Should federal workers be getting a pay increase when they already make in many respects more than their counterpart position in the private sector? Also considering that we are running over budget 1 trillion annually?
It's .5 percent and the first one in three years. I'm not too worried about that - the horse left the barn when Obama had the influx of new positions with six-figure salaries a couple years ago.
I'd prefer we kept it frozen but wouldn't draw any battle lines over this.
I have no objections to federal workers earning a good compensation package. What I do object to is the number of federal employees - our country needs to reduce the number of federal agencies (and thus the number of employees) significantly.
Of course Obama is going after the DoD first. It is one of the few Constitutionally mandated areas of responsibility for the Federal Government, so it makes perfect sense that the dumbfuck would look to cut there first.
Before we hold any benefits for these deprived federal workers we should look at the facts.
according to the link "
"Raises for within-grade step increases and promotions have continued during the freeze."
in grade step raises are as automatic as anything can be. So these workers did get a raise in 2011 simply by staying employed and doing their job.
These are union workers any guess on how many got fired? so all those employed got raises in 2011.