when are season tickets due?

I figured they might be late again this year considering the new addition and all of the juggling that is going to be going on.

When the stadium was static and they just had to deal with re-seating those who wanted to move, leaving those who re-upped, and then adding those who just joined, the process was probably a lot simpler.

As it stands, I'd like to get out of the corner of the West Upper deck and get into the new N Endzone. The shade is nice, but the putrid cricket stench I can do without.

Hook 'em
FYI - I'm pretty sure it's not cricket stench, but bat guano (feces). Not that that's better.... Not sure you wanted to know. I've been there.
History Horn,
Actually it would make more sense to send them out EARLIER because of this. That way they could make the deadline earlier which would give them more time to sort it all out after they received applications/renewal requests.
Does anybody have any good strategies those current season ticket holders requesting seat changes?

I have been in the same spot for many years, see the same people in the same spots every year. With the new stadium capacity, do you think there will be more chances for movement?!

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