Why won't Dems vote on Obama's jobs bill?


Obama has whined over and over and over that it is the Republicans who are preventing his jobs bill from passing.
Most of usknow that isn't true. Reid has steadfastly refused to let Obama;s Pass this Bill NOW come to the floor for a vote.
Why not?

Last night Reid used some slick manevuering the stop the bill from being voted on
from the link
"In a shocking development Thursday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) triggered a rarely used procedural option informally called the “nuclear option” to change the Senate rules.

Reid and 50 members of his caucus voted to change Senate rules unilaterally to prevent Republicans from forcing votes on uncomfortable amendments after the chamber has voted to move to final passage of a bill.
"The Link

The end result of the Reid/Dem are refusing to bring the obama bill to vote.

and why doesn't Obama admit it is also Dems who will not vote on his bill?
Because it was not designed to be regarded as serious legislation. It was just a prop for Obama's "jobs speech" a few weeks ago in front of a joint session of Congress, which pundits across the political spectrum agree was really just a political speech kicking off his re-election campaign.

Not only do the Democrats in Congress not want to vote on the bill, I challenge you to find a link to a copy of it. Just like so many similar empty gestures by Barack Obama, it appears that Obama's so called "jobs bill" does not actually exist yet. Certainly it has not been published in any case.

Spaghetti westerns, spaghetti code and now 155 pages filled with statist spaghetti would be law. Here is a classic example of unlimited government and limited people. And this is only about 1% of the size of just the centralized government's tax code.

It is because of largesse like this that marxists like Obama can be so brazen, arrogant and conceited about their real designs and transformations on your children.
interesting how nothing in that bill would help create jobs other than government contractors which means the jobs would be temporary only and not really put a dent in the unemployment rate.
Today, CNN said that people trust Obama more than Congress to fix the economy. I wish they would have shown the poll.

Their analysis goes something like this.....

Congress has a 12% approval rating and Obama has a 40% approval rating, therefore, more people trust obama to fix the economy that they do congress. Simply another pro-obama statement from the msm.
if the Senate does hold a vote and all the Dems do NOT vote for the obama jobs bill are people smart enough to realize it is NOT just the Pubs who do not want this bill?

I know MSM will still continue to blame Republicans and of couse obama will But are people smart enough to look at a vote and see Dms vote against the obama as well?
Man, y'all are all over the place:

WASHINGTON -- Senate Republicans have voted to kill the White House jobs bill despite weeks of campaign-style barnstorming by President Barack Obama across the country.

Forty-six Republicans joined with two Democrats to filibuster the $447 billion plan.
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That vote was not final. The roll call was kept open Tuesday night to allow Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H. to vote. But it would have taken 60 votes in the 100-member Senate to keep the legislation alive.
Obama needs to take this vote and beat the repubs and the do-nothing Congress silly all the way until Nov 4, 2012. This seals the fate of the repubs, imo.
Now that the BO jobs bill that MUST PASS Now has been defeated by both Pubs and Dems all of a sudden obama is willing to compromise and break the bill up into pieces that can pass with both partieshere is CNN link

hmmm Now Where have we heard that idea before? Hmmm
Oh from Huff Po yet. Notice the bolded sentence
"WASHINGTON -- Speaker John Boehner's office is leading a new call for the president to compromise with House Republicans on pieces of his jobs bill, now that the bill in its entirety has been declared dead in the House of Representatives.

The speaker's office unveiled a graphic on Thursday stating that "all roads lead to nowhere for the president's job bill" unless the White House is willing to compromise on portions with the Republican-controlled House.

President Barack Obama repeatedly called in recent weeks for Congress to pass his $447 billion American Jobs Act, which the White House sent to Congress on Sept. 12.

But neither chamber has expressed much interest in passing the bill as is, with even the Democrat-controlled Senate announcing this week they will change the way the bill's spending is funded
, targeting millionaires for a five percent tax increase rather than pegging the payment on broader tax increases on the wealthy and ending subsidies for big oilThe Link
But neither chamber has expressed much interest in passing the bill as is, with even the Democrat-controlled Senate announcing this week they will change the way the bill's spending is funded....

Instead, we should read the headlines of the msm papers and nightly news headlines that will read "republicans block obama's jobs bill..."
I expect 2 themes to come out of MSM over this. One we hvae already seen
1. Republicans stopped BO's bill'
2. BO is a leader for suggesting breaking the bill into parts and passing some that way.
The best thing for the economy and jobs is Obama's packing his stuff to leave the White House. America wants the out of control spending to stop and wants to have no fear in what that idiot will do next. There is just too much fear while Obama is in office. The day he leaves the day the fear will end. Our experiment with the community organizer is done and we know the results. If we can just hang on till he is fired then we will start seeing a real recovery.
if the economy stays the same for the next 12 months and the scandals and corrpution issues keep hitting obama, we may see a reaganesque landslide. even palin would be able to beat him.
Someone please explain to me how continuing, or increasing the reduction the the Social Security payroll deduction from wage earners and businesses in any way creates jobs. Sure, it puts a little more money in your pocket, at the long-term expense of the Social Security funding (which needs more funding, not less), but how does that create jobs? Also, how does extension of unemployment benefits to nearly three years create jobs?

As stated above, this bill is not about job creation, its about politics, with an emphasis on passing the bill before anyone had read it, again. That ship has sailed, so now the blame game has started.

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