What issues are most important to you?


25+ Posts
There are tons of issues in this POTUS election, just as there are in any other one. But being selfish, what are the most important to you personally -- not just those for the common good?

I would like to see a change to a simpler tax code and a change in SS to a means-tested system instead of an entitlement.
1) Erosion of civil liberties

2) Deficit spending

3) War

4) US SC appointments

5) Economy
I could go on and on, but those are probably my top ones.
In no particular order:

1.) A strong free market view that understands globalization. Not someone who wants to "bring the jobs back to Michigan".

2.) A true globalist thought versus the America rah rah rah types.

3.) A strong leader who can talk about issues outside of the typical party lines.

4.) Someone who can give repair to the international standing of the US.

5.) Someone who can change the dialog on global warming. It needs to be sold as an economic opportunity.

6.) A fix to the current health care system. Its a joke.

7.) decriminalize marijuana.

8.) someone who can promote responsibility and put it back into the psyche of Americans. re: bailing out sub-prime mortgages.

9.) and anyone who can please STOP TALKING about gay marriage, abortion, and all the other conservative hot buttons which will never change.
I'm pretty much in the same boat with Ron Paul except on the War on Terror. Pro-Life, US out of the UN, Anti IRS, new tax law whether it be a flat or national sales tax, Repel Death Tax, Campaign Reform, Privatize Social Security, Legalization of Marijuana, Pro-MIlitary, and Less Government is always Best. Plus, I hate double-speak. I'm looking for a leader that says what he believes in no matter who is the audience (whether I agree or not) which is one reason why I voted Bush the last 2 times and Clinton, Perot the other 2 times I could vote.
I agree with just about everything Stabone said except for part of the last item. I think gay marriage is an issue, but that it should be a state-level issue. Otherwise, all good points.

I'm particularly interested in reaffirming our stance with our allies and creating some new ones. That and stable economy.
My priority is finding someone who will give precedence to the issue of global warming. Nothing is going to impact our culture more profoundly or impact it longer than climate change.

We need a leader who is committed to bringing the expertise and the resources to bear on developing solutions to climate change. We need someone who can change our country's focus from short-term to long-term.

A snowcone has a better chance in hell.

1) National Defense
2) Cutting Taxes
3) Getting the federal government out of the things that don't involve the federal government.
Its the economy and going forward it will be just about everybody's big issue. The only way to get an American's attention is to hit them in the pocketbook.
1. Energy Policy (this inheres many, many sub-issues: terrorism, foreign policy, national security, trade deficits, American competitveness, global warming). A sound energy policy truly addresses ALL of those issues at once.

2. Health Care (again, addresses many issues at once -- i.e., universal health care via a single payer system actually makes American companies -- like car makers -- more competitive world-wide because it takes away, or greatly mitigates a huge cost for them -- health care).

3. Activist Republican Judiciary.
in this order:

1. torture
2. realistic approach to Iraq
3. fiscal restraint/competitive tax policy
4. supreme court nominations (pro-life)
5. global warming/environment

by the way, this is THE abortion election, the election the RR thought they were getting with GWB the first and second terms. Casey/Roe will be reversed if the Republicans win the POTUS election and it will be left to the states.
Fixing three things is waaay too much to ask of this generation of leaders, in one term.

I will list my three "save America" favorites, anyway. All of equal importance!

1. Cease the financial hemoraging that is Iraq!
1. Initiate "fair trade"!
1. Seal our borders/expulse illegals!

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