White House respects Iran election results

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Given that the most moderate of the candidates won, this was a good result for the US. Therefore, it is in our best interest to accept the results.

This was also a warning shot to the forces of conservatism in Iran.
Sad reality is the hardline anti American pro getting nukes
Khameni ( sp?) is still the true leader.

we can hope the new moderate president can influence things some.
PS. forgot to add that I was happy with the results and the way things went with the election, as it was much better than last time.

Iranians (Persians) deserve a break. I'm still miffed over the coup that took place in 1953 and altered history there.
From what I've read, Rowhani is moderate and generally friendly to the West. That is great news for Iran. If the White House is respecting the election results, it's wise to do so.
This has me wondering if all the other countries out there respected our election results. Someone needs to get a poll together quickly so we can find out.

Great question

The other question is why anyone would think this Iranian moderate would actually be able to influence the crazed anti American Khameni
Perhaps you are right but "eventually" can be a long time
and I don't think you can say the changes that happened in Egypt or Libya could be called ' moderate"

So just changing means nothing.

here is what Bibi had to say about the new President of Iran and the election process( and I think his opinion might carry some weight_
"It must be remembered that the Iranian ruler, at the outset, disqualified candidates who did not fit his extremist outlook and from among those whose candidacies he allowed was elected the candidate who was seen as less identified with the regime, who still defines the state of Israel as ‘the great Zionist Satan,’”
To continue the self-dialogue, what I see happening is the Middle East undoing the result of the post WWI treaties after the Ottoman Empire fell. England and France put minority groups in power since they could gain their loyalty. Those regimes have been in power for close to 100 years, but eventually the majority groups were going to lay claim to more power especially as the control the West had over the region waned.
limeys and frogs had their shots and blew them; now we get to blow it.. left to themselves the locals can screw things up real good all by themselves. too bad airplanes exist.

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