Why did CBSNews omit this ?


This will make some poster very sad. I guess Dan Rather was the editor for CBSNews for this story
According to Mediate ( one of the vast right wing conspiracists
JUST like Cana pointed out on another thread by a giddy supporter who thought he/she'd spike the ball on the GOP Mediate did in fact note
'On May 10, CBS News online published a story, “Emails reveal a flurry of changes to Benghazi talking points,” in which Attkission is named as the sole reporter. The original draft report shows that Attkisson’s draft for publication on the web included an important headnote which was omitted from the final report on published on CBSNews.com:

Note: *Emails were provided by the Administration to certain Congressional Committees for limited review. The Committees were not permitted to copy the emails, so they made handwritten notes. Therefore, parts of the quoted emails may be paraphrased"

CBSNEWS, the source of the OP was either sloppy or deliberately omitted that crucial detail.

One wonders why the WH refused to hand out the memos to the Congress instead of having them just " view" the memos
I don't know how the story will shake out, but don't you think it's odd that the emails in the story were "paraphrased" in a way that made them longer and were damning to the administration?

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