Where to buy a dozen tamales for Christmas?

Curra's are great.
Rosie's Tamale House
Nuevo Onda
Any good Austin Tex-Mex place. Just call first. Won't take them long to have a dozen ready.

O'Shucks still on 6th street?

Central Market's arent' bad.
curra's are awesome. i saw a oaxacan-style place called tamaleo on anderson (past enchiladas y mas and across from gassane tailor). a co-worker told me they were pretty good, but i haven't been.
Oaxacan Tamaleo are good, but pricey - $24 for a dozen. I called Curra's they said you have to order at least two dozen, so that sucks. Looks like Central Market for me.
Bet damn tamales I ever had are from Del Rio's in south San Antonio. After checking out of our Riverwalk hotel this morning, we drove down there and picked up our phoned-in order...24 dozen frozen regular pork tamales @ $4.80/dozen.

Good thing we phoned the order in...they ran out of our "flavor" tamales by noon...ours were boxed up & ready to go.

We do that every year.