Wildlife smuggling, disease, canned hunting


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One question this incident raises is whether the deer importation ban exists because of legitimate concerns or whether its main purpose is to protect Texas businesses from out of state businesses. That kind of thing happens all the time, and is a very bad thing for this country.
the irony is that the ranchs are resorting to these tactics to attract top dollar hunters onto their land. kinda like w/ drugs, if the demand weren't there....

the desire for tropthy bucks and mounts by hunters is driving the need for ranchs to resort to this crap. wouldn't it be ironic if hunters end up being responsible for killing off the crop of deer that they so covet?
I'm not sure I would call it ironic, because I think that there is a difference between "trophy hunters" who would pay for this sort of hunting experience and more traditional hunters in Texas.

The more traditional method is to develop a relationship with land owners and their land, including obviously the game on that land.

This is a long subject that inevitably brings out the worst in hunters and non-hunters, and I don't mean to turn this thread into that. All I mean to say is that there is a more recent trend in hunting, where individual deer are bought and sold to "hunters" who kill them for a price. And really, the "hunter" in this instance is probably getting a better deal, dollar for dollar, than a hunter who leases property for the season or year-round with no guarantee of shooting a trophy deer.

I think it sucks to high heaven, but that's just me. And yes, no matter what your stance on hunting this sort of smuggling is reckless, cruel to the transported animals, and potentially dangerous to our native wildlife herd.
Ramathorn, read his post..CTGA is saying it's a bad thing that we prohibit this kind of wildlife smuggling from an economic sense.
It's an incredibly ignorant idea.
You want to shoot a big deer for a mount?
Get your fat *** out of your deer blind and go to Colorado.

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