Who is the next Thorpe award winner for Texas?


25+ Posts
From the 2009 season through well into the next decade, Texas is going to have some serious talent in the defensive backfield. It's going to be just filthy. As far as the next great one though, my vote goes to....

Weird thing, the Thorpe. I thought a Sr. Michael Griffin was going to be a lock for it after the stellar Jr. year he had, never would have guessed our multiyear 2nd teamer off-the-bench nickleback would come on so strong and win it.

One thing is for sure... Deon better be spending a little more time hitting the film room and a little less time on 35ft party boats if he wants to win the thing.
"party boat" comment is a cheap shot. what's wrong with going to a party, in the offseason? if you get your grades? being around benson is not a treasonable offense, although harris might be. get real.
Wasn't he (Harris) also involved in a fight on 6th street where he got his jaw broken and had to get it wired shut? I think it was him but could be wrong.

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