Where to Get a GREAT Cuppa Coffee in Austin?


25+ Posts
I'm going to be in Austin in two weeks. As is the norm, I NEED to start my day off with a great, strong cup of coffee. I do NOT want to wait in a Starbucks line. Besides, during the day when I am out and about, I will need a fix.

So...where in Austin, around the campus area is a good place for an excellent cup of coffee?

Thanking you in advance.....
Not a huge coffee fan but here's the voters choices. There are plenty of local joints to get you a going.

I'd go to Crescent City and start the day of with a nice cup o joe and an order of three (Beignets.)
Not a huge coffee fan but here's the voters choices. There are plenty of local joints to get you a going.

I'd go to Crescent City and start the day of with a nice cup o joe and an order of three (Beignets.)Best of Citysearch
If you're gonna be south, I'd suggest Ruta Maya Coffee House. It's off South Congress about 1/2 mile north of Ben White Boulevard, behind Expose Men's Club in a new development called Penn Field.
first off, thanks for the warning
, second off, I'm very partial to convience store coffee with a bit of hot chocolate. It's a dollar "mocha" and I don't have to deal with the snobs at Starbucks.
Little City on the drag right by campus. I swore that I would never sit in a coffee shot and study, but do now, and that is where a go. Good coffe.