Which speakers to get?


500+ Posts
Mr room-mate is finally moving out, so I get to reclaim the 2nd living room as an exclusive TV room. I just bought a new HK AVR325 digital receiver for the TV room to use with my existing BIC surround speakers.

That leaves me without speakers for the main living room and bedroom (I was using the BIC speakers before). I'm thinking a pair of Axiom M22 TIs for the main living room to match up with my non-digital receiver - mainly for music; and a pair of Ascend Acoustics CBM-170s for the bedroom. Main consideration if size and price. Both sets should be around $400/pair. Or should I stick with the same brand in case I decide to get rid of the BICs and upgrade to the Axiom or Ascend for the theater system later on?

Anyone have other suggestions? Remember the size and price criteria. Thanks.
I'v never owned anything but Polk Audio and Boston Acoustics, and wouldn't buy anything else. Great sound, though not the cheapest in the world.
If you hang out around west campus some guys in a white van will come up to you with a great deal on speakers. That's what I would hold out for.
Cerwin Vega if you can find them. I have 2 pairs of them that I bought in 1974 and they are stil going strong and they sound better than most stuff put out today. Had to have them re-coned once. They are extremely efficient so you can play them LOUD with very little wattage. I turned the volume up to halfway once at my apartment and Miami International Airport called and asked me to turn them down as the mechanics there could not hear the jet engines running over the sound of my speakers blasting out the Rolling Stones and The Who.
B&W 303's

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