"I've always wondered how and when it became acceptable to borrow money to fund the government. Yes, I do realize that borrowing during times of war or during times of economic downturn might be an appropriate avenue of increasing revenue; however, how did we get to point where the government began to create more and more programs that required borrowing trillions just to pay for them? Seems as if someone, somewhere, would have said, we have X amount of revenue of the next 20 years and Y amount of costs. X is FAR less than Y so maybe we shouldn't create something that can't be paid for. "
If the govt. runs out of money, the Fed simply creates money out of thin air with ZIRP. It hasn't worked this time around and will never work. If you or I create money out of thin air, it's called counterfeiting.
At some point, the debt in this country needs to be written off, spending drastically reduced, worthless federal govt. programs eliiminated and the tax structure for citizens, small buisnesses and corporations working in the US totally overhauled or this country will be down the path to serfdom very soon. Trouble is the elite making policy decisions on both the left and right in this country like it the way it is. Hell maybe it will take another revolution like what started this country.