been watching ESPN's ongoing show(s) in response to the 150th anniversary of college football (our helmets back in '69 are allsome, btw, in regards to this)---anyways, tonight's question is was "What if"--some of the possible responses: (in no order)
1)Nebraska TIED Miami in 1984 (Craig Curry bebacle an botched punt return, that had no bearing on this game, btw)
2) ND joins B-10
3) USC beats our 'Horns in '05 (not gonna happen)
4) Texas and ousux join PAC-10
5)SMU doesn't get death penalty
6) Bear Bryant goes to coach Dolphins 1980
My point is "What if Colt McCoy doesn't get injured vs Bama in NC game?"
Damn, I'm not gonna give this one up---of course this is not the order that the show gave or all that they mentioned---but I got kinda perturbed that they never even mentioned that! I will carry that excuse (I that a good response??) to my grave---what do you guys (and gals) think??!
1)Nebraska TIED Miami in 1984 (Craig Curry bebacle an botched punt return, that had no bearing on this game, btw)
2) ND joins B-10
3) USC beats our 'Horns in '05 (not gonna happen)
4) Texas and ousux join PAC-10
5)SMU doesn't get death penalty
6) Bear Bryant goes to coach Dolphins 1980
My point is "What if Colt McCoy doesn't get injured vs Bama in NC game?"
Damn, I'm not gonna give this one up---of course this is not the order that the show gave or all that they mentioned---but I got kinda perturbed that they never even mentioned that! I will carry that excuse (I that a good response??) to my grave---what do you guys (and gals) think??!