Who is getting abortions?

That stat looks really high. Regardless of the actual number, I do believe there are a ton more than the average American thinks. It's one of the most taboo things in this society, a modern day scarlet letter.
it is amazing that killing your unborn child would be treated like a modern taboo... I wonder how post-modernity will view it?

Also, I do find it interesting to see how the rate continues to go down year after year. I hope that as post-modernity rises then the rate will approach 0 no matter what happens legally.
The total of "1/3" seems high to me, too, but the sources for the data are credible.

I was listening to Diane Rehm a couple of weeks ago. She was interviewing a doctor (female, if it matters) whose practice is in a small town/rural area in Montana or North Dakota or one of those states. In other words, mostly white, rural population. She made it very clear that abortions were commoner than was generally thought and the people who get them are from ALL walks of life. It was rather eye-opening.

She was quite passionate about women's reproductive rights. For personal family reasons as well as a matter of principle.

Incidentally, she limits abortions to first trimester (or early second trimester--I don't remember) because she is not comfortable with performing them any later. She also does not perform any abortion until she has spoken personally with the woman involved and ascertained to her satisfaction that it is a free choice and no one is pressuring the woman into it. She has rather strict standards for performing them. She once was fired from a job because her employers wanted her to be merely an abortion technician and she insisted on taking a more direct, personal involvement.

I don't have her name, but I'm sure it and a transcript are available from

Diane Rehm Show

Also, she has lived under law enforcement protection for many years, and her daughter had to go to school in a police car for her protection for a long time.

Soapbox: Easily avalable, effective, and cheap (or even free) contraception along with an EFFECTIVE and COMMITTED program of education about its use will do wonders to reduce the abortion rate. It will not eliminate them, of course.

Oh, hell. I went ahead and did the little bit extra and provided you with a direct link to the page where the transcript is available:

Susan Wickland "This Common Secret"

Dr. Wicklund has also written a book about it. see link above.

One more edit: She also provides abortions free of charge to women who can't afford it. The costs are covered by donations from wealthier members of the community on a per case basis.
Lurker or Larry, have you guys seen any information on the average age of an abortion provider? I have heard that doctors willing to perform abortions are getting even fewer and farther between. I heard that the average age for an abortion provider is over 60 years of age, but I have no reference to back that up or anything.
Also have you guys heard that only about half of medical schools teach how to perform abortions? I heard that as well which surprised me a bit. I guess the fact that the Hippocratic oath specifically contains an oath to never perform an abortion means I shouldn't be that surprised, but I am.
Of course we need to keep that morning after pill as restricted as possible!

Genreals comments are sadly typical- just dismiss any information that you disagree with as ********. Don't support your argument just dismiss anything contrary to your won preformulated opinion as ********...

About the time the MEN who impregnate women come even REMOTELY close to the burden of a woman carrying an unwanted baby to term is about the time I will be happy to outlaw abortion. Perhaps the removal publicaly on one nut, coinciding with the birth of the unwanted child would be appropriate?

Prisons are full of full term unwanted babies..... of course the same folks that don't want abortion don't want their taxes raised for all the new unwanted babies they want broght into this world.... by others.

Abortion sould be.. rare, safe and legal.
I'm surprised there hasn't been more backlash about that Juno movie. She takes her child to term instead of having an abortion. In the fictional world it all works out just fine.
1/3 seems about right to me. Lots of women who have abortions keep it very close to the vest, sometimes not telling anyone, even their parents or closest friends. Even those who are more open about it don't go around wearing a t-shirt saying it, only telling their close friends and family. The fact is that if they did go around with a t-shirt on, you'd be shocked how many people you know that have had one.
Question: could the abortion procedure include women who have miscarried and are getting "cleaned out"? If not, I find the number very hard to believe.
The more disturbing stat, IMO, is that for nearly 20% of women who receive an abortion, it is their 3rd , 4th or even higher go-round. WTF is wrong with you that you would put yourself in that position 3 ******* times. Have some ******* respect for your body.
if the 1/3 number is accurate then 50 million american women alive right now have had abortions.

now think about it there is also a certain number who get pregnant who cannot afford an abortion, then another number who cannot get pregnant at all, then the number of men who can't make a woman pregnant, then the number of women who haven't had sex at all.

now the number looks even more dubious.
In some tangentially related news, abortion rates among the male population have remained low and stable...
is it really 1 out of 3 women had an abortion or is it 1 abortion per every 3 adult women?

Sadly the only person I know who has had an abortion has had multiple and is mentally unstable and uses it as her birth control thus having had at least 4 abortions.

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