Wind at Disch?

Brad Austin

2,500+ Posts
I'm sure this has already been covered sometime before, yet can anyone enlighten me on wind direction at Disch?

Rain seems likely this weekend. Also, looks like the wind will finally be favorable for another deep ball. SE - SSE from 13-15 mph for Friday night and Saturday. Sunday it switches to N wind.

Wouldn't a SE to SSE wind be blowing out to left. Never been sure on this. I'd assume that direction wind would be blowing out to left or possibly sideways from right to left at Disch.

I think you're right. However, I'd be more concerned that UT adopts a policy to allow beer sales at the Disch before this weekend (as has been discussed for some future date). Then you won't care.
You are correct a southernly wind blows out to left and
will become the predominent wind direction as we progress toward spring.

UTPA hit at least one ball that if the wind has been blowing out to left would have landed in the parking lot.
As it was, Walla made a good running catch in the left
field corner.

B. Marlow's homer was to right and was helped some.
It would never went out with a southernly breeze. It would have been close with no wind whether it went out or not.

Just remember that I-35 runs north and south beside
the Disch.
Loving the new beer considerations, especially football and basketball. Baseball is a tad less helpful to me as I already have access to the hospitality area in the Disch. Then again, would much rather have beer in my seats.
Yet to use hospitality area this season as I'm on my annual alcohol break for Lent. It's liver repair season to get fully prepped for Spring and Summer.

As for I-35 being a good compass, thought of all that but looking at Texas map and 35 direction from Austin to Waco...35N seems to significantly point NNE, definitely not a straight North. With this home run related topic, making myself precise as possible. We need every extra mph and direction tilt.

Seems like homeplate to dead center is facing solid NE. Which is why I assume SE wind would blow out to left field with a hard tilt towards the pole. Probably more the direction you'd get from first base towards the left field foul pole.

Really do appreciate the help, Guys. Thank you.

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