Seriously, I haven't been back to Texas in so long I've forgotten. I just got tamales for lunch and I swear they had, along with the meat, carrots, potatoes, and sliced bell peppers in there. Is that normal?
I'm used to just meat and seasoning inside the corn. After my initial shock, I managed to force everything down. It wasn't particularly bad, it just tasted wrong. And I didn't get them at some pansy CalMex place either, it was a hole in the wall where the folks barely spoke English so I'm wondering if it's just a different kind of tamale.
Just for the record - it was whole baby carrots, potatoes sliced into sticks, and sliced bell peppers.
I'm used to just meat and seasoning inside the corn. After my initial shock, I managed to force everything down. It wasn't particularly bad, it just tasted wrong. And I didn't get them at some pansy CalMex place either, it was a hole in the wall where the folks barely spoke English so I'm wondering if it's just a different kind of tamale.
Just for the record - it was whole baby carrots, potatoes sliced into sticks, and sliced bell peppers.