Why won't Obama provide info on jobs bill?


It seems to me if this is the bill that MUST PASS obama would provide Congress with all the information it needs to understand this very important bill.I hope Obama isn't stupid enough to think this bill will get rammed through and that Congress has to pass it ' to learn what is it it">

Is Sessions asking for anything unreasonable?

from link
Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, Ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee, demanded Tuesday that the White House provide information that Press Secretary Jay Carney promised last week, about how it plans to pay for President Obama’s $447 billion jobs bill.

In a letter to Jack Lew, Director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, Sen. Sessions directed Lew to provide a list of information “without delay.” (RELATED: Obama asks Congress for $467 billion tax increase to fund jobs plan)

“When we received a copy of the legislation yesterday, we were expecting the Office of Management and Budget — which enjoys a five hundred person staff — to provide a precise and detailed estimate of the fiscal impact of the president’s proposal,” Sessions wrote. “But no such information was provided. This is not satisfactory. Perhaps even more troubling, however, is that despite the emphatic promise that we would learn yesterday how the bill would be offset, this information is missing too.”

Sessions requested that Lew provide three specific things to show how the plan will be funded, including: a table showing the expected budgetary impact, by specific policy, of the legislation for the next decade, a schedule for the amount of interest the government would incur and the change in the federal debt, and a table showing the expected deficit for the next ten years.

Read more:The Link
Tell u what ricky, head down to the closest local bank and apply for a small business loan. Tell em you are going to hire a bunch of people. Dont give them a budget, business plan or collateral to pay back the loan. Get back to us on how well it goes.
This Jobs Bill is going to be bench water mark for President Obama and it looks like a bunch of first year law school student interns wrote this bill.

Has the Presdient and his team been listening or watching what has been happening in Washington for the last year? He sends the same thing, talk about a do nothing......what a shame and an embarressment to Democrats and liberals across the country. One of two things he has either given in and quit or he is trying to say that it is all the Republicans fault for not acting on his same old song and dance. He won by blaming Bush, he is going to try and win now by blaming House Republicans.

What a joke!!
I am actually starting to feel bad for the guy. It is becoming obvious to even his staunchest supporters that he really does not know what to do. He really thought giving a speech would make a difference. Poor guy.
Well, it probably won't actually cause anyone to buy more U.S. steel, but at least it will make them drown in paperwork trying to compelte a construction project. That should help the trade gap...
There is also a stipulation that says an unemployed person can sue a company because they were discrimminated against because they were unemployed.

Why would any company interview an unemployed person?

Have these people ever been in the real world?

What a joke!! And he is going around this country saying pass this bill!!!!!

Even the strongest Obama supporters have to be scratching their heads and asking WTF in private.
Harry Reid said today that this "Jobs Bill" has little chance to pass, as is.

The party powers have now clearly turned on Obama. They're distancing fast, and this allows the Pubs to stick the Jobs Bill up Obama's *** and break it off.

First Scott Brown wins in MA, now Weiner's seat is won by a Republican. The skids are greased, the Community Organizer dream come true **** has pretty much vaporized. Anything Obama touts from here on is Cancer, and none of his party members that are up for reelection, or are in a seat of visible power, will back anything he has to offer.

Insert jpeg of a sitting duck, here
And a year ago I typed on this very board it'd take a miracle for the GOP to defeat Obama. Now I'm hard pressed to imagine a scenario where this buffoon isn't kicked out of office. The guy truly is the dumbest smart guy around. I have never seen so many legislative items that are harmful to an economy, and flat-out batshit crazy. This is not an exagerration; the guy is batshit crazy.
So much is coming out about his decisions and programs it truly boggles the mind
527 Million lost on solyndra yet his crony will recoup his money
wasted millions on other green companies which ended up creating a ptiful number of jobs at over 5 mill a job

A 4 star General told Congress he( the gen) was pressured to mislead the congress so another crony of obama could get a multi million $ contract

but the Mother of all manipulations is obama pushing long term care to be included in obamacare. a program ( CLASS) thqt costing people told obama could Never work. he pushed it ahead because on paper it could be listed as revenue.

the list of failures and failures that were suspect before they even got passed is sickening
I truely thought it was impossible for any President to be as bad or worse than Jimmy Carter. I was wrong.
So, if and when Perry or Romney are elected President (Im still voting for Ron Paul, I just dont have any faith in the masses), will they undo what Obama has done, or will they talk cheap and sweep it under the rug and hope everyone forgets about it all?
Realize if President Obama does lose, the House will probably tilt even more to the Republicans and more Tea Party backed candidates will be elected. There are what 25 Senate Democrats up for Re-election and 8 Republicans at Risk?

It will be close as to whether it is a Super Majority, this country's economy would take off like a rocket with the confidence in what would be about to happen!!!
Obama's meaning of 'employee' includes 'applicant'. Huh? So all (D) applicants will get counted as employees, further inflating the number of jobs created. Wow.

(3) the term `employee' means:

(A) an employee as defined in section 701(f) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e(f));
(B) a State employee to which section 302(a)(1) of the GovernmentEmployee Rights Act of 1991 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-16b(a)(1)) applies;
(C) a covered employee, as defined in section 101 of the CongressionalAccountability Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1301) or section 411(c) of title 3, UnitedStates Code; or
(D) an employee or applicant to which section 717(a) of the Civil RightsAct of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000e-16(a)) applies;
I think this pertains to the civil rights of an employee or an applicant .

Admittedly Obama sometimes makes up his own rules but in this case I think it just refers to civil rights
I am starting to agree with you. His mistakes are not ideological in nature but rather poor judgement and decision making.

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