What are the conditions for a medical redshirt?

You have to miss 2 seasons due to injury. I believe the rule now is you can play in up to three games (maybe 4?) before the injury and still be eligible for a medical redshirt.

Since Mauk redshirted his freshman year but was not injured, he had 4 "healthy" years where he would have been able to play.

I believe Scott Derry was in a similar situation but he decided not to petition because he knew his chances were slim. Shipley will more than likely get a sixth year because he missed 2 entire season with injuries.

Also, I think there's a rule that says you can play in up to three games in the season, then suffer a season ending injury, and still be able to use a regular redshirt for medical reason. I think that's what Selvin Young did the year he broke his leg.
It's messed up they count the first year redshirt. You want kids to get acclimated to college and the demands of big time football, so you create a rule that does that, yet doesn't help them out when they really need it.
My understanding is there's no red letter rule, it's more of an ad hoc basis. There's plenty to gripe about with the NCAA, but it seems like they get usually do it right with the medical redshirts. Obviously some cases are easier than others.

Was Ben Mauck injured his transfer year? That would make sense, b/c he would've had to sit that year out anyway.

you don't have to miss two seasons to injury.
The Link

I don't have time to look it up, as far as the medical redshirt goes, buI I don't think the link is correct in terms of timing. You can't play in more than 25 percent of the season, and you have to be injured by that point.

But the medical redshirt is different from the request for the sixth year. The medical redshirt is basically automatic if you fit the guideline. On the sixth year, the NCAA is pretty strict. IIRC, the rule doesn't say you have to have been injured both years you miss, but I don't think they've given a sixth year to someone who transferred on his own or sat out, uninjured.

The sixth year is not supposed to be easy to get.

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