My personal opinions:
A&M will be Big 12 champs this year!
GallopingG and blueag, when A&M's seniors and juniors were sophs and fish, Fran led them to a 9 win season and within one field goal against ou, of playing in the championship game for a BCS bowl.
A&M will be Big 12 champs this year because they have the same proven senior and junior talent, experience and leadership as players that won playing as sophs and fish.
They are now backed up by two more talented classes. Every Big 12 team lost an average of 17 seniors this year, mostly starters, , and with even with a favorable schedule, this is definitely A&M's year.
The team is finally no longer handicaped by RC"s, "untalented, almost no NFL draft choices for five years, 77-0' recruits, as the last of them finished their eligibility this last season. The nightmare of having to play a Big 12 schedule with a team filled with RC and Tim's non Big 12, NFL, 77-0 talent players is finally over after five years.
I hope your right about Shermans coaching, schemes, motivation, development, etc. because that going sour, is the only thing that can screw up a Big 12 championship this year!
At A&M, Mike is my coach and $Bill is my AD and right now their grade is F- ; if they both dont have an A+ in coaching and recruiting by December 2008, then stabbing Fran in the back and hiring Mike to be A&M"s coach means they both flunk out of A&M at the end of the fall semeter!
Next year A&M's team will be deluted by the Feb 08 class of last minute Mike/Tim decommits and left over 2*/3* commits; and then this years disasterous recruiting class, by losing each and every head to head battle with UT, lsu, ou and tulsa university, is already gone.
Now even Houston has already beaten us in head to head battles this year? How can any coach be this bad?
Signing the last minute left over 2*/3*'s is what led to RC and Tim's final five year demise, and thenMike and Tim did the same thing in the Feb 08 class, and now for a second class in a row, this years class.
Yes blueag, I miss any proven university coach that won 10 games in the tough SEC just before comming to A&M, then won 9 games in 2006 in the tough Big 12 and was within one field goal against ou, of taking A&M to the championship game to play for a BCS bowl.
The A&M situation in 2003 was so bad, it has been described as " hypothetically, a great university, great facilities, and a proven new coach comming in, off the death penality, with no players on the team.
The job was to add talented players one class at a time, taking expected losses, until you had 85 players on the team and the first senior class in 2008.
Then finally with a level playing field in 2008, win." I saw us progress, midway, to 9 wins; and and the next year progress to a 13 committd four and five star recruiting class as expected.
I would have liked the coach that built this years championship team with his first senior class in 2008, to be here to ensure that championship.
I don't want good ole boys and blogs that spin and censor the truth to cover their rears, and hence don't even work intelligently to get results.
This team with 9 wins was being led by Fran recruited fish and sophs despite being little support by the 77-0 RC recruits.
I miss A&M having 13 four and five star football players actually committed, like we did this last year with a #5 team ranking led by our coach and with 4 more top athletes leaning our way.
I hope I don't miss a championshi this year only because of a zero experienced univerity head coach .
I know I won't miss the national media and blogs discussing "how Fran was stabbed in the back, and future potential A&M coaches will think twice about considering A&M".
I know I won't miss A&M not being even in the national media discussions at all about the Big 12, except to point out that Mike " is ranked #8 among big 12 coaches, ranked #46 among 66 BCS coaches, or that other Big 12 coaches had a smile ear to ear at the thought of facing a Mike Sherman coached A&M team".
I don't miss the proven football retarded 80+%.
Mike and RC either one haven't even come close to actually commiting 13 four and five star football players in any recruiting class this decade.
Mike and RC haven't either one even come close to 9 Aggie wins this whole decade.
If Fran was stabbed in the back to get better results than this, and A&M does'nt lose their championship this year because of it , I support A&M.
If not, I think the 2009 season will be too soon to bring back $Bill, Mike, and RC to the campus for one day to be honored!
A&M rebuilding and winning in 2006, and champs in 2008!