Why does Obama believe....


250+ Posts
Why does Obama believe that drug use is immoral and homosexuality isn't?

According to Obama, drug use is immoral. However, according to Obama homosexuality isn't immoral. In fact, to Obama, homosexuality is just as immoral as heterosexuality. It appears to me that he may realize that gay's vote and drug user's don't.

Does his religion condemn one and not the other? Does his Bible not say something about both? How can you call drug use immoral and not homosexuality? Where does he find his morals?
Obviously from the Muslim terrorists that taught him
I'm having a hard time thinking of how to answer this.

My big question is what does his Bible, or anyone's for that matter, have to do with the laws of the United States of America?
I find it amazing how Republicans constantly live with this bunker mentality -- that if you are not Republican, you are the enemy.

Why the resort to questioning "his Bible", or "his morals"?

Look, he is not evil. If you disagree with his public policy postions, fine, but can the pseudo "he's one of the enemy" crap. It's really tired.

And that is why I think alot of Americans like Obama. He doesn't need to demonize anyone to make his case. he praised Sen, McCain as a fine American hero -- which he is -- but he notes that he disagrees with his position on the Iraq war, and taxes. He said Sen. Clinton will always be his friend, but that she was wrong on the war.

That's what people want. We are tired of the villification of our fellow citizens merely because of 50% +1 election strategies (employed by Bush for 8 eyars, and the Clintons).

Obama chose the words, not me. If he would have said drug use was "iillegal" instead of "immoral", than I would have not brought up a religious, or moral, argument. Now, since he said drug use was immoral, than we are not talking about laws at all, but morals.


I wish I could say I coined that phrase, but that is Obama's phrase and not mine.
Your sayings about "Bunker Mentality" could be said about both sides.

I just found it odd that he chose to say drug use was immoral, but his stance on homosexuality is that it isn't. I just wonder how he came to that conclusion.

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