What if they are all wrong about Harbaugh


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Everyone seems to think that he is on his way to the NFL and worn out by the constant NCAA persecution. I think I assumed it to be obvious as well. But then I saw him on CGD this am and he really plays the defiant Michigan man. By all accounts, Michigan wants to keep him and can probably pay him whatever he wants. He probably needs for nothing. Then I read the Wall Street Journal this weekend "College Football's Unlikely Revolutionary". Honestly, I think he will stay.
1) His fans and the Michigan Board support him
2) Money isn't really the issue
3) No one (under oath) thinks the NCAA is fair or just or competent.
4) His alleged violations are unseemly at times but compared to Sandusky at Penn State or Baylor gate, or even Cam Newton's dad got it not me, his "crimes'" are Ned's first reader, is this really a rule stuff.
5) No one cares that tOSU is griping about Michigan and Penn State (see above). Next year the Big Ten will add new complainers but one is USC (see Regie Bush etc).
6) Michigan players have responded by winning.
7) Harbaugh and Trump seem to have a similar "your rules are BS prove me wrong" which resonates with many people.
8) Harbaugh is the king of UM, why become an employee in the NFL?
Harbaugh is the king of UM, why become an employee in the NFL?
I can only guess that it depends on his professional ambitions. Winning a Super Bowl might be considered the ultimate achievement in the profession, who knows.
Money isn't really the issue
I can’t even fathom how it could be for someone in his situation, but I remember J. Paul Getty (I think it was him) when asked how much money is enough — he simply replied more.
I agree. I do not think he knew about the punk sign stealing.
He has been solid winner as Head Coach. 116_46
87_25 at Michigan. The man can coach. He does not need to cheat. His job was not on line.
Sorry it happened at Michigan. Jerkwad nerd who thought he was brilliant, hope he goes to jail
The thing that isn’t overly obvious is dealing with recruiting and the portal in the NIL world. Coaches who have had tons of ‘brand’ success. Like Michigan, Alabama, and Georgia notably, are not geared up or gened up to compete with the money-driven new comers. Like aTm. For a lot of players, the $$$ right now outweighs the brand and sure development draw. Winter in Michigan is just not fun for anybody but particularly for southern kids. Sad as it is, the NFL has better roster management than college. They dont allow this every year shopfest that is Transfer portal. The coaches dont have to plead with 18 YO millionaires and their egos. Hell, that is a fine statement of what a mess this has become. BMD are also a major PIA where the NFL has only one owner to appease. You just dont see lifetime coaches like DKR, Patterno, Bowden, Saban much any more. But dynasties are what BMDs expect. DKR had heat after three 6-4 and Mack left a step ahead of the lynch mob. If you are honest woth yourself as a HC, you know you are only a couple of injuries are mediocre recruiting classes from hot seat. Who needs that?

Harbaugh is really good at what he does, and he is really an *******. He can get away with his schtick when running a bunch of kids. Pulling that crap on a bunch of 300 pound 25 year old men may put him in the ER. I don't think the Super Bowl is a lure for him, but owning part of the franchise might be.

When his story broke, I said it was a vendetta run by a bunch gutless wonders known as the NCAA and their member wannabes. I really wish people on this board had experienced the pleasure of having those morons visit your office. So much fun, and so damn funny.
Remember, this is a guy the Michigan fan base wanted gone, until the 2021 tOSU game.

I’m biased. I can’t stand him as a person. Nauseatingly arrogant. The opposite of a HC like Sark.

About the cheating? I have no doubt that he knew, and that he approved of the activity. Now, of course, supposedly he’s as clean as a whistle. Not a chance.

When you do what Michigan did, you jeopardize the integrity of the game. Perhaps not to others, but that really matters to me.

I always thought that Michigan was a high caliber operation. A school with integrity. After all, they have won more college football games than any other program. I certainly don’t think that anymore.

Had this happened at Texas, I have little doubt that the HC would have been suspended immediately, pending a Beard-type investigation. And he would later have been terminated. That’s why “We’re Texas,” not OU, TAM, Auburn, Georgia, Michigan, tOSU, and a number of other ethically challenged programs.

Harbaugh is really good at what he does, and he is really an *******. He can get away with his schtick when running a bunch of kids. Pulling that crap on a bunch of 300 pound 25 year old men may put him in the ER. I don't think the Super Bowl is a lure for him, but owning part of the franchise might be.

When his story broke, I said it was a vendetta run by a bunch gutless wonders known as the NCAA and their member wannabes. I really wish people on this board had experienced the pleasure of having those morons visit your office. So much fun, and so damn funny.
It was Vegas, but same difference.
It is basically impossible for Harbaugh not to know. They have team meetings and discuss signs…so obviously he doesn’t think he is that good of a coach if he resorted to cheating. Why would this guy fly around the US if it wasn’t being used??
I think he is a very good coach but a very good cheater.
Sabre-Harbaugh already coached a Super Bowl team in the NFL so his methods do work in the NFL.
I agree. I do not think he knew about the punk sign stealing.
He has been solid winner as Head Coach. 116_46
87_25 at Michigan. The man can coach. He does not need to cheat. His job was not on line.
Sorry it happened at Michigan. Jerkwad nerd who thought he was brilliant, hope he goes to jail
This went on for years sending people all over the country spending thousands of dollars.
Why would they spend so much money and effort over such a long period of time if it wasn't helping the team?
And howcould it help the team without Harbough knowing about it?
How many of those places /schools did Michigan need to steal signs from to beat
Maybe 20%. They certainly didn’t need them to beat teams like East Carolina or Bowling Green. But once a cheater, always a cheater. That is, until you get caught. Then deny, deny, deny. After all, Harbaugh, and the school that employs him, are pillars of integrity.


Did I mention the bridge I have for sale?
I used to respect Michigan. Now they are down there with the Auburns, Ole Miss, OU and Pigs of the world.
I'll say this first. For whatever reason that I can't quite pinpoint, I've never liked Harbaugh. So naturally I think he should be beheaded, whether he knew about the sign stealing or not.

But here's the story that has made the rounds among the TCU people, one of which is my kid who attended there. He says the story is that TCU knew about the sign stealing last year and used that intel to trick Michigan into some woefully wrong defensive formations. Which helps explain how TCU was able to defeat them.

True story? I have no idea. Just passing it along in case no one else has ever brought it up.