Mcbrett is either ignorant of the people the bankrupcty and loss of funds from this debacle hurt OR he thinks saying only rich people lost money makes it so.
Many many small investors lost.
And for any obamites to try to ignore the ties Bo has to Corzine is also silly.
Didn't Bo call Corzine " Our wall street guy"? why yes yes he did
and this quote
"“First of all, I'm going to have a lot to say about this guy, but I just want everybody to know that one of my earliest supporters, somebody who had faith and confidence in me before I was a United States senator was the man standing next to me right here -- Jon Corzine.” (President Barack Obama, “Remarks By The President At Luncheon Fundraiser With Governor Jon Corzine,” Holmdel, New Jersey, 7/16/09)
Or Biden saying WE trusted his judgement
"“‘I literally picked up the phone and called Jon Corzine and said Jon, what do you think we should do,’ Biden said. ‘The reason we called Jon is that we knew that he knew about the economy, about world markets, how we had to respond, unlike almost anyone we knew. It was because he had been in the pit -- because he had been in the furnace. And we trusted his judgment.’ (Conor Friedersdorf, “Obama’s Team Relied On Jon Corzine For Economic Advice,” The Atlantic, 11/14/11)
So BO called Corzinne for economic advice but hey there is no linkage between corzine and bo
But keep on trying to spin all BO atrocious associations as if they don't reveal who he really is.
Who was the first person BO pardoned? Another fine upstanding law abiding citizen?