youth or some crap like that. Really pump her up.

Go to the concert and audio stream the game through the ear piece making sure its on the opposite ear as your wife. If the game is going well, suddenly get an upset stomache, rush to the bathroom, find a stall and cue up the video stream. Repeat as necessary apologizing to your wife profusely for leaving her alone for 10-15 minutes at a time because you have a serious case of the poos. She'll feel sorry for you, but wouldn't consider leaving the concert to babysit you because it's Air Supply. Insist she stays to enjoy herself.

Now you get the best of both worlds and might get lucky as the sickness passes later that night because you sacrificed watching Texas vs USC for her.

You're welcome and let me know how it goes! Hook 'Em!
Go to the nearest electronics store and buy the smallest bluetooth earphone you can find if you dont already have one. Before leaving for the concert make sure you figure out a way to video stream the game on your phone while simultaneously telling your wife how excited your are to see the concert. You know, nostalgia....bringing back your youth or some crap like that. Really pump her up.

Go to the concert and audio stream the game through the ear piece making sure its on the opposite ear as your wife. If the game is going well, suddenly get an upset stomache, rush to the bathroom, find a stall and cue up the video stream. Repeat as necessary apologizing to your wife profusely for leaving her alone for 10-15 minutes at a time because you have a serious case of the poos. She'll feel sorry for you, but wouldn't consider leaving the concert to babysit you because it's Air Supply. Insist she stays to enjoy herself.

Now you get the best of both worlds and might get lucky as the sickness passes later that night because you sacrificed watching Texas vs USC for her.

You're welcome and let me know how it goes! Hook 'Em!

It sounds to me like Vol Horn 4 Life has done this before?!
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Go to the nearest electronics store and buy the smallest bluetooth earphone you can find if you dont already have one. Before leaving for the concert make sure you figure out a way to video stream the game on your phone while simultaneously telling your wife how excited your are to see the concert. You know, nostalgia....bringing back your youth or some crap like that. Really pump her up.

Go to the concert and audio stream the game through the ear piece making sure its on the opposite ear as your wife. If the game is going well, suddenly get an upset stomache, rush to the bathroom, find a stall and cue up the video stream. Repeat as necessary apologizing to your wife profusely for leaving her alone for 10-15 minutes at a time because you have a serious case of the poos. She'll feel sorry for you, but wouldn't consider leaving the concert to babysit you because it's Air Supply. Insist she stays to enjoy herself.

Now you get the best of both worlds and might get lucky as the sickness passes later that night because you sacrificed watching Texas vs USC for her.

You're welcome and let me know how it goes! Hook 'Em!

Awesome stuff right there :bow:
I didn't know people listened to Air Supply. Plus 3 points admitting all this. Minus 10 points agreeing to see Air Supply on USC game day ( we all knew it was gonna be a night game).
Plus 8 points and watch the horns. You still have time to save face.
Minus 4 points actually going to Air Supply...
My thoughts
Dude, Air Supply? If it were U2 or REM (not even possible) I would go to the concert. But I digress. I like what Vol Horn said. Take his advise, he knows.
If you do have an "illness" use this reason for it. It was caused by high levels of stress and lack of sex. Worked for me last night!
I'm an airline pilot. I was planning to come down for the game. We suck. Therefore, I picked up a high paying trip this weekend. i'll be in the air between Cincinnati and Denver and will watch the game on my iPad later.

So, go to the concert.
Some people on this board are such amateurs.

Next time, buy tickets to the AirSupply (or whomever) concert in some great location like RedRocks or Tampa (think Indian Beach Marriott) on a non game date. You get to go to the game, she gets her concert in a better environment. and YOU are golden for six months.
I watched the "game" last week that Texas eked out a win in. In the Game Thread I posted a clip of Homer Simpson at a soccer game yelling, "BOOORING!!"

It's true. Air Supply, hell, a Lawrence Welk cover band, would be more exciting than the craptastic, superiorly trained, physical, fighting Hermans.

Go to the concert.
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1. DVR the game.
2. Sell your AS tix and buy some cheap hooch with proceeds.
3. Drink cheap hooch to the point of semi-consciousness. Uber home.
4. Watch DVR'd game. Pause to throw up because of cheap hooch, USC TDs as a result of unfair jet sweep plays, or Ellinger interceptions. You should probably keep a bucket nearby.
5. Finish the game using FFWD if necessary.
6. Drink a lot of water.
7. Go to bed.
You left out:
5A. Release your frustrations and negative feelings all over the HornFans board in a semi-coherent rage using thread titles like " Herman is an idiot" or "Fire Herman now!"...
A few of you underestimate these two Aussies.
