Will Media continue to investigate?


Like never before in BO's tenure we have seen nearly all media ask tough questions and many even called for BO etc to answer actual questions.
will this continue on a large scale for the media outlets as more facts come out on any of the hot issues?
or will most of the usual defenders start trottting out the Dem talking point
which is as we see today
", well yes we might have made some mistakes that resulted in
a. Americans killed
b. American unfairly targeted by IRS
c. Freedom of press infringed

Yea we made mistakes and we are idiots but it wasn't done maliciously and we are ever so sorry and golly gee we will make sure it won't happen again.
Those mean old Pubs are only asking questions and making it political.
Why NO indeed it wasn't for any political gain when we
a. changed the talking points to blame a video instead of admitting that the group BO said was in decline was actually still killing Americans
b. asked questions that had no relevance and asked for pages of documents that had no relevance but which did delay for years approval of groups that we knew would be working against BO's policies and re election
c.No No nothing political demanding AP delay a story that even we admitted no longer was a security threat just so BO etc could spike the ball.

Gosh golly gee we Dems are idiots and incompetent but you can still trust us and those racists Pubs need to stop making a big deal of our mistakes
Billions is being spent on right wing media in this country that would love nothing better than to embarrass Obama. Maybe Fox News can take some of it's best reporters off beats like the "Michelle Bachmann warns Shaira Law coming to US" or 'pudgy middle-aged, unarmed Black Panther intimidating Philadelphia voters beats" and give it a try. But I think Fox know it's audience, and intelligent reporters trying to investigate real news would be unsettling.
Oh Croc how hard this must be for you. To be hit in the face that your beloved BO etc is either lying or idiots.

apparently BO etc have decided on admitting they are idiots and incompetents

This isn't Fox so I am not sure how you can ascribe a RW agenda to them

from CBS
'We're portrayed by Republicans as either being lying or idiots," said one Obama administration official who was part of the Benghazi response. "It's actually closer to us being idiots."
Yet deployment of the counterterrorism experts on the FEST was ruled out from the start. That decision became a source of great internal dissent and the cause of puzzlement to some outsiders.
As soon as word of the Benghazi attack reached Washington, FEST members "instinctively started packing," said an official involved in the response. "They were told they were not deploying by Patrick Kennedy's front office... In hindsight... I probably would've pushed the button."

More at link but it is clear the BO admin thinks admitting to being idiots and incompetents will endear themselves to supporters.

Thursday, an administration official who was part of the Benghazi response told CBS News: "I wish we'd sent it."The Link

Of course we have yet to see who will admit to be an idiot over the IRS debacle.
Well you, Austin Bat and Fiesta can wait until hearings that dwarf Watergate to come to pass. My bet is that the public will see these as "limited competence" or some activities pretty much undirected by the White House went awry. (Kinda of on the order of George W's bungling AG's and staff.) I don't see anything approaching "scandal' with multiple successful prosecutions of top White House officials or campaigers. in the public eye, my bet is bungling blowhards like Reps Issa and Gomert come off as bigger idiots than the folks they are trying to embarrass.
They might if they get follow up on this.
"Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun?" - American Spectator, 5/20/13

President Obama met in the White House on March 31, 2010, with the IRS labor union president (Colleen Kelley of NTEU -- National Treasury Employees Union) the day before the agency began targeting the Tea Party. That early April start date is in the IG Report, but the IG did not document White House visitors log and does not (yet) reference this meeting, far as I can tell.

If this report is solid and can be substantiated, and if Ms. Kelley testifies before a House Committee and the timeline and events all lay out...

Occam's Razor?
Here's the list of political contributions by the NTEU.
By candicate, by party, by amount.
The Link

94% of the dollars went to Democratic Party candidates all across the county.

Strikes me as odd that a labor union running government offices can contribute to campaigns.
Good idea to look at the actual meeting/events of that day. Did not realize so many visited the WH at a time, or all through a day. And may not be exactly at the White House (see my "MORE" below).

This was a Workplace Felxibility Forum. All appointments were for 12:30 but time of arrival and departure shows who attended. Ms. Colleen Kelley checked in at 12:36 and checked out at 17:14 that day. Did not know such details were taken for WH visits.

117 show scheduled to attend (called Appt Start Date... 3/31/10 12:30). 108 did attend with times of arrival and departure.

And POTUS was shown as Visitee name. But building is showing as OEOB. 'Old Executive Office Building' is what I assume that means.

This visitation data shows released on 6/25/10.

**** MORE... followup..

I read the listing again and examined the details more.

The meeting took place in South Court (though the name shows the "t" chopped off, so just assume that is what it means), but is a building connected to the White House -- the OEOB, or Old Executive Office Building. 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC, DC 20500 (National Mall)

"OEOB" was listed as Meeting Location, and 'SOUTH COUR' as Meeting Room.

***** MORE Part II
Updated in other news... confirming a lot of the information I found in the log spreadsheet.
The Link usnews.com report
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